Why did you guys go from far left to far right?

Why did you guys go from far left to far right?

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If you are anything like me (Maybe a few of you), you began to realize that the SJW and leftist dreams do not include you if you are white.
It is very difficult to stay left leaning if the left does not want you, so there's only one place to go.
Either you go right, or you shoot for centrism and realize that only makes you hated by EVERYONE and you either go back to being a self-hating honky or you realize Hitler was right all along.

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It's always been libertarian around here, and that's far right.

If you mean conservative socialism, that's just a response to the loony regressive socialism going on.

The Jews just couldn't let good be. Fag marriage wasn't enough, legal immigration wasn't enough etc.
I use to dream about no scoping noobs on COD, now I dream about burning down synagogues

Lol we were never 'far left' we just wanted to draw the association with the 'far left' and pedophilia.

Speaking out against circumcision was the biggest redpill of my entire life.

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"Took the red pill", to put it short.

I still hold some leftist values (I think Marijuana should be legalized for example), but the political spectrum itself has shifted so far to the fucking left that it has become a clown world. Part of my shift farther right has been reactionary, and another part is just paying attention to what is actually happening in the world and not trying to sugar coat it in my head.

'libertarian' is right-wing when the Left is in power, and left-wing when the Right in power

It used to be considered "cool" for the contrarians here to hate on W

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Because its diametrically opposed to neo-liberalism and neo-conservatism. Don't want wars and an Orwellian state? Youre just a fringe weirdo user.

And we still hate dubuya. Fuck the Bushes.


Once I hit puberty.

die commie

This website has been natsoc since I first started coming here back in 2005. It's one of the few constants in my life. No matter what's going on in the world I know a place that can explain how the jews did it. This website was never far left, you're a fucking idiot if you think it was or believe that Fox news has any journalistic integrity or ever has.

because i need to increase my diversity

>This website has been natsoc since I first started coming here back in 2005.

It was ironically ""natsoc"" because /b/tards used to get a thrill out of shouting hitler memes and annoying normies. Jow Forums has always been "racist", but it certainly used to be a lot more left leaning.

We grew up everyone is seduced by the liberal utopia as young naive idiots. Then you wake up see the real world and you realize that ((they)))are the problem and most of the problems in society all lead back to one particular group of people. It's completely arguable that the red pill is actually a curse and that it would be better to go back to the your naive soul, but what has been seen simply cannot be unseen.

We didn't move, the left just went insane, and now everything that isn't a fanatical SJW nutjob is considered a "nazi".

"Far left" is what shills like OReilly called Ron Paul supporters. Fox News totally smeared his campaigns

fucking average Fredo loser of Jow Forums always makes me laugh (well, actually the majority of Jow Forums are Fredos)

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The line between ironic racism and actual racism was always blurry, political discussions on /new/ and /b/ inevitably attracted unironic nazis and wether you consider it tongue in cheek or not this website has always mounted a staunch defense of Hitler and a near universal condemnation of international jewry.

>I'm a proud mongoloid
absolute state of murrica

Bush was more of a commie than you realize

when I realized I was sitting in a classroom learning how to provide lifeskills for people with disabilities, and I wasn't actually provided that basic level of support by my uber-righteous obnoxious lefty parents, and that even the bare fucking minimum of necessities for being an adult I had to scrape and earn all myself, while incredibly mediocre human beings cruised past me thanks to mommy and daddy's money.

I would rather be an unempathetic snob who TAKES CARE OF HIMSELF than some pedantic faggot trying to be liked by all and respected by none.

There's more.
When I realized that all gay men are fucked up weirdos who are probably gay because they were molested or some shit, they can be good people, they can live functional lives, but the vast VAST majority are products of abuse and they won't fucking admit it.

And finally, when it finally clicked that the reason I struggled so much growing up was having righteous pussywhipped liberal ideals stuffed down my throat in between beatings, so I had to both eat shit and couldn't rightfully make other teenage boys eat shit.

