Im finding it hard to trace the line between jews and white genocide

im finding it hard to trace the line between jews and white genocide.
I get it that mainly jews are top ceo's in media, technology, etc and they have the ability to subvert people through said mediums but aren't they just appealing to demand in the free market capitalist system we have?

for example if women no longer wanted to feel entitled and equal footed with man, then wouldn't media pushing those themes stop? it wouldn't sell anymore.

I'm more convinced that the white race is being genocided through the wallets of women and cucked males. Jews only care about money and if that involves white genocide then so what?

and before you reply ((capitalism)) give an example of a better system besides national socialism which theoretically is impossible to achieve in 2018 with so much mud in the water

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Other urls found in this thread: 16 Balk.pdf

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>RABBI Yosef Tzvi Ben Porat explains why Hitler hated Jews.
>Rabbi admits that Muslims are Jews work together against Europe
>E. Michael Jones - Poland: Jewish "Paradise"
>Endgame - White Genocide
>The Talmudic basis of Jewish supremacy
>Miscegenation illegal in (((Our Greatest Ally)))
>Jews pushing immigration for white nations
>Barbara Lerner Spectre
>Jewish Supremacism
>Noel Ignatiev
>Mainstreaming white genocide
>Sarkozy on forced misecegenation
>Ben Freedman on World Zionist wars
>Alon Ziv promoting interracial couples
>Alon Ziv defending Jews refusing to breed outside their race
>The Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism

卐 - Jews in High Places
>Blood Passover - Rabbi Ariel Toaff
>200 Years together by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
>Germany Must Perish by Kaufman
>The Soul of a Jew and the Soul of a Non-Jew 16 Balk.pdf
>Rome and Jerusalem by Moses Hess
>The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine
>You Gentiles by Maurice Samuels
>Steinlight: 'The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Democracy'

卐 - Jews and the Porn Industry
> Nathan Abrams on Jews in the Porn Industry
> The Jewish Masters of Porn
> Pornography, sex slaves, prostitution… Why are these businesses dominated by Jews?
> Jewish Porn Star James Deen–“The Jews know we’re better than everyone else. That’s all that matters. It’s true. We’re the Chosen People. It’s a fact.”
> Interracial Porn Isn't Profitable
>Jewish Professor of American History at Aberdeen University in UK, Prof. Nathan Abrams. He boasts that Jews were the driving force of the modern pornographic industry and that their motivation is in part to destroy Gentile morals.

Heil Hitler

white people caused jews the most grief throughout history, because white people usually make the best society that jews obviously want to be a part of and ruin
also whitey is the only one that ever got redpilled enough to do something about the "capitalism" meme and jews simply cannot have that

Jews practice nepotism and descrimination. Which is why Harvard is massively over represented with Jews. Jews with test scores that are not as good as some non Jews... all of the banking and media propaganda is designed to collapse the west and bring in a new world order based out of Israel. It is deeper than just seeking shekels.

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this is so insane that im gonna have to ponder it for awhile but thanks

Jews fear nationalism and work to undermine host hation to promote the interests of the jews

Look into the Kalergi plan and try not to draw parallels to what is going on.

Capitalism's biggest weak spots are government intervention and monopolies. The Jews have and are successfully exploiting it through those two channels. It's like saying, if USA's healthcare sucks so much, the free market will just find a better solution. There's too much bureaucracy and entrenched establishments for there to be any change. It's the same with Jews' media monopoly.

since america is a superpower i guess the jews are really crapping at undermining

Are you brain dead? Our country may be the world hegemone, but we’re still Israel’s bitch. We give them billions in foreign aid and we fight their wars in the Middle East for them and we receive nothing because we’re just their good old goyim. Lurk more you fucking summer newfag.

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That Nathan Abrams brings up some good points, it is likely that some jews get into the industry as a big fuck you to the christian establishment, for jews, history is passed down from generation to generation, they all learn about the oppression and discrimination from the christian authority, all the way back to blaming them for killing christ and the old blood libel that jews ate christian children.
As for interracial porn not being profitable, that's some straight up bullshit right there, and it's white supremacists that buy most of that genre

if jews wanted government intervention and monopolies, wouldn't socialism be a far better model?

we don't fight wars for them in the middle east. It was cheney who was obsessed with iraq, all the jewish neo-con influence would have meant nothing without cheney's obsession with saddam.
Of the billions in aid Israel must spend 85% on our weapon systems, and essentially they battlefield test them for us so they aid money is more of a works project for our defense contractors. having said that, i would cut off aid until israel resumes the peace process.

