Sup Jow Forums long time lurker

Sup Jow Forums long time lurker

I work at Starbucks AMA

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Other urls found in this thread:

What did they teach you in diversity training?

How diverse was your diversity training?

How bad are things over there?
(Also, perchance, do you have a STEM degree?)

What childhood trauma did you suffer to bring you to the point of working at Starbucks?

Was zyklon Zach there?

Can I shit in your bathroom? Also I never flush


What did you do in your former life to have ended up there as punishment?

he was given the redpill all at once!

The history of institutionalized racism and how to make customers feel more welcome in your store

>poo detected
Stop hiding your flag.

Are required by law to prostitute yourself to black patrons?

My boss is Hispanic, she led the training but most of the video presenters were white people

these guys can't even make a decent cup of coffee without burning it and you expect them to learn in a diversity training class hahahha now thats some funny shit btw i hate niggers and spics,kebabs and more so go get fucked in the ass by bubba.

It's tense, one of the stores by us had people come in and protest.

No I don't I'm currently undecided and might drop out because college is trash

The housing market crash

In detail plz

Sure, you don't even need to buy a latte now

>It's tense, one of the stores by us had people come in and protest.
Care to elaborate?

Do you know if it was real, or "astroturf"? What was it about?

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They showed us a short documentary on the civil rights era. I thought the comparison was stupid

They also announced a new policy that we can let people stay in the store even if they don't buy a drink.

But can I shoot up my heroin too

Well I wasn't there and there wasn't much news coverage. What I was told was a group of people came into a store with a mega phone, and harassed people coming in and out of the bathroom. I'm not sure if the police were called or not.

At least buy a Frap my dude

if you order a frappuccino you are a fucking child or retarded faggot. i regularly give niggers decaf

>Buying anything else. Ever
It doesn't work that way


They don't deserve caffeine

my wife who is a total normie says Starbucks isn't really cool anymore. Do you think it's true?


It might just be me but ever since what happened in Philly business has been slow. My store is actually in the red

It's an Upper Decker, numbnuts.

I'm actually left leaning and even I thought the training was stupid.

I just saw an article that says forced bias training makes people MORE racist (voluntary bias training does the opposite)

>how to make customers feel more welcome in your store
How do you do that?
Also, can you flip the script and make sure they feel less welcome in the store?

Dear Zack,
Do you hate diversity right now?
How many of you have been red pilled because this whole starcucks crisis?

For one our boss told us we need to smile more, also we need to "Make a friendly connection with the customers." meaning we need to talk to the customer and go out of our way to make their experience better anyway we can.

Never smile at nogs, they view it as weakness

>doesn't like the self flagellating, virtue signaling, re-education course
>claims to be a lefty
Beware that your tribe may turn on you.

I don't mind diversity. My friend group growing up looked like an after school special. I'm still friendly with many of them and their families are great.

The only good part of diversity is the food and the women. Everything else is shit

In my experience in leftist circles as long as you don't say anything explicitly bigoted you'll be fine

>blacks disproportionately rape white women


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Have you been living under a rock the last few years?
There are so many examples of leftists turning on each other for benign things it's not even worth cataloguing.
Probably more than half the people on Jow Forums are ex-liberals.

This. Scowl at them and say "Can I help you?" in a sharp tone.

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Where are you from OP?

Yeah I don't work at s bux but I just had some training where it was basically a video of a white guy terrorizing everyone else. And they added a random complaining atheist even though atheist are usually more aggressive. Also, there was a white cuck there chastise the white terrorist.

Where was this?

Didn't you complain about the racist content of the video?


What is the racial make up of your neighborhood and city you're located in?

mostly white with a significant Hispanic population. It's an average middle class bay community

>Where was this?
alphabet soup
>Didn't you complain about the racist content of the video?
there was no one to really complain to. I was going to lay into them if they requested a review.

>alphabet soup

The exposure as to how much calories are in pumpkin spice lattes was the first major blow. They're also populated by 'trendy' Arabs who everyone hates.

Do you think it's weird that Starbucks hired Common, who has praised anti-white cop killer Assata Shakur, to teach you how to not be racist?

