He just said Tommy deserved it. He's done

He said the judge told Tommy not to interfere with any more trials, that Tommy then did so for the sake of his own publicity and the judge basically had no choice but to give him a jail sentence.

Farage is dead to me.

Attached: nigel-farage-14-june-2017.jpg (620x465, 40K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Tommy is a psy-op.

he's right. idiot move by tommy

Farage is a faggot kike puppet.

Truth hurts doesn't it abo?

If Farage actually said this, he's dead to me.

>Be Tommy
>Be a pudgy faggot
Who'd want him as a leader anyway

>I've seen you do X which i don't like. If you do X again, i sentence you to death in Prison.

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Where's the interference exactly?

Even if it is, how is it relevant? He didn't breach the agreement

Brits can't talk about trials because the jury might rethink the case and be biased.

he didn't interfere
they are saying he "intended to"

You cant handle the truth it seems

>intended to
Where's the proof? It was all documented

Nigel is part of the fascist establishment, fuck him

why would he said that?

>He didn't breach the agreement
didn't he? if so, why was he put in prison?
he put himself in this position. he should've complied with the law and figured out something else to do with this case instead

How did the media treat Count Dankula during his ingress/egress of the courts?

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he said it on LBC
it will be here later youtube.com/user/orionpryme

>no source
kill yourself.

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fug the jews. I even almost fell for (((their))) meme. Fuck Tommy and fuck niggers ... and kikes.

All of the UK is dead to me. Has been for a while.

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He wasn't allowed to interfere in the case or to get inside the court, how exactly has he done that

GCHQ has learned to use VPNS it seems

This, it is against the law to try to contact or publicize the names of members of a jury that is still in court, if a court case is found to be breached in that way the entire case has to be scrapped and resit with a fresh jury. Sitting outside a court with a camera filming people as they come out is just asking for it.

Is Nigel a Freemason?
Does Nigel like little boys soft bottoms?
Maybe Pakistani child sex grooming gangs are his "cup of tea"?

It doesn't matter if he said it or not. Farage is a cunt.

He left UKIP making them utterly ruined and lost as a third party so we are left with labour or conservative. It also means he can't pressure May into making a hard Brexit and means we will probably get a soft brexit. He left us to our own devices while taking a cushy fox news interviewee position and got his children german citizenship so he can have his cake and eat it too.


Tommy has said nothing about the Syrian Arab army and their struggles against terrorists because his masters wont allow it. He is an Israeli plant nothing more nothing less.

>He left UKIP making them utterly ruined and lost as a third party
So you're saying they were nothing without him? That's not saying much for UKIP, then.

Does no one understand how stupid this is even if it is the law? Keeping in mind the Huddersfield Examiner reported all about the trial including dates and names in 2017 (this isn't uncommon for local press anyway).
The narrative we're being told is that all you'd need to do to cause a mistrial is stand outside of a court building filming on a public street. 'Contempt of court' in this case is intentionally vague and at the discretion of the judge, in other words it's a bad law.
If Tommy went down for that then everyone in that paper and however many others, and Piers Morgan for that matter should also get 13 months if anyone's actually bothered about enforcing this...

Wondering this too, I noticed Farage hasn't mentioned it at all on his show but what's he actually said?

why are so many people being cucks about this

lol, if ukip relies on a single man to drag therm into relevancy then fuck 'em
did u join your local party to campaign?

what can i say. Man was bigger than the party.

>looking for any excuse to be a total coward
Thanks for the input bong

It's sad but Nigel want's that knighthood. This is how he gets it.

Yes and we know that it's not just the filming outside the court because he wasn't the only one filming.

Troubling indeed to hear this. Much sadness weighs upon this man's mind. I pray he may reconsider..

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he's a boomer
cucking out is like breathing to them

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Just arguing semantics with an already tyrannical position. The only real question that needs to be answered is why for 20-30 years (literal decades) were foreign criminal gangs allowed to roam the entire country, abducting, "grooming", threatening, raping and torturing hundreds of thousands of British girls -- and authorities did nothing. They dragged their fucking feet for DECADES. There are legitimate stories of fathers of these girls identifying the shit pits where they were being held, going to these places to get their daughters and then being APPREHENDED BY THE POLICE AND ARRESTED FOR DOING SO.
So all this goes down, and after 20-30 years of hell on Earth they decide to do bare minimum trials for the sex traffickers -- they put a gag order on all trials. One man tries to document it outside the courthouse and he's IMMEDIATELY ARRESTED by police and sentenced to A YEAR in prison in HOURS.