>im finding it hard to trace the line between jews and white genocide.
try looking with your eyes
>aren't they just appealing to demand in the free market capitalist system we have?
that's too basic. Modern markets work on marketing, which is creating your own demand. No one is trying to meet an existing market need, media is all about convincing people they need completely new things they've never even heard of before.
>for example if women no longer wanted to feel entitled and equal footed with man, then wouldn't media pushing those themes stop? it wouldn't sell anymore.
similar to above marketing these grievances to demographics doesn't mean there's an actual need, the demand can be and usual is manufactured. Even when real targets are completely absent you can always point to invisible enemies (strawmen) and just outright lie. If you have the audience and the network you can make anything seem true.
>Jews only care about money and if that involves white genocide then so what?
they actually don't just care about the money, they care about their in group. They have the survival strategy of a parasite. What hurts the hosts benefits the parasite, and the host is working for the parasite without realizing it.
Shekels are an important part of that strategy but not the end all be all.
>give an example of a better system besides national socialism which theoretically is impossible to achieve in 2018 with so much mud in the water
Its becoming pretty clear why the water is muddy and where the mud is coming from.

>I'm more convinced that the white race is being genocided through the wallets of women and cucked males. Jews only care about money and if that involves white genocide then so what?

this point is easy to refute. why would they fetishize black culture and humor the inane preferences of african-americans who don't have as much purchasing power as whites to begin with? why promote their unproductive habits?

this user also raises very good points.

Based nip

>similar to above marketing these grievances to demographics doesn't mean there's an actual need, the demand can be and usual is manufactured. Even when real targets are completely absent you can always point to invisible enemies (strawmen) and just outright lie. If you have the audience and the network you can make anything seem true.

this in particular is at the heart of it. they're not responding to demand, they're shaping our preferences and our behaviors through marketing and other subtle cues. with platforms like youtube and facebook, it only becomes easier as recommender systems and other AI-based tools can be used to shape our experiences on a mass scale.

>media is all about convincing people they need completely new things they've never even heard of before.
this might exist in some circumstances but i think you'll find markets generally cater to peoples intrinsic interests. You cant market a cars and toy guns to little girls, they naturally want to play with dolls.

>they actually don't just care about the money, they care about their in group

if this is the case, why is it ok for jews to marry non-jews?

this is just a modern twist on the age old nonsense. There is no relation between facebook and youtube, both of which had very different creators, there is no high jewish council that decides they are going to invent a facebook and a youtube service and then delegate certain jews to run them. The AI that optimizes media ad buys is driven by whatever content will derive the most clicks and sales, there is no sinister motive behind it.

White normies think black people and culture is cool. Put a dollar sign on it and abuse that interest is what any smart business man would do Jew or non Jew

>jews don't actually care about the money
>elites keep hoarding more and more wealth
pick one you 20iq imbecile
(((ECONOMIC GROWTH))) is behind EVERY SINGLE "jewish" """policy""" you can come up with

Japanese porn is worse and they have no jews.

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>White normies think black people and culture is cool.

there's nothing inherently fashionable or desirable about ignorant, belligerent nig nogs. viacom and record labels made it seem cool.

>There is no relation between facebook and youtube, both of which had very different creators,

i never suggested this was the case. only that mass media in the past has engendered harmful trends, and that platforms like facebook and youtube make it even easier to shape popular culture and public opinion.

>i never suggested this was the case. only that mass media in the past has engendered harmful trends, and that platforms like facebook and youtube make it even easier to shape popular culture and public opinion.

meant for

>there's nothing inherently fashionable or desirable about ignorant, belligerent nig nogs

and if they wanted to do right by blacks, they would discourage this type of behavior. look at how african-americans are portrayed in 70/80s movies. cops, action heroes, generally honest middle-class people. common thugs were villains and their culture was not romanticized. i'm not saying this was perfect, but it was certainly a better angle than lowering the bar.

>actually believing that nonsense
Do you believe the earth is flat too? Jesus christ. Have you ever read a book on logic? Then why do you value your thoughts? Start simple, you know what you must do. Do you believe everything you see on the internet, or just pol?
Does anyone here even know who the people on the top of this board are?

