Tesla ‘on autopilot’ smashes into parked police car (PHOTO)
A Tesla Model S crashed into a parked police vehicle while reportedly driving on autopilot in Laguna Beach, California, injuring the Tesla driver and badly damaging the cop car.
Laguna Beach Sergeant Jim Cota said on Twitter that the cop car was unmanned at the time of the impact, while the Tesla driver sustained minor injuries.
The crash happened soon after 11am Tuesday on Laguna Canyon Road. Cota told the LA Times the “police car is totalled.”

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Did the cops shoot the driver?

Tesla's were shit before the auto crash function.
>an electric car
What are you some sort of faggot?

You do know the driver is still supposed to be paying attention with a current tesla, right? It's not self driving, it's a fancy cruise control. None the less, the safety record is still far better than manual driving

Probs at McDicks eating a quick half dozen burgers. Given the choice between killing an unarmed person and burgers, the cop figured it was easier to sit still and enjoy

Many people died in auto accidents in the early days of the car. Don't be such a snowflake.

I'll bet you that the Tesla's autopilot has had much fewer accidents than human drivers, relatively.


How hard would it be for the competition to set up "accidents" with Tesla cars?

elon dindu nuffin

well golly, thats certainly convenient timing
imajun my shok

not even q could have predicted that something would happen to undermine tesla value just days after he criticised the integrity of the media kabal

Quite possible actually, maybe to drive the point home that advanced technology (western) is inferior to proven but more primitive technology (Russian).

Implying anyone else is dumb enough to make electric bombs on wheels.

>None the less, the safety record is still far better than manual driving
There are millions of human-driven cars on the roads every day.
And how many auto-pilot and TESLA type of technology card driving on the streets every day?
Less than 10 or 15 every day.
Just wait till there will be 1000 or 10,000 OR 100,000 of them on the roads every day.
And just wait when hackers start hacking them and post live video images of crashes. LOL


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Guess now we know why Jow Forums has been flooded with Muskrats lately, they're all faggot shills most likely from reddit or working for Musks faggot gay company which is tanking

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>advanced technology
Muh sides

Guess you didnt actually read my comment. I hate Elon

>Not being able to put it into the context of the wider Russian propaganda campaign

Elon's tech team has found evidence that an Israeli company has hacked his auto driving system.

Why not just remove the auto-pilot feature, since people seem to be using it like the thing is actually a cartoon style auto-pilot, and not using it as a fancy cruise control (which requires your active attention). Just remove the feature and you still have a good looking car that's electric or something

We should have a RIGHT to not be exposed to weaponized Russian memes on the internet!

>muh Russia
Kys sea rat

>The crash happened soon after 11am Tuesday on Laguna Canyon Road.
Elon has been uppety lately, so the jews hacked a Tesla and crashed it into a cop car.

>just remove features

absolute state of mutts

aktshully we're muskateers


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Shut up, Justin.

a "gas" powered car is literally more of a bomb than an electronic car you fucking idiot. Fossil fuels are only still being used because jews can keep the banks that run the fed in power.

these things crash all the fucking time. people just have the attention span of a napkin or just simply ignore it because musk is tony stark bro


Attached: muskbro.png (2016x1512, 1.09M)

Keep telling yourself that, luddite.

>everything negative about Russia is a lie because the interfering with the elections was also a lie

BASED Elon reprograms Tesla autopilot to hunt down cops

you're not fooling anyone faggot
literally just the fact you used your infantile new "nickname" shows you are a fucking faggot lefty in-group retard.
Its too fucking easy.
It dosnt matter how much soros pays for you to all have multiple ips to give the impression there are many of you - you literally stand out like a sore thumb.
Its your innate cowardice you see - you dont have any convictions or morality at all other than hiding in the crowd like a fucking eunuch.
Thats why you think that insulting people by saying "you're not part of the in crowd" has any effect whatsoever on their convictions.
keep it up tho faggot.
Just because you use agressive words doesnt mean we cant all see the spineless weasel tapping away behind the screen.

Even the sound of your piss hitting the urinal sounds feminine you fucking nonce.

correction: Tesla crashes will happen with predictable frequency, like 1-2 per year or whatever.
the press just has to wait and trombone it from the rooftops for weeks.
the press has a built-in reality distortion field.

These front-page reports about a minor car accident are useless.
Is there actual data out there, fatalities per 100 million miles driven, per car type?

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Just a test run. They want this function. Michael Hastings

OP is literally a verified Russian propaganda shill that only posts pro-Russia, anti-West articles and hides his flag to make sure no one knows he lives in a Western country like Canada.

Ask him to tell you about how many awards RT won, he's got the copypasta ready for that

saying that sitting on bunch of batteries is not healthy for you, all that electromagnetic field produced by them.

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Your masculinity is attached to a means of transportation? Faggot.

this is the beginning of the smear campaign against Tesla after the whole Elon Twitter fiasco

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>correction: Tesla crashes will happen with predictable frequency, like 1-2 per year or whatever.
>the press just has to wait and trombone it from the rooftops for weeks.
>the press has a built-in reality distortion field.

