ITT: Jews who will escape the oven

ITT: Jews who will escape the oven

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i thought we agreed we were sparing the cute khazars

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She is still so beautiful

Gotta love that Natalie Portman

kikes kiking a kike,

You do realize that she rejected it because Israel wasn't "progressive" enough right?

If it was in Sweden or some other equally pozzed like society, she would have picked it up in a heartbeat.

She is a qt though

A lot of leftist, diaspora Jews are not pro-Israel. They hate Israel for their nationalist policies and oppression of “muh poor brown people.” I don’t know why much of Jow Forums doesn’t seem to get this.

It’s insane to suggest that a hardcore leftist like Natalie Portman is our ally. She’d have all of us summarily executed if she had her way.

Why is a government denouncing some actress, lmao so petty

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>hot grits
No, she's just a jewish leftist. She might dodge the oven but not the helicopter.

Miller is unironically based jew

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this girl

anakin, please, you're breaking my heart

from my point of view the old republic was evil

the jewdi must be slaughtered once again so we can reform the historic state of sithsrael

This guy, yes. Must have been adopted.

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that expression when the truth just hit you in the face

good, nothing more beautiful than seeing the Jew dangle from the rope he hung himself

how much coke did she have in that video lmao?

Don't be mistaken. She's a hyper jew. She's mad at the other Jews for not being Jewy enough.

I poured over the entirety of kikedom and collated the full list

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I remember one of those ISIS execution videos that my tax dollars funded, where a line of preteen children executed captives, and then the early teen advanced kid beheaded one. An Israeli general said it would be stategically advantageous to allow that, these poor kids trapped in this life, to say nothing of the other children who were merely raped, murdered, or enslaved.

All I'm saying is, are zionists the baddies? What if? How could ethnic nationalism be morally indefensible, though. Thats why I say open borders for Israel

It's just a roastie being a disloyal roastie. By Jow Forums logic, she should be sticking with her own tribe. How is this any different than a white woman renouncing Europe.

>All I'm saying is, are zionists the baddies? What if? How could ethnic nationalism be morally indefensible, though. Thats why I say open borders for Israel

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>implying we aren’t prepared for this
Stupid goyim thinking they can fool us twice.

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Herslag is not jewish diaspora though, she was born and raised in Israel, I can only imagine what type of goy hating indoctrination they put their children trough in school

Israel is a nationalist state, portman is anti-israel because she hates the idea of nations in general you fucking retard.

>based jews advocating against nationalism everywhere!

(((Jared Kushner))) doesn't deserve a Fashwave.
Reminder to vote for Patrick Little.

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It's called "living in Hollywood"

Jow Forums is composed of retarded children that think that socialist jews in new york who want to gulag white people have anything in common with quasi-fascist jews in jerusalem who want to intern arabs.

her (((tribe))) you mean
the fact that she makes kikes like you foam at the mouth with anger makes me like her even more


One who gets it.

>quasi-fascist jews in jerusalem
Go ahead and start posting these talking points on your regular social media you two-faced kike. drop the muh only democracy in the Middle East bullshit that you use to siphon money and support

wish hershlag was my gf lads

The ones being shot.

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She's a shlag

>ITT: Jews who will escape the oven
>posts globalist former child prostitute communist
Nope, try again.
Also, pic related to actual OP.

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Yep, Stephen Miller appears to be 100% /ourjew/. His dislike of illegal spics goes way back, and he's basically a Jow Forums troll that matured into seeking to do something about it intelligently rather than Nehlen style self-sabotage. Journowhores have no idea how to handle him.

Stupidity is will not evade Judgment.

No one gets out.

Alex Jones is going to prison for treason.

>Jews who will escape the oven


Only this guy.

none, what is the fucking point, they're such a small % of the world anyway why risk a couple of them having kids who are the next karl marx?

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Richard Stallman

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Grigori Perelman, who proved the Poincaré conjecture and turned down the million dollar prize

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seconded. every hollywood jew can go straight to hell though.