It's not even like I feel 'fulfilled' with this ideology, I just think you have to look out for #1 at a certain point and that meant abandoning a lot of useless fluffy ideology. Take a cup of concrete and harden the fuck up, all that.

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I've been here since 2013 or so

I'm still almost entirely liberal

Im just curious and even relate a lil to white identity shit is all

Don't tell me what I am

the fuck clintons AND fuck the bushes.

two sides of the same coin.

it is a fallacy to think Jow Forums is either unanimously republican or democrat. i bet most posters self-label as neither. members of either establishment party are the minority here versus the unaffiliated.

i would bet the only unanimous stances you can find on Jow Forums are anti-corruption and anti-incompetence

and the bushes and clintons are both corrupt incompetent criminal families.

people seem to forget how trump BTFO jeb bush and his family's legacy in the primaries because of the more impressive destruction of clinton but never forget trump destroyed the bushes first.

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Jow Forums and /new/ were literally always right wing.

well yeah it is 'anti-state'. the left and right both have versions of totalitarianism

this is incidentally why everybdoy hates libertarians. there is not only always a state, but multiple competing factions of state, all of whom are inescapably the enemy of the libertarian

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when the mainstream switched from right to left

Grew up.


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from the first time i ever saw mlk's stupid monkey face i probably thought "when will it be white people's turns"

unironically because the alphabet agent glow-in-the-dark niggers that own this website have been replaced with /ouralphabetagentglowinthedarkniggers/

>go back to being a self-hating honky or you realize Hitler was right all along
Holy shit this is sad.
Do you not see how programmed you are?
You were told that to be on the left you must hate yourself or be an ignorant neo-nazi on the right.
Why put their labels on either side, that's a false dichotomy that feeds into their control mechanism.
This is too deep for you, i get it.

Niggers and Sand Niggers mostly.

When the left went full bore about censorship and wrong think

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Jow Forums was not inherently left or right wing. It is what is socially unacceptable, due to a combination of absolute free speech and anonymity. This means that socially taboo things like racism, pedophilia, etc. were norms on Jow Forums. That has probably changed a bit now because of the new mods.

this desu

the (((media))) on the left and right have always called us exploding van terrorists or trumpkin nazis because its easier to write a hit piece when theres a boogyman, instead of saying "we only like anonymous free speech when we agree with it"

>everyone hates centrists
this is a meme and you know it. Radical Violent Centrism is the only rational course.

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>Do you not see how programmed you are?
>You were told that to be on the left you must hate yourself
That is EXACTLY what happened


Those quads

George W. Bush and his consequences have been a disaster for the American race.

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There was a gradual evolution around the time Obama got elected and then appointed guys like Timothy Geithner whose main priority was to bail out the investment banks. That didn't create a left/right split just yet, but it did give rise to the whole Occupy Wall Street thing. When that collapsed in late 2011, hard-right sentiment rose a lot on Jow Forums. Also, the transformation of "Anonymous" into a bunch of SJW fags and federal informants helped provoke the transition. In terms of meme chronology, this is when those stupid "like a bawse" drawings and derp faces were giving way to edgier and more aggressive Dolan Duck cartoons.


I was centrist in high school
Listening to leftys piss and moan about "fascism" and equality
Now im hardcore (15 years later)

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>Why did you guys go from far left
Nobody here was ever far left you cum gurgling faggot.

essentially, we, as a collective pseudo-meta-organism, underwent puberty


2005 oldfag here. Jow Forums was never far left. We all had a collective laugh when OPs image first came out. Jow Forums has very consistently been somewhere within the bottom-right on the political spectrum.

