Why is the International Jew so hellbent on destroying the white race...

Why is the International Jew so hellbent on destroying the white race? Don’t they realize that the society they’ve successfully subverted would collapse without us?

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We're the only ones they fear

Well, us and the Samurai

Get over it faggot lol

People are considered as fungible economic units to them. They care about money, not race or culture. It's a fake tweet, btw.

They're removing the competition. But really it's just pushing people to go to war and kill each other as best as possible like the other two world wars.
We are the Samurai

She hates white men because they won't fuck her. It's the reason all feminists hate men.

You know when abortion becomes legal, that's not gonna happen.

The exact opposite of all that will happen.


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That one may be fake, but there’s plenty of real-life examples of white-passing Jews calling for the extermination of whites.

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Why are you fake news, Jow Forums?

That sort of offends me...

Is this a real tweet? I'm getting real sick of these kikes.

Why does she want to kill me Jow Forums?

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Rather rule in Hell...

They want us to kill them.

Not really sure why yet.

Every. Fucking. Time.

Pretty obvious. White men are literally gods on Earth.

Because you’re the only thing that can defeat her

They've spent their entire history pissing off the natives, being genocided and being evicted from nations. They are not brilliant tacticians long term.

Sure is summer innit?

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oh jew

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>1 post by this id

They're removing the competition. Remember, every time a Jew insults Whites, what he's really saying is:

>You Whites are awe-inspiring and it scares the living shit out of us...

Take it as the compliment it is and laugh even harder in their faces.

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U w0t?

Just like the other 6 gorrilion times in history the Jews get carried away and don't foresee consequences.

Theres a reason the white birthrate has been on the decline for the last 50 years and all the sudden started rising again when people are calling for white genocide.

Whites subconsciously know whats coming, and were gearing up.

They need at least another 100 years to even have a chance at defeating us in a race war. good thing they showed their hand

Half of them are hyperzionistic.
They are still afraid that whitoids will one day schoah them again.

I think most really don't care a lot. Many are just born into a very jew-conscious environment and they look out for their own - as they should.

I want to know more about collective unconscious race theory

>white people amirite
it's a trend bitch wants to be noticed

You first nigger LOL

Why don't you post the numbers of white babies aborted along side those numbers? Is your intention to shill for baby murder?

Google is your friend

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Because white males are the most dangerous and evil animals on the planet. You all deserve to die. Men of colour are more sexy and virile anyways.

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who cares
just kill them all

fucking mother of kek this is my troll account. I see it everywhere on instagram, but if you track the account I actually broke character and talked shit to sjws later on. I would mostly only use it while drunk and in a funny mood but I'm glad this tweet has red pilled a fair few ppl. Just doing my part, lads.

Hi there it was my meme account and I really did tweet that. A bunch of people reported it and that's why my account got suspended.

sometimes they hate men because they get fucked and abandoned

This is one of the reasons Hillary lost the election and the democrats will lose big in the midterms

Cause she's a mean lady who wants her way "at all costs"

Women like this are perpetually unsatisfied.

Top kek and checked, m8.

Because white people make their claim of being God's chosen people hold little water.

>Abort all white male children

I fucking came up with the slogan "ABORT WHITE BABIES" for a meme campaign and you faggots all said it was too brazen and would backfire



Feminism is a viral bio weapon

Femin Virus

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Exactly something Mr. Gurstein would say. hmmm

>Don’t they realize that the society they’ve successfully subverted would collapse without us
I think they genuinely don't get this.

The only way I can understand Jewish behavior is by attributing to them herculean amounts of delusion


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We call those faggots shills. And those are the worst kind. So many raids and hunts and campaigns have been crashed into the ground by shills getting other anons paranoid. They use our own autism against us.
>Hurrrr it's gurna backfurrre on Jow Forums and makes uz look bayd.
Like when the fuck was the last time we ever looked good and when the fuck did we start trying.

Advocating for the mass extermination of white male infants sounds like a hate crime to me user.
What do twitter TOS say?

They don't care. They have Israel to escape to once everything collapses.