I don't fucking care anymore. I'm mentally and physically preparing myself for my maximum potential of ending other human lives, because this is not going on any longer without thousands of people being rightfully gutted.

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Farage was never going to be able to 'pressure May', the establishment parties hate him across the board pretty much, they've been selling out Brexit from day one after the referendum and making us leave in name only. The "transition period" for Brexit will take us up to the next general election and that election will be fought on Brexit all over again, except this time with each party trying to outdo each other on how much they can water it down.

Tommy's arsehole is getting cut by a razor blade

>got his children german citizenship
Wait what? hahahahaha

bullshit. A strong UKIP with farage that was decently high in polls could pressure May further to the right and into a hard brexit.

so the anons that went to court to harass bike lock faggot and his lawyer would've gone to jail in England?

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I think it’s pretty clear the US should levy sanctions against the UK for himan rights abuses and directly funding terrorists.
To punish the UK AND it’s people.

Because the right to trial by your peers is the solid bedrock foundation of a free nation.

and my kike puppet president won't lift a fucking finger

Media does this all the time anyway,

This is the local press reporting the same thing Tommy did ^

But Farage is right. Why would you side with that pro-Jew zionist controlled opposition manlet cocksucker?

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report these threads

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ok as i've understood it they defined reporting on the case from the courthouse as interfering or whatever they call it, and due to him being there with a camera they could arrest him for breaching the peace. that is not smart behaviour if you're under that warning
whoa baby pardon me for preferring to abide by the law and having our case projected by people who act responsibly and decent. unless he's controlled op this is a gift to those who oppose his agenda

Hmm. I guess I have no choice but to come visit him! He needs some guidance that only a woman can give! I'm coming for you Mr.Farage!

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What is Trump then?

So rather than sequestering a Jury the logical thing to do is to try to enforce a nationwide media blackout on every trial (which I've just proven doesn't happen consistently either) and only enforce it if the person reporting happens to be a political problem for the state?

Was this photo a crime?

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>we will probably get a soft brexit
Don't you know it yet?
Our Soros, yeah, that pig moved to Germoney, wants to give you another chance to redeem yourself aka the EUdSSR way of voting, let them vote until the results are the right ones.

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German grills simply can't resist the big british cock.

In heaps of other countries you can film outside court etc. no problem.. the UK has these cuck anti free speech laws though.. part of the issue here.

Apparently his filming could have affected the outcome of the case.

Filming just about anything can be said to influence a jury.
Wasn't the trial over anyway and this was a sentencing?

>doing a livestream outside of the court might mess with the impartiality of the judgement and is thus illegal
>imprisoning a political activist outside of the said court, creating a shitstorm on internet, leading to multiple protests, is on the other hand perfectly fine

Except that isn't how it works at all. It is NOT against the law to publicize the names of those on trial, ALL the names of the 29 gang members were ALREADY published. The ONLY thing that can even be slightly argued is the fact that Tommy recorded their faces, which is would NOT be contempt of court as the trial for that batch of "alleged" child rapists was coming to an end. If the fucking jury had no idea what the guys looked like this far into the trial, then there's some serious fucking problems with that trial.

Fuck off kike shill OP. Stephen Lenon is a literal Mossad asset.

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Again, wasn’t this a crime then?

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The 'contempt of court' law is at the discretion of the court, that's where the problem comes in.

He’s not wrong legally. Did he show contempt/disdain for Tommy? Or was he regretful and/or “matter of fact “?

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I was making a point about how ridiculous it is to say some guy filming himself outside a courthouse is going to influence a jury.

I love Farage. You can't expect one man to sacrifice his life to a cause that nobody else seems to be willing to fight for, or expect that person to suffer ceaseless public ridicule for their political positions. I get frustrated enough arguing with tards on Jow Forums. He has to deal with the mainstream media distorting everything he says and acting stupid in response to information, while their audience laps it up and jeers him.

He can do whatever the fuck he wants. Brexit isn't his responsibility.