Aw my God, I went into my local Starbucks today and was amazed at how quickly people have begun to take advantage of its vulnerable state.

> walk up to Starbucks. 7 (I counted) junkies/homeless either asleep while sitting up against the wall or laying down, 5 of which had needles still stuck in their arms
> One "guy's" pants were down (still passed out) while he was sporting what was clearly an at-home sex-change castration so he could be trans
> finally get inside and see a camera crew that i figure is there to film the new and improved face of Starbucks: diversity edition
> Nope. It's the cameramen of and they're filming a cuckold film right there on one of the tables.
> Big, black bull guy naked and pounding this blonde white chick
> white chick's husband is sitting in a corner, bound & gagged being forced to watch it all
> One of the baristas approaches the black guy to give him a free coffee and cake pop and he quickly smacks it away
> She apologizes for her racism and slavery and thanks him for the slap
> Bull pulls out of the white chick he's railing and proceeds to flood the entire store (4 feet deep) with cum.
> several of the female patrons quickly get pregnant and give birth to a whole slew of babies that look like what Americans will look like in 2050 and it's beautiful
> few black people hanging around the store but not buying anything.

Man it was crazy...

Why do you work for such a shitty company?

Based glow in the dark nigger
>paid to post on Jow Forums all day to study counter-radicalization
>comes home and complains about his job on Jow Forums

No.. it's a double decker..
It's an upgraded upper decker..
It's when it's up top, but also inside the bowl.
You have to really work that sphincter to pull it off

>on an image board with no images

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Zack is going Jesus larp for all white mans sins. And he wants you racists to know that. This is the price we pay

They told us to be "color brave". No joke. Please meme the fuck out of that.

White or (((white)))?


Based! Leaning left is going to wear out the longer you work there and get a dose of the real polite diverse fake customers!

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sounds like my friend group. Our nigger leaches of of everyone still, we are now in our 30s

This was in my little green book

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is this ritual only available to the wageslaves of starbucks?

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You know, this is Not How it works!!! They are so fucking stoopid!!!!

Trying to force employees to be Fake and not themself.
If you dont already have it in you, forget it. Someone tells me to smile more, fuck off!
Wherever I am, when people try to con me, sell me and being fake and talking stoopid shit, just get my coffee and shut the fuck up!!!!

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>female patrons quickly get pregnant and give birth
>Females not having abortions.
You had me going until I spotted this lie.

pretty much anyone who has been getting more and more tired of "diversity"

Spot on!

If you werent a liberal at 20 you didnt have a heart.
If you werent a conservative by 40, you didnt have a mind!

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How come you ain’t kys yet

High credentials for sure. Unfucking believable?!!!! Lose the blue hair girls!

>we need 2 lines people
>broke jobless niggers here to scream about u din du nuffin to the left
>and can I get beautiful white and Asian people who are visibly uncomfortable, and just want their coffee and gtfo to the right.

i have 11 bags of shit in ziplocks sitting in the shed, wat do?

The owner of Cuckbucks is virtue signaling because he wants to be the democratic nominee. duh

Why post a poem about brits hating Germans?

not shit, energy.

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When sz o yboi has an RP shoved down his throat, knowing he's minimum wage until after 'The University of My Feelings Feelz' grants him a degree in 'Putting Pimentos Into Olives' while being told he has to eat shit from everybody who doesn't look like him, because race n' skin color does not exist, whiteboi

wow, where was this?

this is probably the most normie shitpost I've read in my life
I feel like it's 2005 and I'm on myspace all of a sudden

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Goddamit I remember gaia at least. Not good memories.
Also fukken checked.

I trust your expertise on the topic

So they didnt teach you about how the recent trend is to vilify the white man? Odd.

>I'm actually left leaning
me too but I'm not a retard

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had any upper decks lately?

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Normal people are leaning more towards nazis as communists ramp up their attacks

how many miles of penis do you consume per hour, on average

yea dude, seriously, it was nuts. i was not a fan at all. My plan was to just freaking buy the coffee and then gtfo out of there but the problem is that all of the coffee machines were jammed with cum so they told me to come back another day.

Boston. Well, Allston, MA to be exact but, yeah.