Why does the left hate hunters?

Every time I read an article about a hunter dying in a hunting accident, the comments section gets swarmed with thousands of mindless leftist drones cheering and wishing death on all hunters. Meanwhile these same people have absolutely no quarrel with raising animals in captivity, usually in terrible conditions for the sole purpose of being killed. Only a tiny minority are actual vegetarians.

Where does this hate come from? Are leftists so disconnected from reality that they don't even realize the steak on their plate used to be a living animal too? If you point out this hypocrisy, they usually resort to autistic screeching.

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cause leftists are usually also vegan.
They think you can liberate farm animals back into the wild not understanding that over countless generations these animals have been bred to provide food products for humans.

For them, controlling wild animal populations is insane, they ail to understand that 99% of hunters are respectful of their kill. It is not only for sport but sustenance as well.

Most leftists are city dwelling retards who watch too much animal planet

Lot's of blacks in the south hunt and fish. I worked at a place that sells licenses for a couple summers and it was pretty much 50/50 on the hunting and fishing licenses of blacks and whites.

Because hunting is a right-wing activity. Leftists want to punish right-wingers whenever they get the chance, whether it's by restricting guns, destroying marriage, or raising taxes.

I really feel that black people could become more republican. They hate regulations (police), they love guns (pro-second amendment), and they know that immigrants lower wages.

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nice strawman

They hate anything that increases self sufficiency and self relience

Nice snowman

Leftists are useful idiots


And only this

Because animals are cute.

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The blacks that aren't on welfare generally do lean conservative, that's why there's so few of them

Leftists hate people who are self-sufficient. They are convinced to hate them by the Jews. Jews make no money off of people who can rely on themselves for subsistence.

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Checked and if they actually absorbed what was on animal planet they would know that hunting keeps populations in check. They oppose it because they think r/k selection is pseudoscience. So they don't care if rabbits or deer eat all the vegetation or wolves over hunt.

Full disclosure: Not my photos.

That's the exit wound (with the skin flayed back to show the whole thing); this is what it did to the lungs.

6.5mm 140gr A-Max, 640 yards distance. Estimated impact velocity was 1800-ish FPS.

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Same bullet, different cartridge. Estimated velocity was 2600 FPS.

Entrance wound.

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Professional malcontent. A lot of these Liberals are teenagers or 20-somethings living on their parents dime. They have a wonderful lack of problems in their own lives so they go around looking to create problems and controversy where there shouldn't be any. These people are fundamentally angry at Mommy and Daddy for no reason.

>for no reason

mommy and daddy probably raised them in a perpetual bubble. always told fighting is the worst, violence is never the answer, that one should be meek, etc.
i would hate my parents too if i had such a cucked upbringing.

It's a single lack of understanding. I'm from a big city but would love to go out and hunt an animal. There's something honest and mammalian about hunting something. The thrill of the chase and the satisfaction of ending a life to prolong your own. We have lost our connection with the real world. In that respect Marx was correct. Without a connection to the environment, revolution is inevitable.

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Niggers are naturally conservative, it's why their cultures haven't changed for thousands of years. They'd happily become American conservatives if the Dems didn't bribe them with so many gibs.
Just like Africa would snap back to its normal state if the world wasn't sending them billions in aid every year.

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because they mirin' my fb likes

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Because a lot of them are sadistic assholes, obviously. It's a pursuit for sociopathic autists.

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In simplest terms, they are denouncing anything that links to masculinity. As mentioned before, self-reliance and sufficiency are male traits. You see more examples as you look at the far-left. They huddle together wear masks, are afraid to speak and engage with others. They denounce confidence and bravery, again both of which are male traits.

It boils down to left-leaning people being beta-males. They cannot, and are afraid to fend for themselves as they lack the aforementioned traits, so they must rely on the group.

lmao, that is not a hunter. it's a tourist, dumbshit. kinda like you being here

I like the logic one hunter put it to me: The way you kill them is a better death than any they would suffer naturally otherwise.

Starvation, disease, parasites, or just being ripped apart by wolves or bears - vs a bullet through the heart/lungs and loss of consciousness within 30 seconds.

Blacks can be republican over in africa

They hate everyone.

>lmao, that is not a hunter. it's a tourist, dumbshit. kinda like you being here
Read up about him. He was a lifetime hunter and was obsessed with maiming shit with bow and arrows. He got into trouble previously with a bear incident too. He seems like a typical hunter to me and a complete piece of shit.

Also, Donald Trump Jr. fits these descriptions too. Might be an even bigger asshole.

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Being self sustaining and self-reliant is antithetical to leftist valies of dependancy and group reliance.

You ever eat a kangaroo? I want to go there just to do that

I've noticed the same thing. The situations has actually become much worse in France in the last few years. Anti-hunters are extremely aggressive now, they don't hesitate to disrupt hunting sessions and provoke hunters by getting directly in their faces. On the internet, any hunting video or picture, any reference to anyone being a hunter will get you tons of insults on you and your family, death threats and so on. We had one sportsman (Luc Alphand) who was so harassed (as well as his family) for being a hunter that he actually had to leave France.
I think hunters are the embodiment of what leftists hate : they use guns, they are outdoors/countryside people, they like good meat and alcohol, they are mostly older men, and they are all white. I have never seen a non-white hunter here, ever.

