I need nordcucks to explain this

i need nordcucks to explain this.

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Ayo nibba

Explain what?
In 1800 there were 2M swedes and about 1M in all the other Nordic countries
There were 10M Brits around that same time

Same reason why USA isn't on the left graph either

i think i finally understand who the niggers of the white race really are. you guys are like muslims with recessive genes. very fitting that you are being overrun with the, sad that the big four have to fall as well.

5 times the population. 11 times the invention. still doesnt cut it bud.

Apparently they can’t even read a graph so it’s not suprising that they couldn’t accomplish much.

Denmark and norway is in top 5 of highest hdi. #1 in best for business in forbes 2015. Lego, maersk etc. also managed to discover north america before anybody else. Excellent sailors traders and craftsmen. It has to do with access to education and level of education at those times. Aswell as population sizes. Aswell as germany and britain also had empires which made them more scientifically curious. And allowed them to study biology and other things far more. Whereas norse were more craftsmen and farmers and didn´t have much interest in it. But you can clearly tell by how it is today that it is some of the best countries in the world to live. That we are doing quite well for ourselves. So if you are using it to meassure intelligence or something then you´d be wrong.

who cares, china is still better and more smart than any of eurofags


1. your hdi wont be lowered because it is the admittance of the effect third world immigrants have on the first world.
2. discovering and conquering are two different things. the amazonian women moved all over the middle east but never built anything, all they did was kill and pillage.
2. germany and britain had empires because they were more organized and had centralized economies that allowed for industrial evolution. why did this not take place in northern europe if the nordic gene is superior?
4. agricultural revolution and industrial revolution allowed for less people to be necessary to do a certain task. more people were freed to pursue other interest or go into industry. northern europea simply fell behind.

how well are you actually doing? you were doing well because you had no blacks and muslims. lets see how you hold up in the coming years.

smarter? china gets its technology from israel who gets it from the united states. europeans are the only real players until genomics steps in. there is that threat but otherwise the chinese are mere ants compared to america. your extra five points on the iq scale dont get you shit,

It's very COLD in Scandinavia, you dipshit. That's the explanation. It's hard to live where it's really cold. Civilization reaches places where it's hard to live last. That's why there isn't a fucking McDonalds in Antarctica.

Write it down, faggot.

i agree with this. now explain why nordic genes are superior. western europe had flat lands and navigable rivers and created civilization. agreed. so arent anglo saxons and germanics the real white master race. whats with the obsession with nordic genes?

china was always ahead in history

You can tell though that it would not be very good for europeans to become minority in their own countries. And not fair to europeans either since others have their own nations. And instead people should focus on that instead of shitting on particular european peoples. I mean how can you even begin to shit on scandinavian countries today and call them idiots when they are basically all in top global HDI. It´s clearly some anti european agenda of doing this. This constant retarded obsession about who is best like you are a little kid. People deserve to be majority in their own countries doesn´t matter who they are.
Chinese are notorious for stealing intellectual property which trump has also talked about. Aswell as copying things made by others. It´s good that they are doing better now after that disaster of communism. But china has a lot of problems.
>hdi won´t be changed.
Wrong. Swedens hdi has been changed.
>you suck let´s see how you do.
Who cares about your pissing contest?
>whats with the obsession with nordic genes
See this is your problem. You can´t be objective for a second. You´re some mongrel that is trying to shit on nordics who haven´t done a shit to you. I hope you choke on your gmo burger you fat disgusting american.

huh? when is that?

Evidence shows that Scandinavians are dumber than Western Europeans.

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The Nordcuck excuse for their historical lack of achievement is always "there's not many of us" overlooking the fact that great people start out small and become big by being great. Rome began as a little settlement of drifters, refugees and bandits.

pissing contest? on one hand you say you would like to be a majority in your own country but then you call it a pissing contest.

what am i not being objective about? your blue eyes and blonde hair dont mean shit. slavs and nords are the niggers of white people. there is nothing you can say to that.

We have more Jews in our country than Israel.