AND if it is, wouldn’t the general media be guilty of influencing the Dankula case by doing the exact same thing?

This one can easily be argued against. Which Tommy's (yes his own lawyer this time) is appealing.


Here's what would have happened, and I agree that Farage shouldn't have left btw.

>UKIP high in polls
>Tories pretending they actually want to do Brexit
>Vote for us guys I swear we'll tell the EU what's what!
>Lies about it all
>Strong and stable Brexit
>We're doing a great job
>The betrayal continues as usual

You ungrateful fuck; he spent decades of his life to achieve his political goal, which he TECHNICALLY DID.

He wants to retire like old Cincinnatus or George Washington.

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Yeah but apparently there is a difference between filming at the trial or at a sentencing hearing.
That picture was taken after Dankula's sentencing.
Problem is I think Tommy was filming at the rapists sentencing hearing.....

Mossad own that little turd. Probably said they will kill his family if he dares name the jew


I love whoever made this meme

The difference is, that Tommy was bringing attention to something the authorities did not want attention brought to. That is the ONLY difference

A court order is different user.

It’s still bullshit but Tommy is genius to turn this bullshit order into a huge political victory.

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Learn to read it is illegal to try to identify members of an active jury, you can legally walk into any courthouse in the country and watch any ongoing trial no questions asked.

I find it hilarious how all the British posters are trying to rationalize this and say this is Tommy's fault. You just can't handle the fact that your government represents a foreign people and actively suppresses the natives that have a problem with this.

You can argue against any ruling user... this says nothing about who’s technically correct legally.

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>sacrifice his life

He left the job unfinished. He pretty much helped ruin it at the end. Thanks Nigel for starting, but fuck you for finishing.

Weird, typically it's a concept that Germans grasp very well, are you Arabic or Slavic by any chance?

>Thanks Nigel for starting, but fuck you for finishing.

Never fear deary! This is not the end! Much work is still to be done!

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He made it happen dude. You can't blame him for wanting a fucking break. Like I said, try having an argument where 3-4 people are against you, and are stupid/duplicitious, and unwilling to think logically or make rational arguments. It's absolutely infuriation, even anonymously on the Internet. Now imagine having that same argument, in public, solo, vs dozens of (((journalists))), in front of their jeering heckle-mob; repeating the same factually correct and logically consistent points over and over and over. It would make me hate humanity so much that I'd probably go on a shooting spree.

>He left UKIP
After 3 assassination attempts...fuck off shillberg.

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>Kosher (((nationalist))) shits on Tommy Mossad Robinstein
Good, good, I love it when the (((Eternal Anglo))) devours himself!

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>implying Brexit was ever a good idea

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>Problem is I think Tommy was filming at the rapists sentencing hearing.....
That is and isn't the problem. In a fully legal court case, the contempt of court charge would be thrown out, since nothing Tommy shown would bias a jury in the slightest. Even then the jury would be unable to watch his stream during the sentencing, which WAS scheduled for that day. However in an illegal court case were the judge only has a brief look at his stream, and pulls a 13 month sentence from thin air. they're using his stream as the crux of the charge. Even then I could go on about how there's evidence of the judge being biased.

>A court order is different user.
The judge is on record saying that he didn't care about the court order. If it was a court order breach, Tommy would've only gotten 3 months. The judge got greedy, and it could (should) easily have ramifications. That is, if the law isn't corrupt as shit.

I jumped the gun I admit. I thought you meant the gang members, but even then he didn't even try to get in touch with the jury so the charge is even crooked/falsified.

At this point, the court should come under scrutiny. Well in a just world that's what should happen.

Sometimes I love you Germany
The day the Germans stop being woke about kikes is the day humanity loses a friend and ally.

KEK, the irony of that IDF meme

This too, it's getting sad how everyone in the country seems to pin Brexit happening on Farage, as if this one man is the only guy who can make Brexit happen..

Don't say it too early. I'm for a united Europe with Britain in it.

Farage and Robinstein are both faggots.

That's why I said sometimes

Cant wait to see all brits bowing 5 times a day and looking like pic related.

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>he didn't even try to get in touch with the jury so the charge is even crooked/falsified.
This is arguably true but he put himself in a position where they had reason enough to apprehend him.

Thot holding the middle sign looks qt, would bang