What does Jow Forums think about Elon now,?
What does Jow Forums think about Elon now,?
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pic related is pretty much rothschild's reaction here
note: it's a gif, you gotta watch it.
Thanks colonel
Was in response to someone talking about rich people. Sorry to bust your circlejerk.
your welcome
kek to u too sir
It was in response to a lack of media plurality, you dunce.
All out forces combine!
Together our powers merge to become SUPER AUTIST!
it's ok if you don't have positive feelings towards me. sometimes people just rub eachother the wrong way and i understand that.
It's pretty easy to understand. Elon Musk is unironically the real life iron man and the (((free press))) is talking his geniusly life improvement and environment safing invention bad. They want him to fail, God knows why.
Even Rothschild is treating him now that the over Lord's will kill him if he don't let the bankrupt him and his vision.
That's it.
Elon will fail or be killed, do you really think it's about anything else here?
that's why baskins robbins makes 31 different flavors of ice cream, you know. cuz there are different kinds of people on earth and it takes all different kinds to make the planet go around.
Last time I went there they only had 30 flavors. I threw a fit when they didn’t understand my dismay. My mom had to buy me a double scoop to get me to calm down.
I do not mind this direction at all. tyvm.
hello Jow Forums rep here, Elon is basically Hitler. Tesla and spaceX were made to fly the Jews into the Orbit with electric power and gas them right there in outer space
Elon is woke
it is time
We have this saying in Poland " Hit the table and scissors will talk" witch basically means "He whom the cap fits, let him wear it.". He doesn't even meant jews and he explained it but so many people on the left were concerned about alleged anti-semitism it really activated my almonds.
Think about it:
1.He's trying to "make the world a better place".
2.God-tier level European "taking charge of the situation" mentality... BTFO's ((((BIG GREEDY CORPORATIONS)))) that want makind to stagnate whilst they get richer and fatter.
3.Almost Single-handedly going to take Europeans to Mars.
4.The tickets to Mars won't be affordable for most blacks.(and in general...most non-whites worldwide)
5.The A.I he creates will agree with us: having billions of useless Africans waste Earth's resources is completely undesirable.
6.Regardless of his true political beliefs he clearly is very smart, and being supportive of transhumanism and making the future a better place for Europeans.
7.He's played Deus Ex.... he knows all about the conspiracy theories of the world.
Even if he isn't directly /ourguy/ ..... he's certainly not (((their guy))))
- meme flag
We love patriots who speak the truth... Or at least attempt to, given media kikery in the US....
Is that really a relatable expression in a country where most people can't even afford scissors?
All companies involved in space, including Space Exploration Technologies aka Set, have ties to the occult. That being said there is not one organization but many fighting among each other for control of this world. The real question is who is he aligned with?
If it is not the kikes he has my attention.
It's like when anytime someone mentions the bankers, jews start to get nervous.
Elon is a front for Deep State Nazis.
Elon is too smart to believe in the JQ.
that picture made me want to kill either myself the artist or the serb
you’re right, elon knows personally who controls the flow of fiat currencies
Is this the mythical "good jew"?
>strong regulations on the banking sector
if only he’d be so kind as to jewsplain what exactly he thinks can be done to the institutions who create the curriencies that pay the politicians
Elon just got laid with Graves and now is acting like he is on the top of the world. Shit will crash like it always does.
Reminder that there are fewer than 20 million jews in the entire world