>Does anyone here even know who the people on the top of this board are?

the people who run it? google, for one. that's obvious enough considering they hired moot. their surveillance capabilities suggests that it's also a state-sponsored project, so DARPA and/or other DOD agencies are probably involved.

I'm talking about Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle nigga

They exploited the foolishness of liberalism and forge perversions of it such as neoconservatism, neoliberalism, libertarianism, progressivism, identity politics etc.

>for example if women no longer wanted to feel entitled and equal footed with man, then wouldn't media pushing those themes stop? it wouldn't sell anymore.

It makes a fortune though, egalitarianism reduces people to the standard common denominator, a customer who can now purchase and contribute to the global market with no restrictions of morality, hierarchy, custom, culture, nationalism, family. It degrades man and women into hedonist consumers who value only that consumption.

This cannot be how the world is, if it remains this way, eerily on the eve of a great technological revolution in human history, (automation and AI) we may eternally stagnate devoid of greatness.

ah, right.

even if you don't want to entertain any of these conspiracies, you must admit that jewish media and finance are generally exploitative and a nuisance to society at large.

agree on all points.

fucking chinks are subhuman trash placing themselves as '2nd place whites'
they're insects who just conveniently have the same political views as Jow Forums
but they really want to double cross whites

a colony of termites can eat your house without explicitly conspiring to do so beforehand. of course there's no "evil jew white-genocide meeting". there are just a large group of them who are shitty exploitative people and behave as such.

>im finding it hard to trace the line between jews and white genocide.


also the FRB

-The Jews are the leadership and vanguard of a movement of literal Baby sacrificing Moloch worshippers who want to reduce the world's population drastically and rule over an unintelligent, brown slave class.
-Communism was invented by these people for the sole purpose of instituting a worldwide police state through which they can rule, and they plan to institute it universally through the UN.
-Manmade climate change is a hoax, just like the holocaust, designed to scare and guilt people into accepting new draconian rules and losing their way of life.
-They are perfectly willing to allow Islam to fester so long as they can control its leadership to ensure that it keeps the masses terrified and under control while not harming them.
-They created and control ISIS.
-9/11 was orchestrated by the Jews and their Saudi puppets with Bush's knowledge.
-They control literally every nation on earth that has a central bank.
-They propped the United States and Russia up as superpowers in order to use them both to transform the world. They are now propping China up as they head toward the next stage of their plan.
-The migrant crisis was carefully planned and orchestrated by them in order to flood white nations with low-IQ blacks and muslims.
-They are socially engineering us to believe that whiteness is evil and that racemixing is our duty in order to wipe out whites as they see us as their biggest threat.
-They hate Spirituality above all else and are doing everything in their power to eradicate it.
-95% of American pastors for the last century have been bought by Jews and spoonfed kike propaganda to lead their congregations into worshipping the kikes as "God's chosen people" even though the Bible calls them the Synagogue of Satan and Christ-killers.
-Faggotry, trannyism, feminism, and porn are all funded and pushed by them to reduce birthrates, especially amongst whites.
-They are behind every anti-white movement as they desperately want a race war.

Very enlightening, thanks for the input!

>All of Canada is white supremacist.
> In order to make this claim work, academics have had to completely redefine the term "White supremacy" in a way that makes it unrecognisable to most people. In calling Canada a "White supremacist" country, academics don't mean that Canada is a country like Nazi Germany; what they mean is that, within Canada, White culture is "supreme", "systemic", and "institutionalized". That is, Western Civilisation is interwoven into the very fabric of what Canada is: our two official languages are European languages; we have a European legal system which is built on European philosophies of life and government; we have European architecture, European technology, European Holidays/Festivals, and not to mention, there are White people everywhere — in business, education, government, media etc. And this, according to the dominant ideology in our universities, is a problem. It is in this sense that academics call your multicultural Canada a "White supremacist" state.

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Our ancestors believed the Jews were sacrificing goyim children and using their blood in rituals. A new term was invented to counter the claims. BLOOD LIBEL

Internet autists believe the political Elite (jews) are raping, trafficking and sacrifices kids in rituals world wide. A new term was created to counter these claims FAKE NEWS.

Interesting how terms keep getting created in order to """"""debunk"""""" and counter the same claims over and over.
Really activates the almonds.

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this is a good example of controlled opposition. over-the-top ramblings that serve to discredit legitimate criticism


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For 1,000 years, the Jews were satisfied running Aryan countries from behind the scenes, but what happened in Germany in the 1930s unnerved them, so they decided it's time for us to go.