>look at muh autism
>I'M IN LOVE!!!!
>post Khazar milkers!
Hasbara, please

got to admit she looks beautiful there

where is that video from? guessing a few years ago? i saw an interview with her about that kennedy film and you can see she has hit the wall quite hard even if she was covering it up with make up and lighting - very obvious around her neck and smile

in this clip she looks nice though

>ow could ethnic nationalism be morally indefensible, though.
We don't commit genocide, fund ISIS, are complicit in 9/11 and use it as a false pretense for a bad war. Faggot.

Aaron Schlossberg
>Speaks out against globalism and zionism, while dropping redpills

>Privileged white male abuses vulnerable ethnic minorities.
>If this had happened in my country Sweden this man would be in prison, unfortunately it will go unpunished in Trump's America.

FFS Sweden!

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I wonder if she actually has a panic or anxiety disorder. There are a few videos of her doing this similar "deer-in-the-headlights" thing, usually when she is not near someone.

yeah, her eyes are so shiny theres no way shes not on somehting

>Sparing globalist Jews because they don't like nationalist Jews
You utter fucking retard, we should be doing the opposite.

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hehehe. you want some nazi rape. but you cant have it.

How about neither?

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>muh literal JIDF created psyop
Fuck off JIDF.

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Fun fact: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the globalist jew agenda.
>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

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you're too old now. waaaaay to old. and jewettes age like swiss cheese. if not full of holes, it's stinky and flabby

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All Jews must face the oven. All of them. Never repeat the same mistakes.

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Germany please, haven't you done enough?
>started 2 world wars
>went on to form a supernatural organization who seeks to overwhelm europe with mud people
>at the economic pinnacle of that organization, calling all the shot
>seek to bring the destruction of europe as we know it and start ww3
why do you people always strive for world domination? Isn't selling BMW's enough for you scum?

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>implying you don't have jewish blood
purity spiraling is inevitable if we make ultimatums, especially with something like race.


Why Neturei Karta? I thought you goys would want to exterminate the penguins first?

was it austism?

future cockholster for a top white race warrior

Since Bobby Fischer is dead, none of them.

I see Jew.


A literal sandnigger that I used to rule and while he licked my feet dares to compare my blood with the one of Jews? The same Jews btw that humilated you in a blitzkrieg?

You actually dare talking to me camel-fucker?

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Leon the professional was an honorable man

t. autist

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Jews always play every side to hedge their bets. That way Jews win no matter who else wins, and Jews continue subverting whoever the winner was for the continued benefit of the Jews.
There are Jews in every fucking political ideology you can dream up, not because Jews are "individuals making their own choices" but because as a group strategy they try to put up a friendly face to every ideology just in case, so they can steer it and manipulate it to serve Jews if it ever succeeds.
There are ZERO Jews who can be allies. They are always a fifth column everywhere.

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unironically she did a lot more to harm the jews than /pol collectivly does in a year

>I am butthurt and don't have a responce to that....damn what I'm gonna do?!
>oh I see....I'll use Jow Forums memes
>yep! 100% success

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i like that hair

Israel is so shit you would need to be legit 1488 to support what they're currently doing.

I'm all for strong military and borders, but shooting an unarmed child from thousands of yards away with a sniper rifle then picking off people who come to help him doesn't have anything to do with border control.
Injuring people and then calling medics so you can kill those medics has nothing to do with border patrol.
If the Israelis want to do their own Holocaust they should go ahead and suffer the consequences for it.

is she having a panic attack?

Coal burner with mix races baby


>ITT: Jews who will escape the oven

Noam Chomsky

Stallman is a Jew?

Literal socialist joke

Quick rundown?

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>Literal socialist joke

oh come on, I'll hide Chomsky in the SS barracks if you insist on gassing him, he's cool

This guy gets a pass

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Just him though

Frame and Luke Ford /ourguys/

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man thank god we have these meme flags now huh

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Look at the amerifats in the back standing up. When these snakes starts a new war, they will be the “patriots” going to die for the real globalists kikes