It's over whitey you are insignificant

It's over whitey you are insignificant

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Other urls found in this thread:

>sharon Silverbaum
oh come on

Or we could blame the cringey nigger playing Lando....

Who here actually saw that steaming pile? They’ll make what we pay to see. Fuck Disney and fuck Israel.

Fuck me they're out in force today, get that meme flag off and hang yourself you disgusting fucking usurper, there will be nothing left of your mutant genes in 3 generations' time mark my words

I thought it was ok, desu

>The failure of Solo proves that the Kike is becoming culturally insignificant.

There, I fixed it for you.

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what cant movie fail, simply because they arent they good. Why does everything have to some monumental society shift? Seriously, its just a movie, which isnt very good.


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tfw Jow Forums was right again

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Star Wars 8 pissed pretty much anyone off that wasn't a onions boy or rabid feminist. The sad thing is everyone will probably see 9 just because they saw 7 and 8 and want to see the ending to pile of shit.

Or maybe the whole franchise is ruined and audience will only continue to decrease, specially for spin-offs?

>what cant movie fail, simply because they arent they good. Why does everything have to some monumental society shift?

The world may never know...

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But being realistic, we know this is the real problem. People are waking up from their SJW mind control. America is waking up. Trump is tearing down everything Obama built. The image shown is why Star Wars is failing.

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I did not give the Jews my dollar to brain wash me with garbage.

Until I need someone to bitch at then whites are commanding, imposing, and oppresive

Hey, that's what happened in Wiemar too!

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Erry time Monica

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solo was pretty good
darth maul is at the end LOL
now you know faggots
and you don't have to see the movie

>a movie that's supposed to cater to a mostly white male audience flops
>white men are insignificant
lol they're mad that we aren't paying for their shit anymore. BUY OUR SHIT PRODUCTS, GOY!

All this kvetching proves that we (white men) are still an economic force to be reckoned with.

>last 3 star wars were pure garbage
>keep pushing sjw starwars
>uh.. it's the white character fault !


Meme flag faggot.

Well, pol is like The Dark Side: they portray a "cool" edgy image, bringing in new recruits for the -let's just say, less educated fringes of society. They're always on the offense, and trying to control the galaxy (i.e. The Internet)

Then we have Redd*t: The Rebel Alliance (the redd*t alliance) a very diverse group from all parts of the galaxy, working together as a democratic society for justice and equality. Their science minded approach appeals to highly intelligent people. While they have their own flaws, in the end their fight against The Dark Side will be read about in history books for light years to come.

lucas fucked up when he partnered up with spielberg
star wars has sucked since return of the jedi and you all know it.

Don't forget to alter the word s.oy. Jow Forums censors it to protect the poor s.oy b.oys feelings. Faggots


pure coincidence goys you are just drawing imaginary lines!
hearty kek mo'niqua

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>Can't find this image on Google anywhere or a Sharon Silverbaum
Nice try OP.

kill yourself

alex becker if u in here

mad props

fake and gay

He's a Swede, i think Mahmoud will handle it.

that was leaked ages ago, also darthmaul is the gayest villain in the franchise

he told me I would never see that add again, six times in a row

I swear I used it a couple of days ago with no problem.

I thought he did a very good Lando. I thought TFA and TLJ were shit but I liked Rogue One and Solo.

I too liked them better back when they were locked in a cupboard writing diary entries about their vagene

>check flag
>makes sense

Please please please ban white people from Hollywood. I couldn't ask for a better gift.

Nevermind that it got bad press for it's troubled production, nevermind that it came out on a notoriously unreliable weekend just 6 months from the last Star Wars movie, nevermind it was an origin story for a well-established character that nobody wanted to see.

No, the real reason is because it starred a white male as a lead character.

This failure proves what happens when one of the more beloved characters in modern-movie history is a white male, Disney buys the property, and makes a half-assed film called “Solo” where “equal representation” is given to all of the other complete nobody characters. Most of the posters I saw for this film featured a dumpy old black woman and a retarded-looking old guy or were of a white girl and a black man who I assume was Lando. Disney even shopped the guns out of their posters so as to not trigger people after a shooting. Solo shot first. He always shoots first. This movie was a rainbow-tribe “muh strank wamanz” PC clusterfuck. It would have been WILDLY successful if they had made an actual movie about Han Solo. Strong male lead, guns, crime, etc. But noooooo. They make Lando a pansexual, put a dumpy black woman on most of the movie posters, take all the guns away from the posters, and then wonder why nobody wants to see a movie about nobody characters where apparently Han is not the focus and they ruined Lando to boot.

Protip: it's fake

MSM has been trolling the shit out of us for the past couple months. This is retarded and nobody actually believes this but dumb cunts still get mad. Every time I engage someone who spews this nonsense they end up explaining how they don't actually believe in any of it

>(((White))) men are insignificant.

Article left out some important punctuation....

As the war on White Men continues, you will see some Grade A looks of disbelief from the Commies once they realize that "White Men" are the only ones holding society up by their work ethic and ability to pay taxes and usury.

Do you seriously think cunts and niggers are going to work even half as hard as white men and allow themselves to be taxed to death to pay for other people's benefits?

This shit is about to go down.

Could we at least make the memes look believable? I mean, I understand what faggot OP is trying to so, but holy hell. Put some effort into it!

>white men didn't go to see the movie so it flops
>this means white men are insignificant
>not that your movie was
Jews really do need to be double gassed.

Most of the posters I saw for this film featured a dumpy old black woman and a retarded-looking old guy or were of a white girl and a black man who I assume was Lando.