China was most technologically advanced and largest economy for 2500 out of the last 3000 years

If USA is so great why didn't they simply invade Rome
hint: the answer is "there weren't many Americans 2000 years ago"

You're missing the point. Like Rome, we started out as a smattering of little colonies established by religious zealots, adventure seekers, and misfits, and conquered a continent by being great. The small population excuse is a shit excuse. Great, ambitious populations forge their destinies by expanding.

Nords just aren't great.

had the industrial revolution not taken place in western european it would not have taken place anywhere. there were no major inventions before then. the world was stagnant. my original graph shows that.

you never expanded. you never prospered. you are a secluded and isolated race of people and have achieved nothing when compared to your southern and western neighbors. fuck you and fuck your useless countries.

Even when look at the per capita ratio the Nords are Africa tier. For example, the Scandinavians produced no mathematician

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Ye we started out small and now have the best countries on the globe

must be hard to be a mutt

Nords did expand during the middle ages though

>slavs and nords are the niggers of white people. there is nothing you can say to that.
Ofcourse there´s something i can say to that. Look at our nations right now. Also you should know that the brits were heavily influenced by scandinavians. Look up things like danelaw. And nordics are considered germanic tribes.
Yeah we didn´t try too much to expand but traded all over the world and some of the best sailors in the world. All these places that had previous empires. Look at their situation now. Their 'greatness´ was because of empire and those ressources you can get like that. Your argument is not logical consistant, it´s trying to invent any excuse to call north europeans dumbasses. Because of some dislike or whatever you have for them. Don´t act as if you are objective about this.

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"best countries on the globe." your seclusion saved you until now. lets see what happens no you fucking weakling.

mutt? id rather be a fucking mutt than be a nordcuck right now. you are the epitome of weakness and betrayal.

Look how much he hate us. Amazing.

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>mutt? id rather be a fucking mutt than be a nordcuck right now. you are the epitome of weakness and betrayal.
Yep just an angry south american probably. Fits with his pissy attitude.

>So if you are using it to meassure intelligence or something then you´d be wrong.
How would you measure intelligence then? I agree with you, that your post is pretty much right, but how would you do it? There's 90000 variables and so on, not easy.

and what did they build? they enslaved slavs. thats fucking it.

the good old "we influenced germans and brits." no you fucking raided and pillaged. danelaw is literally you invading in the 9th century and brits saying 200 years later "yeah these guys invaded us and left some shit behind."

"look at their situation now." look at your fucking situation. our greatness was lost because of two world wars/ oh by the way what the fuck were you doing during those wars? fuck all.

for one they filled the power gaps left by the crumbling of the western Roman administration and imposed themselves as rulers all over the place

Huh. Aside from sweden we are doing pretty decently with keeping our immigrant flow moderate.
Who have we betrayed exactly. You are fuming at the mouth with hatred for scandinavians who never did a god damn thing to you. Some of the nicest and kindest people in the world live in scandinavia. Not retards like you who huff and puff and talk about weakness. You should probably sort out your own country who is nearly bankrupt before you go criticize others.
>How would you measure intelligence then? I agree with you, that your post is pretty much right, but how would you do it? There's 90000 variables and so on, not easy.
What i mean is you can´t deduct intelligence from the OP image between northern europeans for example. Since they are very similar people but their situations were completely different. You can also see how well we do today. But what he is trying to do is shit on scandinavians to call us niggers basically. Because he has an anti nordic agenda.

nah. European immigrant. try again

have fun being culturally enriched.

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>the good old "we influenced germans and brits." no you fucking raided and pillaged. danelaw is literally you invading in the 9th century and brits saying 200 years later "yeah these guys invaded us and left some shit behind."
No you don´t know any history of nordic people you didn´t see in some hollywood charicature. There was loads of cultural and people interactions and the vikings were not these savage idiots either that are often described in a cartoonish way.

less population density too bud

Dumb thread OP. Germanics have had a significant genetic impact on Western Europe and Great Britain, who are brothers of the nords. They just lived in different places.