The left's crusade against hunting is closely linked to their obsession with gun control.

*values not valies

niggers are useless subhuman leeches and incompatible with any white political leaning mindset

they ook and eek and hold their hands out for free shit

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The Right = Wolf. The Left = Rabbit.

Because they think killing animals is bad but somehow killing human babies is good

>"""white""" USA
Including Arabs, Jews and Mexicans

People who are incapable of self reliance resent those who aim to provide for themselves.
Dependency breeds resentment of the independent

Hunting is masculine.
The internet is mostly used by unfucked facebook-moms.

Make up your own mind.

New hunter first time going 28 years old. Got a doe tag this year from the lottery. I'll be using an AR10 firing 7.52 real fucking NATO with a 4-16x42mm vortex.

Any tips for a first timer? Be going alone because none of my friends hunt.

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Its also has do do with a leftists inability to understand his place in the food chain and a natural order.
It is there perview that we somehow stand outside of nature or that it doesnt apply to us. This is most evident when it comes to sexuality and gender roles but also with veganism and vegetarianism.
>Fuck nature i can live without protein, iron, B12, etc.
They cant fathom or appreciate that we need to take life in order to live.

Those who say these things are probably misinformed to the point where they see "hunting" as purely sport. To be fair, there are a lot of hunters that treat it exactly as such. It's a strawman for sure, but it does hold at least some ground.

Still, those who can't see through this and see that there are many hunters who do so with respect for nature and the creatures they eat are simply deluding themselves for their own idealogical purposes. It's a fantastic alternative to farmed meat which I generally detest (although even in that there are operations that I think do thinks as arbitrary close to ethical as possible) and such should be used as a great fix to our current insane view of food. Hunting encourages respect for the animals as one can truly learn the value of how smart and diligent certain animals are through the struggle of the chase.

Another issue is that the Left is currently aiming for urban citizens who know nothing about hunting so that they are separated from the concept entirely. Their entire perspective is what they get from the media which is usually portrayed as your quintessential redneck out trying to have fun. It's a sad state of affairs for sure. If anything, I blame urbanization.

Nothing wrong with responsible hunting.

But there's something wrong if you enjoy the killing on a sick base pleasurable level, and a lot of hunters do.

There's a lot of 'men' wishing death on hunters too.

i guess im a pussy but when i was younger i wounded a deer and my dad made me cut its throat with his knife. it didnt die right away and was flailing about making horrible noises through its open neck so my dad blew its head apart at point blank range. what messed with me was a few weeks before we went to a petting zoo with my cousins and there was a tame doe they just let walk around everywhere and it came up to me and was licking me as i was petting it. i remember thinking it was like a dog.

There's a difference between hunting for meat and hunting for trophies. I don't have a problem with people hunting deer, elk, etc. where it's environmentally called for and the meat can be put to good use. If anything, it's a far more humane way of harvesting meat than industrialized farming.

I find it harder to accept people hunting exotic animals as trophies in canned hunts on high-fence properties. There's something fundamentally repulsive about killing a living being to massage your ego and give you pleasure.

>But there's something wrong if you enjoy the killing on a sick base pleasurable level, and a lot of hunters do.

This sort of shit fuels the leftist ideology. As foolish as I think this certain ideology is, I can at least understand the perspective, and the left has a point here that they will cling to unless it's dealt with accordingly.

I've even tried explaining to some that the meat is processed and sold and eaten by someone somewhere, even if the hunter himself was doing it for sport. They just don't care. The leftist idea of a 'humane' meat-industry is by raising animals in captivity to be tortured until they're fat enough to kill. Hunting an animal that has led a free life in the wild on the other, that's considered cruel.

It is required by law to process the meat for consumption, even when trophy hunting, whether the hunter eats it, or whether it's sold doesn't matter, but SOMEONE eats it eventually.

This is true. Someone who kills an elephant in Africa out of sport may actually provide a whole lot of much needed protein for local peoples. It's a multi-faceted issue that is unfortunately boiled down for ideological purposes.

A lot of animals would be worse of if it wasn't legal to buy a (very expensive) licence to 'hunt' them. I agree it feels wrong when you see and apex predator taken out by a fat slob.

I have nothing to add except my hunting loli folder.

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Loving it.

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To be fair, there are many people on the Right who believe in humans having dominion over animals, and it's nearly a similar ideological issue in separation from nature. If I had the choice between unethical farmed meat (which many on the Right push all the same) and vegetarianism, I would choose the later. I've experimented on my diet in the past and didn't notice much operational difference in my bodily performance. It's entirely doable. Fortunately I have access to either hunted meat or ethical farmed meats, so I am still more or less an omnivore.