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Upgrade to a kikescript that at least attempts to look like it reads the posts you have it responding to, Rabbi.

>don't worship tesla using false science
>best counterargument is to get called a jew

Do you have a better idea, since people (us mutts mostly) are too stupid to use a product intelligently?

Trips of thruth.
Breaking News: Tesla driver's name is Adam Guldschnas,a humble erotica producer and uplifter from the Valley

People who use the 'autopilot' should maybe realize that this technology is actually pretty newish and that someone has to be behind the wheel JUST IN CASE.

It's not Tesla's fault if people are so retarded and think autopilot is perfect and flawless when it was only made recently

Cars already kill thousands of your kinda each year just remove cars XD

He called him a faggot not a girl. Get it together

The Jews have hacked the cars now? What won't they do?

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>electromagnetic field
>insulated batteries

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>I'm Brazilian, therefore I have an ape-like grasp of technology

Tesla is so fucking based. Programed to smash in the agents of goverenment oppression and boot licking.

It's beautiful.

My masculinity is somewhat based upon my ability to drive where I want, when I want.

>Tesla stock up 3.2%
No one can stop this madman.

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you are delusional thinking that you can insulate them 100% solid.

>everyone who reads RT is a shill
It's not that bad compared to american (((news)))

>Less than 10 or 15 every day.
Are you retarded?


why is it news anytime a Tesla car crashes, yet when millions of other cars crash every year there's silence?

Hmmm. Sounds like someone really doesn't like the idea of driverless cars / electric cars and is attempting to paint any negative press about them that they can to ensure their market doesn't collapse... hmmm... really makes me think... who could be behind this?

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Musk is a hack and electric cars can go fuck themselves. But you WILL NOT deny me my future of no longer havibg to drive.


nice meme flag kike

>why is it news anytime a Tesla car crashes, yet when millions of other cars crash every year there's silence?

>who could be behind this?
i dont know user

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jews did this.

>A Tesla Model S crashed into a parked police vehicle while reportedly driving on autopilot in Laguna Beach, California, injuring the Tesla driver and badly damaging the cop car.
This reads like sabotage. Kikes must be freaking the fuck out if they are willing to go that far.

The electromagnetic field of an insulated battery is null you fucking idiot. And the one generated by the engine is too small to even affect the driver.


You have no idea how batteries even work you fucking mongrel.

Fuck tesla but some reality check: Full auto-pilot is not even allowed yet.
100% drivers fault.

You do know that electromagnetic field arise from the flow of current right? Batteries don't do much good without current.

>Tesla has like 1 or two minor car crashes in years of operating its autopilot which is still under development
>Only fatality was some stupid cunt crossing an unlit street in her bike in the dark
>Latest incident is literally just a minor injury to driver

It doesn't matter, accidents will happen either way with driverless or driven cars. Statistically if all cars were driverless there would be far less accidents however and far less fatalities.

Keep up your work meme-flag good goyim, we all know who you're shilling for (((pic related))) How much they pay you per post?

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A few hundred fully autonamous, many thousands with auto breaks (which is what failed in this wreck)

>when in doubt blame "big oil"
>but never mention Rockefeller or anti-trust laws

In a way, it is the fault of the companies that sell flawed technologies, feeling impunity due to having relatively few customers and being lawyered-up enough. When a big manufacturer like Toyota fucks up, this leads to years of public investigations and huge fines. When some startup fucks up, we get a story on the news and are expected to move on. And then Musk wants to roll out budget cars that, in numbers, are going to cause a spike of road deaths, due to unsafe technologies (deadly li-ion batteries, flawed autopilot, etc).

Oil cartel shills itt, their desperation is palpable.

You know you're doing something right, when Kikes run hit pieces every chance they get.

I'm in a situation where I really can't afford to be in stitches, so thanks for that.

You know the Jews run the oil, right?

>t. Rare earth metal merchant

It's fucking magnetic field you dumbass, it won't do anything to you. You're not made of fucking metal, it's not high-energy waves.

Rare Earth metals are going to crash in price once space mining is a thing.

>On autopilot
>Injuring the driver


Remember that (((they))) did the same thing to kill the Concorde.

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I'll say one thing about these.. though I would never want to drive in one due to the strong EMF's inside but I really would prefer following one on traffic to a gas or diesel burner...

I'm not made of metal? Really. How does an MRI work?

>the Tesla driver
the fuck?

>It's fucking magnetic field you dumbass, it won't do anything to you. You're not made of fucking metal, it's not high-energy waves.

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Why would exon care about autonamous cars? They don't have to have electric motors

Better get those headphones off your head, and don't keep your phone next to your nuts anymore.

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An MRI exposes you to an enormously high magnetic field and you don't even feel it unless you have an implant

When an accident is due to the manufacturer's fault, it is a big deal. You rarely hear about these cases because they are rare, as car companies spend loads of money and effort on safety and on quality assurance. Also, people are aware of the dangers of existing technologies (that airbags may kill kids for example), while autopilot may be marketed irresponsibly at this point.

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>space mining
Muh sides

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