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>nah. European immigrant. try again
Well you sound like a complete faggot so your country of origin is probably glad they finally got rid of you. Where are you originally from?

denmark has 5.7 million people. half a million are immigrants. i have no idea what you are talking about.
"some of the nicest and kindest people." you are nice at giving gibs to third world immigrants.
the dollar is world reserve currency. we are militarily so ahead of everyone we sell our technology to our enemies to make things seems fair so we can keep rolling out new weapons.

that was from before whites came and displaced the native darker skinned population

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population density is a byproduct of innovation and organization. you had a cold environment, yes, but you never fully overcame it.

sure. im sure the brits were real friendly with you fuckers after the 9th century. real friendly.

"brothers who lived in different places." what you mean is two groups of people that evolved in two different environments. there is no germanic nordic alliance you fuck.

where are you originally from? turkey or syria probably.

population density is a byproduct of having farmable land for more than a few months of the year

No the genetic impact in France is insignificant, yet we literally dwarf others in many fields.

>be 10 million Jews
>produce 1/4 of modern philosophy, 1/3 of physics and 1/4 of modern mathematics
>be 20 million Scandinavians
>produce 1 philosopher, 2 physicists, 1 mathematician

>need derpy people to explain

did you just fall in the deep end and drown or what
stop posting
lurk moar
stop asking retarded questions

>i need nordcucks to explain this.
nordics arent a race. its a culture.
nordics = germanic

are you saying the germanic race is not the master race?

oh wow thats the only thing? im sure you kind some african tribes with more population density than northern europeans even though they had no navigable rivers and farmable land.

>we military, we world reserve currency
You literally think like a retarded monkey with rabies. It´s funny to look at. All this huffing and puffing and shitting on north european countries. As far as i know americans have been reduced to about 50% of the population. So it seems you have your own problem with immigration.
>"brothers who lived in different places." what you mean is two groups of people that evolved in two different environments. there is no germanic nordic alliance you fuck.
Germany and scandinavians have a good friendship with eachother. Again you don´t have a clue.
>sure. im sure the brits were real friendly with you fuckers after the 9th century. real friendly.
Actually they were.
Also you didn´t answer where you are from in europe since you claim to be european. No i´m very danish.

all nords are germanic? holy shit lmao. are you one of those new germans?

>all nords are germanic? holy shit lmao. are you one of those new germans?
Nordics are germanic tribes you idiot. You didn´t even know did you?

denmark, sweden norway ( and mixed finland ) yes. they are germanic.

literally always

there are places in the united states that are more white than your country will ever hope to be.
history of eu proves otherwise.
im french.

i want you to list the nordic countries so i could tell you how fucking stupid you are.

and i want you to list the germanic countries so i could do the same to you.

You want someone to do a google search for you so you can prove them stupid

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>be french.
>move to the US.
>act tough as if he accomplished a damn thing for the US, and shit on germanics.
Why do these people exist.

there are only 3 white races. celts, germanics and slavs.

france is a mix of celts and germanics. england, germany, scandinavia is pure germanic. everything east of germany is either half slavic/germanic or fully slavic.

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germany is not a nordic country and the nordic countries are not germanic. you claiming otherwise?

>Top 3 achieving countries are nordic or partially nordic
explian what

>africans have no farmable land

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Adjusted for population Sweden and Denmark at about the same level as Britain

germanics? nords arre not germanic.

you are actually fucking deluded if you think that Scandinavia is in any way related to france.

Do you seriously not know the difference between Germany (the country) and Germanic (the people)

what the fuck is nordic? nord literally means north. french and brits have as little to do with nords and greeks and italians.

very little when compared to western europe. even when compared to you shitty nation.

