No, bullying doesn’t cause school shooters because then POC, trans and LGBT would be shooting up schools.
Why can’t white boys accept the fact that they’re prone to being violent?
“Bullying causes school shooti-“
>POC, trans and LGBT would be shooting up schools
they are tho
Bullshit. Where I went to school, in a heavily democratic state, the sports teams were all non-whites, the homecoming king/queen was just a throwaway to the disabled or gay kids and all the popular kids weren’t even white.
You know who say at the “loser” tables? White kids.
You know who was being bullied for being a “loser”?
White kids.
You know who was excluded from everything for their “privilege”?
White kids.
Fuck outta here with that shit.
>white boys
Most of the shooters aren't even white.
>some faggots need to be shot
Yeah but Sam Hyde said "the weak must fear the strong" so you just got BTFO like a weak little genetically inferior cuckboi also , goblinos aren't white (muh one drop rule)
kill yourself loser
Source motherfucker
If the weak fear the strong, why is it the Marxists and minorities who do everything in their power to make the white man smaller, less significant, weaker?
Following your logic, it's whites who are stronger, because they're the only ones who get systematically oppressed.
>white boys
Woah, that sounds transphobic, maybe the "white boys" self-identify as black pansexual women
Tsk Tsk Tsk, such a bigot
I'll bet a lot of those white kids are called faggot more times than actual faggots
black people are the highest in shooting, so yes they are, just because they dont do it in school and instead outside means they still do it.
the murder rate is the highest and is thus the highest.
Whats this? Liberals have to mentally live in the past in order to appear right?
Trans, LGTBQ and all those faggots are all coddled and "validated" by the school system. White kids aren't, they are told that they are poisonous and unnecessary. That's why they kill you, you fucking faggots.
I don't see the football captain shooting up schools
I see meek little nerds
Wasnt the texas shooting done by a lgbtq member who was also 15 shades of poc? Also was bullied
lol incel
In Norway one showed up with a machete and people even took pics with him.
The trick is to only kill brown people
Lol israeli
Statistically speaking white people are the most peaceful and benevolent people on the planet and the least likely to be involved in a violent crime but hey that doesn't fit the mainstream narrative at all.
The reason there are mass shootings is because dumb faggots exist. Dumb faggots surrounding them in school, dumb faggots running the school, dumb faggots running the world. Hell, the shooter themself is often a dumb faggot. The whole problem would be solved if people would just stop being stupid fucking faggots. Just think, “would a faggot do that?” and if one would, you don’t do that thing. Queers.
imagine being so retarded you think white males are prone to violence whilst also trying to piss off white males 24/7
>hehe lions are dangerous... let me just climb into this lions cage and try to poke it with a stick
Nope. Europids are perfectly represented at around 56% of mass shootings. Makes you wonder which subspecies are over represented. Something tells me it's the usual suspects
This guy is my spirit animal. Also 100% correct. Fucking faggots.
Going ghost, faggot
>bullying causes nothing
Oh good... I guess that means the links to teasing faggots and faggots killing themselves are debunked as well.
>1 post by this (((ID)))
Why are white women like this?
wasnt the most recent school shooting done by an LGBT commie?
He had a fag pin on his hat
What a narcissistic worldview. "I didn't shoot up a school and I was bullied therefore bullying doesn't mess with people that much".
All your whining doesn't change reality. The bullied need to get bullied because they're weak. In user's situation, even if he's white, he's weak because he chose to cower and submit in his situation instead of using his "übermensch aryan genetics" to overcome it.
Wasn't this last shooter bisexual? Blows a hole in that theory
Lets say it is a “white boy” thing.
>if what the libs say is true and everyone else gets bullied more
Then why is it that white boys are the only ones that act this way
>could it be that maybe, everyone else gets more support?
Also, has anyone noticed that how much libs love strawmen and speaking for everyone?
Which is why antidepressants switches on the kill part of the brain by suppressing the benevolent parts of the brain.
blacks have the highest mass shooters per capita, they're just too dumb to sit through easy K-12 classes
>kids of color and poor kids aren't shooting
It's so obvious this person lives in a gated community.
>hurrr whypipo violent
School shootings causes bullying.
Every time there is a school shooting the Second Amendment gets bullied, despite the fact that just in Texas there are over seven thousand schools. This means that six thousand, and ninety nine did not have a shooting. Same could be said of any of the school shootings. You are more likely to get shot in a public street than a school.
if minorities were strong they wouldn't need the government to stop those who fight back at them
When non-whites commit shootings its "gang related" or "drug related." Go ahead and cherry pick the supposed white ones even though they are the LEAST violent demographic.
Maybe these "at risk" groups aren't getting bullied at the same level nowadays?
Actually niggers kill more kids than whites, cunt.
The vast majority of school shooting are done by kids of single mothers.
Instead of seeing this as proof that bullying doesn’t cause school shootings, maybe it’s proof that these other groups aren’t bullied?
Yeah because the rest of these fat ugly biches end up killing THEMSELVES lol ohhh man the mental retardation is strong. Still calling potentials “little white boys” continuing the bullying and potentially provoking another shooting every time these tweets go viral.
Also, “I speak for all people” shit needs to start. Fat ugly WHITE bitches have no place talking about people of color. WILL SOMEONE PLEASE LET THESE BITCHES KNOW THEY’RE WHITE THEMSELVES? People of color really want a bunch of privileged ass white bitches talking about their first world problems?
All of them, fucking pathetic. These kids don’t even know what real bullying is with this pathetic ass pussy culture.
A bunch of fucking pussies.
They don't shoot up schools because they're too busy killing themselves.
And if whites were strong they wouldn't be getting bullied in schools then still complaining about it on the internet years later.
Look at the filthy mutt hurrying to defend his beloved minorities.
The weak must fear the strong. You should've fought back or brought a gun to school.
look at the little kikels
>tfw you call him a kike before he starts the pilpul
>trannys, POC, LGBT being bullied in 2018
They're as protected as any group in the fucking country. You bully them you get expelled. You call a white boy a cracker and you get extra tater tots with lunch.
"POC" don't go to school in the first place, but they do shoot each other a lot in the hood.
LGBTQDADAZKDKAKC+++++ kill themselves before they reach 30.
>Statistically speaking white people are the most peaceful and benevolent people on the planet
This is utter bullshit when you examine the atrocities white people caused throughout history, especially on themselves. Shit that would make the Chinese blush.
>why can't white boys accept the fact that they're prone to being violent?
Meanwhile, niggers make up 13% of the population yet are responsible for over half the murders in the US, and this is similar to other types of violent crime
Blacks disproportionately commit school shootings.
Fat kids, poor kids, etc. know they are a group to be targeted for bullying unless they have good personalities
Literally having charisma in school will get you friends
All the school shooters have had outsider personalities, ie low friend counts, but we’re for the most part average attractive
No friends / personal connections lead to trouble
Good me are an instrument of school shootings, not the cause
>trannies getting bullied in 2018
>not being congratulated every hour of the day
>implying LGBT faggots would be able to shoot straight
He's obviously talking about modern times in which he is correct. Every race has their fair share of atrocities.
>Shit that would make the Chinese blush.
Can you be any more dishonest
It's because White males are the only ones that can figure out how to shoot a gun.
American schools are basically minimum security prisons for teenagers. When you combine this with just how sociopathic and narcissistic American teenagers are you get a powder keg. There’s a reason this shit is contained to schools and not the job site.
The NRA Gun Lock Salesman Strikes Again
They just suck at it
why are there so many cops and metal detectors at black majority schools