Given how Britian is becoming history's biggest joke, i was hoping to stockpile dangerous brit bong hate memes
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Given how Britian is becoming history's biggest joke, i was hoping to stockpile dangerous brit bong hate memes
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Where have you been memefag? It already is.
Britain is so fucking bad I moved to CANADA and loved it.
no seriously
Can't we just go back a couple years when Germany and Sweden were the ones who got bullied on Jow Forums ;_;
So has the UK officially overtaken Sweden to be the biggest submissive faggots in the world?
If submission is 85+% white then i dunno what to tell you burgerfriend.
You mad?
shut up faggot our country is a joke and i moved for good reason
your meme enough here shit squitter job hands
Take action pol
One day, a King will come, and the Sword will rise again.
As screwed up as the British police state is Britain is more homogenous than America so you shouldn't be using the "Amerimutt" picture on the Brit. Also Britain has the country side but America has completely been cucked and degenerated by the ZOG it seems. I swear 90 percent of America is circumcised oh vey
"Maybe we get raped, assaulted, threatened and murdered by illegal immigrants in daily basis and get arrested for reporting crimes done by illegal immigrants but at least we don't have school shootings. Checkmate, ameritards!"
-typical eurofag in denial-
You make fun of them but I swear America is only 54 percent white while Britain is 87 percent. Americans are also more likely to be corrupted by the Zionists I mean 90 percent of them are circumcised and wall street is in America. You also are getting murdered by black ghettos no?
>america is cucked and degenerated
>implying britian is greater because of forced diversity
>You also are getting murdered by black ghettos no
Yes since there are lots of illegal immigrants from Africa. But for some weird reason African migrants in Greece are from the most peaceful migrants, unlike other migrants and minorities like Muslims, Albanians, Pakistanis, Gypsies etc.
I don't recall americans being arrested in daily basis for defending themselves from criminals and for having a "problematic" opinion.
No Britain is under a brutal Zionist occupation but its not America's level its on level below. You shouldn't throw bricks in a glass house.
Well look at what they did to Scottie Spencer in America. He was a persecuted though criminal in America
When I talked of black ghettoes I meant America not Africans in Greece
You got any proofs for that, gov-nah?
you brought it on yourselves bong, you saw the insanity taking place on the continent and said to Nigel hold my kebab
Well America is were the "social justice" movement came from, America and Israel caused the European migrant crisis, Europe is more homogenous (your at 54 percent in America)and wall street and Hollywood and other degenerate organisations are in America we only have the city of London where the Rothschild freemasons are
You moved from a joke of a country to an apocalyptic one, what is your IQ; 70?
Social justice was started by cultural marxists, and guess what sweetie, you're infested, too.
At least America isn't killing itself with economic refugees
>pretending Britian never helped in the middle east
Hollywood is a place, not an organization
Freemasons are mostly open to the public
Guess what America has that europe will never have? Natural born rights
"A judge wants the points of kitchen knives to be rounded and blunted to reduce the number of young men dying from stab wounds in street attacks."
America didn't let those fuckers into your respective countries without so much as a cursory background check. They also didn't get on CNN and tell the entire fucking world about their open borders immigration policy.
You can blame the US for a fair share of the problem, but the US sure as hell didn't pour gasoline on the fucking embers.
fair enough we are both under a ZOG(Zionist occupation government)
There would be nothing to stop an American from posting hatespeech on behalf of the British people against our Marxist government.
Hate speech always be free speech. Be a man, not a peasant
>Americans are actually posting this
Cognitive dissonance with you guys is astounding. It really is.
And it is always Americans with such glee and happiness at whites dying, whilst proclaiming to be pro white.
Amazing, truly amazing. Americans need a time out to reflect on their own and completely fucked up situation that really isn't reversible now.
They feel good about their mess when pointing at the mess of others it looks like when the ZOG is screwing everyone over
How many of those sentences did the British court system give? Didn't you just imprison (and potentially torturing) a man who tried to expose muslim rape gangs?
At least we have respectable leaders. Unlike your shriveled, dusty queen and traitorous, imbred "royal" family
They’re gonna wish so hard Hitler won. So in a way.... Hitler is still getting in position to win. He’s playing the long game from the grave.
different because he vandalized a building by smashing and destroying things. You get thrown into jail for wrongthink about islam, checkmate bonglord
Fuck yea, love the attitude. Heil Hitler