France is no Germanic m8, not even 10 %. Even Alsace isn't Germanic racially speaking (like Austria and Southern Germany)

He´s retarded. And remember all of this is based on the OP image. He´s acting as if because scientific research was conducted mostly by 4 large european nations. That we never built or did anything. We can´t get credit for anything decent we did in past. We can´t even get credit for our situation today where our nations are pretty well functioning and very high in HDI. infact in the top 5 you have norway germany and denmark. Sweden is dropped to 15 but that´s understandable given the situation. But anyways. He call us niggers for some reason aka he means we are shit people. Amazing.
>germany is not a nordic country and the nordic countries are not germanic. you claiming otherwise?
Scandinavians are considered germanic tribes. It´s amazing you don´t get that. Hitler knew this aswell.
>Do you seriously not know the difference between Germany (the country) and Germanic (the people)
I think he´s genuinely not very smart.

well you could call all of europe west of russia germanic if you want. still doesnt make french people related to nords.

you did fuck all.
in that sense all of europe is germanic. french are not HOWEVER related to nords. neither are brits.

germanics come from north germany. biggest white population on earth, even back on the day. germanics spread out in all directions. ( you could by the way WALK from germany to scandinavia back in the day. there wasnt any water. )

to answer your question : north east france is germanic, yes.

everything north of germany is germanic.

everything south of germany is germanic ( even past switzerland, into northern italy )

and everything east of germany ( to prussia ) USED to be germanic. but thanks to you mutts thats not anymore.

science is one thing, but art is... art.

I think our mutt man is losing it

It means the Caucasions who migrated to the north and subsequently enter Europe form the northeast in a series of invasions and migrations over thousands of years.

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so the most important nations: britain and france are not germanic. thanks you.
italy is not germanic either.

Except that´s not true. But since you have already demonstrated how little you know about north european history that´s understandable.

Western Europeans genetically became capable of being the world's most innovative a few centuries after having implemented systems of Bipartite Manorialism, a system which selected for altruistic behavior that seemingly no non-white societies have selected for except Japan to some extent. Bipartite Manorialism originated in England and Northern France/Belgium/Netherlands and then spread to other parts of western Europe. The nords had a lower population count and were late to the game so they haven't accomplished as much yet, but they're making up for it now.


People here often ask "What differentiates Western Europeans from higher IQ populations like East Asia?" The answer is altruism/univeralistic thinking. This evolved in Western Europe in the past 1200 years following the collapse of Rome.

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Are you acting retarded on purpose? What is your end goal, why are you doing this?

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> north east france is germanic, yes.
no you fucking retard
it's not because the people have brown to light brown hair blue eyes that they are Germanic, Celts have all shades of hair color, there is close to no G*rmanic admixture here

Anglo superiority is inevitable. It's for your own good that we rule you.

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>continental nordics
lol wut

According to wikipedia in 2014 Iceland published 4667 books per million. Twice that of Britain which publishes for an international audience. Spain has a billion speakers of the language but still just numbers similar to Norway.

When Trump completes the system of German idealism and raises the ruins of Thule from the bottom of the sea you will tremble before the might of the Atlantean empire.

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assblasted cunts. you come nowhere near to brits, french, or italians. you can talk immigration, cold weather, and brotherly love amidst the germanics all you want. you still are the niggers of the white race along with the slavs you enslaved. i place even the russian on a higher pedestal than you.

Quit being mutthurt, you know what I meant. Nordics are germanics are ethnically and genetically similar because nordics are a type of Germanic.

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Eh I think Iceland's population is so tiny that per capita comparisons are kinda dicey.

muh paganism. retard tier ideology.

>no G*rmanic admixture here

French aren't really Germanic

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Not relevant

sure thing. but your definition of germanic cant then include french and british which makes me able to sleep at night. good going.

Who else here /I1/

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Y so mad tho?

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absolutely relevant. without the advent of Christianity you would still be living in mud huts praying to nature gods like some fucking native american redskins. gay.

neither are the brits nor the italians nor the russians.

the germanic race is germany+austria+england+dutch+scandinavia

how much has the germanic race accomplished?

Remember, most of the US hails from germany+gb

"proposed theory for approximate distribution." just end yourself bro.

>muh books
Cite a single Icelandic book published in 2014 of any note.

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wow. england is germanic now? how fucking neat!