In our most liberal days we were centrist at best, and had plenty of ancap threads. The thing about Jow Forums is anonymity coupled with extremely lax moderation makes Jow Forums the largest free-speech environment on Earth. Since you don't have identity here, there is no reason to not honestly speak your mind - no matter how retarded what's on your mind is. No ones trying to get upvotes. No ones trying to virtue signal. You don't gain anything from that bullshit here. And as it turns out, when free speech is truly allowed the other three political squares are revealed to have faulty basis behind them - following the old saying that when the tided recedes you see who was swimming naked. Left libertarianism doesn't work because equality is a lie so without government to force equality it won't happen. Both authoritarianism squares don't work because authoritarianism always leads to government corruption and people eventually rebel. People who belong to those political spectrums must resort to personal shaming tactics and false promises in order to maintain their bullshit beliefs, and none of that works on an anonymous imageboard without strict moderation bias.

The only thing that has changed on Jow Forums in the years is how much we CARE. We used to just laugh it up on /b/ and instigate random chaos on the normies for lulz. Now we help one of our own become President of the US. We still do it mostly for the lulz, just on a grander more serious scale.

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>Jow Forums
>ever far left
It used to be whatever the opposing viewpoint of the ones reporting on it was. Now it's far right only because of Jow Forums and Jow Forums clearly dominates the site.

No it's because Jow Forums doesn't truly support any sides. They just like to be manipulative and will side with anyone who trolls the most people until they win, and they switch sides.
To be fair I have no idea what Hitler did wrong anyway though.

holy shit ... never in all my years of oldfagging, never have I met myself. the more I see it, the Hit man was just trying to get away from the fake money mafia usury fucks, and didn't want another Bolsheivsm.

>Why did you guys go from far left to far right?
At university, I was drinking with these elite Jewish kids from NYC and SoCal. Their families ranged from Wall Street to Universal in Hollywood. They were wasted, I think two were on ecstasy. I'd rarely been around Jews this connected and this off guard. I was far from redpilled, just knew them from Holocaust and Howard Stern. I cringe even thinking about how these Jews saw me then. We were talking about music or something, then they started talking politics. Rahm Emanuel came up. They all talked about him like he was literally a don. An idol. I didn't even know Rahm was Jewish. They laughed, in pity. I said who cares? One of them said "if you don't understand Jewish people, you can't understand your country" and another one added, like "or yourself, or anything. You don't understand the world."

It was probably the most alarming sobering conversation I had in my early 20s. The arrogance was only surpassed by the confidence in this belief and in Jewish power (and they had plenty of that, richest fuckers I'd met). That I literally didn't understand foreign policy, movies, the news, myself, the world if I didn't understand Jewry. They were 100% right. It took me a decade or more to fully reach that conclusion. When I found Jow Forums it was like comparing my map to a private Internet's behind the curtain. Seeing that meme: "25 years of research, it's the Jews." I was no longer left, or right. I was finally free.

so hard is it to deal with necessary evils? have you breathed any air at all ever? the difference is, the evil can be pared away to leave just the smallest amount needed to do the things we need, like roads, bridges... you know the things that are rusting around you

Anyone who still hold liberal beliefs from 2007 are considered conservatives/right wing now, the push on liberal values was so aggressive that it managed to reach dangerous levels and litterally everyone in this very site is a degenerate who only happens to get tired of this mandatory gay shit that is being forced upon every level of society.
Maybe one day we will all laugh at racist jokes and eat multi cultural dishes again without any pinko sperging, but until then, theres some house cleaning to do.

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Jow Forums never changed. You nigger loving faggots did.

Bill made me recognize the falsehood of being a far left Jow Forums hacker. I changed my ways.

fuck off with your platitudes hidden in advice bullshit. white men are kiliing themselves at unprecedented numbers. you either consume, and are exposed to the implied hate at every turn, or you don't, and starve. all humans need validation. when we had pride, we would walk off into the distance when we were of no use to our family or tribe.

What part of politically incorrect don't you understand sandnigger

2016 election woke me up harder and faster than I ever wanted. Gamer Gate made me hate part of the left, but I thought it was just a small part of the right side of history that was going wrong.

I had no idea how bad it could get and how fast.

If the SS comes back and starts going door to door to evict the subhumans I will gladly volunteer anything I could, including my house as a staging point.