This is literally THE FORMULA for all advertising I've seen the past years. Like literally Every Single Fucking ad is now a Nigger. The rare times you see a white man, it's a old Boomer selling Pharma. Or it's a completely feminized douche like the faggot who does ads with Flo for Progressive.

Every single ad firm is now run by raging feminazis fresh out of Leftist college.

Seriously. Just take some time to view ads; in the clothing section of Wal-mart; at the BP station; at the grocery. It's all fucking Niggers!

Stop making us look fucking pathetic!

>culturally insignificant
But financially influential?

>make a power statement in solidarity
>boss puts on a different color shirt in a clear power play within a power play
Women were a mistake

>Sharon Silverbaum

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Goodbye, jew

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More like: ...Proves Jewish subversion tactics are not working.

I saw it. I enjoyed it except for that feminist robot. She was annoying. And yes, I'm assuming her genderoid.


The image is literally badly copy pasted with paint, but Jow Forums takes it seriously ofc


The ride never ends!

okay, as long as you don't need us we'll just start our own country so that we can work on ourselves

Jow Forums is always right, my Democrat friend. The sooner you accept that, the sooner the world starts making sense

>Kathleen Kennedy isn't jewish
>Ron Howard isn't jewish
>Rian Johnson isn't jewish
>Harrison ford IS jewish
>Jow Forums blames jews for ruining star wars

Par for the course

>sharon Silverbaum

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I think you care way too much. Jow Forums sees it. We don't care.

OP's might be fake but this one isn't.

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are you literally retarded?

Thank Christ I'm a filthy mixbreed! 50% American(Scottish) 50% Faggotry(Swedish)

>The Yiddish-language surname מענדעלסאן is transliterated to English as Mendelssohn, Mendelsson, Mandelson (surname), or Mendelson. It is a common Polish/German Jewish surname
For some reason OP decided to edit the headline when the real one is bad enough.

Who wants a lamp shade and some soap?

Rofl - Author is Kike, Han Solo in movie is kike, Lando is nigger faggot...just wow. These fucking kikes are really pushing it these days.

Someone in family tree raped someone else in your family tree....

>get a Jew to play Solo
>no one sees movie
>wow why don’t people want to see (((white people)))

>contrived writing of a scene that was universally lambasted upon release
>this is somehow indicative of how culture is
Do these people consider themselves professional journalists?

This guy gets it. Stay strong with your television and your internet as well, brother. If you have children or people that rely on you, protect them too.
Take care.

>t-the jews aren't evil! promise!

Lead character was a kike actually.

I gradually began to hate them

here's the (((Black People))) they made to use this tactic on black people.

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Bisexual robot sex... Yeah maybe I'll pass on this one

Black hides her small breasts

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>get a Jew to play Solo
>no one sees movie

Guess which ethnicity the original Han Solo was?

more from this OG

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Yeah that was one of the biggest shoehorn jobs I’ve ever seen. Otherwise I liked the movie.

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It's failure proves that we ARE INDEED significant. So much so that outrage over SJW bullshit from Disney like having a Pansexual Lando Calrissian and a Mary Sue cast in the leading role of the original series and killing off our long time hero Luke Skywalker in such an incredibly stupid way has driven Disney to lose 100's of millions of dollars on a Star Wars movie. Something that would have been considered unheard of before Episode VII came out.

We will not accept a Lando that wants to fuck robots or a Basedboy playing as Hans Basedlo.

Basedlo: A Onions Wars Story is going to kill off their spinoffs and eventually doom the entire franchise all because of their insistence that we need to have transgender jedi sucking each others dicks or we're bigots.

Hahaha! I have had that exact same thought!

Actors are all jew trannys

Star Wars: The Tranny Awakens

Another Kike saying the same thing on Twitter.

>When will the dumb fucking masses wake up to the fact that Jews hate whites and are behind pretty much anything you find that is anti-white.

Attached: Are_Movies_About_White_Men_Box_Office_Poison_ResetEra_-_2018-05-30_11.27.22.png (487x545, 316K)

Because in the real one the author wrote this:
>Did Solo: A Star Wars Story disappoint because it had a white male lead? Would that it were so simple! You can throw a whole bunch of recent “starring a white male lead” blockbuster releases at me without even dipping into comic book superheroes, like The Revenant, Dunkirk, Kong: Skull Island and Ready Player One.

and this

> Walt Disney has the year’s biggest domestic hit in Black Panther and the year’s biggest global flop in A Wrinkle in Time, both were films helmed by black directors and featuring majority-minority casts.

and this
>Not every film starring a young white male lead is doomed to struggle overseas (Kingsman: The Secret Service). Not every female-led or minority-centric biggie is going to kick butt here (Pacific Rim: Uprising) and abroad (Ghost in the Shell).

So doesn't fit his faked trumpcuck narrative.

Damnit, I forgot about that stupid filter.

S o y l o : A S o y Wars Story.

also, Darth Maul makes a cameo right at the end of this really, really bad movie. No fighting just a hologram.

>implying this isn't a consequence of the last jedi being so atrociously trash that no one wants to watch Star Wars anymore

Has anyone tweeted this at her yet

the dude looks nothing like Solo, just saying.
and over explaining and working out characters kills the mystique.

When i read a book i picture the characters in my head and there isn't a chance in the world a movie will get it like i imagine them.

so imagine how bad it is when they create too many details about the characters.

let them be mysterious let the viewer do their job.


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people seriously discussing a fake article that doesn't exist

Deadpool 2 must have been some kind of fluke I guess.

This is the guy they should have cast instead of Ehrenreich to play Solo.
He needs to develop his acting skills, but he is a real actor that works in film.

Race baiting kike.
I'm genuinely upset that this is allowed but Rosanne is a pariah.