Why don't the Jews just move to Brazil or the US, they could have their little Jewtopia today.
Leave Europe alone.

Vote Little
Win Big

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i am right. your first sentence makes reference to the supernatural and child-sacrifice. there is plenty of low-hanging redpill fruit that doesn't presuppose an international conspiracy and make you look crazy.

Bobby Fisher, a famous Jew said this, he was an anti-globalist and anti-zionist.
Pic related

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A Little change goes along way

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The act of sacrifice really does not mean supernatural gooble gobble. It means the perpetrators are evil as fuck.

Projection is always obvious.

Feminism is a viral bio weapon

Femin Virus

you aren't doing yourself any favors if you're really trying to convince people. start with centralized banking or their control over the media. start with critical theory.

> I don't know what is written in pic rellated
Let's all read it together.

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You are right, but most of that stuff are quotes, serves enough.

This kinda fits here

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>posts a picture of a traitorous idiot
>posts like a retard

Sorry dude, you're fucked. Might as well kys now spare us from another aussie shitposter

see, this is exactly what i'm talking about. this does not appear reasonable to the average person. it makes you look like a drunken mel gibson after marathoning the x-files.

lmao fucking schizos

>everybody, except me is part of an elaborate conspiracy to ensure reality continues to exist (and thats a bad thing)

Shitty, it's just a pic about bongistan

Sure thing. Boomers allowed the mechanism of factional reserve banking to bloom into the global debt cabal we see today.
p.s normans arent in this thread so everyone here already knows about fiat currency and centralized banking.

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What does CBC have against Chechens? They are proud Muslims and violent af, even though they are "whiter than you" white.

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You are incorrect, and if want to more information on it, that proves it's the Jews, then has plenty of information on it.

Ask them

I’m with you, OP. While Jews are evil rats, I don’t think they’re responsible for white genocide. Whites are kind of buttfucking themselves, organically, and I think this overall contraction of the white race is somewhat cyclical. We get comfortable, we let in a Trojan horse, then we get all “surprised.”

Also, white Zionistism is just as responsible for Jewry as much the goddamned Jews are. This Zionistism is horseshit whites willingly chose and they’re responsible for their own choices.

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>Boomers allowed

how was the average boomer supposed to recognize the threat of fractional reserve banking? let's not shift blame

What??? Yes they are responsible, because they are the ones in positions of government that let it happen.

They were too busy being good goy worker bees to actually pay attention to the faults of democracy, globalism, centralized banks and moving off of the gold standard.
Seriously, little shits knowns as gen z know all about it and old people are still trying to grasp the concept.

Im not sure if this one is legible

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> im finding it hard to trace the line between jews and white genocide.

You’re most likely stupid then. Just try not to speak in life

I guess that one goes in the oven.
Pic related is a hat our ancestors forced the Jews to wear. They were seen as leppers and were not to be trusted. Where did it all go wrong?

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Read Coc. 1924 1965 immigration acts.

We need great leaders and the ability to see/vote for them.

For starters, anyone who said "diversity is our strength" and pushes pro-diversity policies is directly causing White genocide. Furthermore, people like Joe Biden have explicitly said that it's better for White people to die off and be replaced with immigrants. Not hard to figure out.

It's deeper than that, look into oxytocin. Not even the Jews can control what's coming.

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>natural selection
>what if iq tests are wrong?
>what about the jewish race when it gets blacked too?
This is not well thought through.

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is this not one reason public academia exists? to research this sort of thing? when did it become an indoctrination tool of the left? what are all those polysci/economics classes for?

Didnt Israel just prohibit non jews marrying jews?

>Didnt Israel just prohibit non jews marrying jews?

lol. can you imagine anti-miscegenation laws in the USA?

Read some Kevin Macdonald's or watch some of his interviews.

Not a real quote.

>A big lie (German: große Lüge) term was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, about the use of a lie so "colossal" that no one would believe that someone "could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously."
Blaming jews is a powerful propaganda tactic but only subhumans believe in it.

>According to Hitler, the "Big Lie" was a propaganda technique typically used by "the Jews".[1]

Don't be so deceitful. Hitler wasn't announcing his intention to lie to the German people.

is there an AIPAC or ADL equivalent in Canada? Or any other Jewsih lobby

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