You're retarded - that's not how political ideologies work.

because bill was, has and still is FULL OF SHIT


yeah you said it fellow 2013fag

circle of life faggot

Yes, and this is how racism for thrills became racism for real. You knead out these problems, eventually you're gonna see them in the light, and the pain

when we stopped giving child pornography away.

Now that we are against pedos, we are nazis... i cant believe i had to explain this:

>Far left:
Pedophilia, racemixing, gibs, honor raping.

>Far right:

so what your saying that at some point you where pro pedo ?

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Dont you see OP`s pic related? Jow Forums was giving away cp in the old times, ergo, far left.

My god, you are fucking retarded or what?


I got caught up in a crazed pandemonium of bullshit during GG and the following controversies. I'm actually relenting a lot on the stupid Jow Forums shit I used to partake in. I don't racebait anywhere near as much and I dislike most of you, your knowledge of history and ideology is entry level as fuck and you frequently fall for fake news. I mostly watch YouTube and read news articles now.

>WE where giving away cp >WE where Nazis

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Left is the default position in our culture. Many people end up far left because its human nature to double down rather than burn off the deadwood and find a better way.

I'm not far right

im 100% right. see the Berkeley Free Speech protests in the 60s. Look at Berkeley now.

Thats just how counter culture works through the decades m8


We've never been anything, we're only for saying what you're not allowed to say without anonymity.

it's a tossup of which of the 3 presidencies i lived through i hated most, but i think it was this guy's the worst. always hate the traitor before the enemy.

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Fox News considers anyone that doesn't agree with all their views as far-left.
>horseshoe theory

We are the alpha and the omega

We are the Apex God of Reality

We are the Jow Forums

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this is now a Fox hate thread

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He did see how programmed he was, which is why he threw off the yoke.

Jow Forums did not switch sides. They hated Bush and then they hated Obama and then they liked the guy who everyone they hated, hated.

They hate white people and blame us for all their problems.

Jow Forums has always hated whatever is popular.

the entire basis of leftist doctrine is anti white racism you dumb cunt.

>2000s left: anti-war, pro-civil liberties, anti-corporate
>2010s left: pro-war, anti-civil liberties, pro-corporate, anti-capitalist
Their platform is awful. Fortunately, their once mighty brainwashing tools have become dull and dilute. Propaganda takes an amusement park of effort to sustain itself. Truth relies solely on itself.

I’ve always hated this old no fun bitch. Remember when immediately after James gandolfini he railed at him for playing a violent character?

m.youtube.com/watch?v=YFchCS2D0Jg Best part is around 3:20

After James Gandolfini died sorry I’m phoneposting

Because the fed Masonic countercultures revolution psyops pushed here shifted tactics from "left" to "right" superficially while still following the same agenda against Christ

Says the FOX prev who molested women working with him.

>wanted free shit
>felt I deserved free shit
>but didn't want to give people my shit
>realised I was a hypocritical entitled little bitch of a bitch-made faggot
>this sort of attitude would get me hanged in literally most places on the planet
>that this planet is literally hell
>heaven is what we make of it
>heaven aint free
>nothing worth having is free
>only death is free

we grew up

This. They moved so far left that anyone even standing in the center was now considered right by them.

>le satire always attracts true believers meme
This site has always had a large base of Natsoc. At times the population of leftists went up. At times the population of libertarians went up, but a consistently large chunk of Jow Forums has ALWAYS been unironically Natsoc. If you say otherwise, you're a newfag and you haven't done your homework. moot shut down various iterations of the politics board several times. You don't know what you're talking about.

>larping faggot with meme flag pretending he knows anything about this place

Jow Forums was characteristically American, in that it adhered to a left libertarian ideal of live and let leave me the fuck alone. It was anarchic, basically democratic in that its anonymity allowed popular sentiment to prevail, and, as it is now, incredibly perverse.

This place was never the right-wing haven you revisionist stormfags want to pretend it was. You're just looking back at the behavior of mid-2000s edgelords and pretending they were secret racists instead of nihilistic faggots.

Please kill yourself.