Deer is some seriously tasty (and expensive) meat.

I am in no way opposed to hunting for sport. Again, the meat does get used but also, it again boils down to self reliance.
The concept is to never be relant on the system or government for the necessities necessary to feed yourself and your family. Sport hunting is still about striving to be the best you can at surviving and a respect for the kill is still there because the animal was still a part of your development.
Again, if done responsibly I dont see anything wrong with it especially in cases of severe overpopulation of a predatory species.

We have dominion over animals edition.

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I hear moose is the tastiest meat, any AmeriFags confirm?

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Giraffes are assholes.

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They get real upset if you explain to them that after their death they will get eaten too by other creatures. I think you may be on to something, user. They just don't understand nature. The funniest shit I've seen was leftists hating on a vid of a lion eating a baby antelope. Like the lion is supposed to adhere to their standards and become a vegan.

I realize that but I still find the whole experience to be extremely unseemly. I appreciate that it has a lot to do with how we idealize charismatic mega fauna in the West - the idea of a lion being shot dead by some fat tourist who has effectively been given the kill on a plate is repulsive on a primitive level.

This pic is just cute.

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I can and yes it is delicious, unlike deer, it has lots of fat which makes it tastier and not as dry, the less prime parts make great burgers too.

I'm pretty far right and hate Leftists as much as the next goy, but hunting is cowardly and unnecessary. Deeds are cute af and just wanna eat grass and stuff, no need to explode their brains or leave them to get eaten by ants just because it makes your dick feel bigger

Wish I had a gun license (and a posting license).

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It makes me laugh how leftists are against hunters even though hunters are super pro-conservation. They just acknowledge that sometimes you also have to cull pest animals and leftists get upset and would prefer deer meat to be distributed across windshields instead of in freezers.

Neck urself

I feel this thread is deviating a lot towards big game hunting, but to give another example. Everyone in Belgium loves to eat venison, hare and pheasant. But if you bring up the topic they're all wild and hunted animals, the general consensus is hunters are scumbags. I just can't stand the hypocrisy. Most people love to eat everything as long as they don't think about where it came from.

that shit of standing on top of an animal with one foot is some bullshit.
little twerps, never in danger, shoot a stupid animal with a howitzer from far away.
>hurrrr I is teh great conqueror!!!!
>hurrrr I is teh great conqueror!!!!
>hurrrr I is teh great conqueror!!!!

I play some online games with a guy from Montana and he raves about it, as a BritBong the best I can do is tell him how much he's missing out on good lamb. In truth, I've only shot one deer and endless vermin here. We are so overpopulated.

Although I had an awesome time hunting (including bow shooting) in Tasmania.

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why are you so upset?

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This is also why people hate MGTOW.

Hunters are undomesticated.

In the deer are sometimes ripped to shreds by packs of wolves. It is not un any way cruel and not as horrific as it looks.
There is a reason higher life forms posses a pain threshold, it is the maximum amount of pain you can withstand before your brain shuts of reception.
Torture experts are in fact experts at circumventing this biological mechanism chemically otherwise actual "torture" would just be you passing out when the pain got too high.

>cheering and wishing death on all hunters
so far so good
>Meanwhile these same people have absolutely no quarrel with raising animals in captivity
yeah, that's hypocrisy
>If you point out this hypocrisy, they usually resort to autistic screeching.
let them screech and keep reminding them that they're dishonest and should go vegan

That's not the point.

The wolves do it out of need. The specific hunters in question (not all by any means) are doing it out of want. That's the difference.

In the wild*

Hunters are often some of the best guys on earth.
It's nice to camp with a hunter too, because camping is a byproduct of something a hunter has to do just to enjoy what he enjoys sometimes.
I hike mainly to just go, but it's nice to have a friend along who's a hunter.

because it is masculine

I know what you are saying but that is only situational.
If i take the wolf out of the environment and feed him and domesticate him then it would be equally as cruel because i would have taken away his ability to provide for himself.
You speak as though it is the duty of humanity to become urbanized and domeaticated. I argue that it is not up to you to take away my ability to provide for myself.

not more masculine than driving a car or stepping on a chair to change a lightbulb (and less dangerous than both)

I like killing.

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Very few people hunt for survival or necessary food. Most people hunt for the entertainment factor of stalking/killing game.

If you're asking an animal to die for your entertainment, there is probably something wrong with you.

In their view, humans belong outside the ecosystem entirely. No hunting or logging are acceptable to them. They know nothing about huntable surpluses, wildlife population surveys, or the role of the predator in the environment. They don't consider that a swift death to a hunter's bullet is likely better than anything an animal would experience in the wild, which can include disease, injuries, or simply being eaten alive.

Few leftists have any scientifically-based education in ecology, natural sciences, or biology, but they believe they understand the issues completely. They will never pause to consider whether this is a practical or wise approach, but it makes them feel self-righteous, which is what matters to them in the end.

>If you point out this hypocrisy, they usually resort to autistic screeching.

They don't know how to deal with logic. It confuses and frightens them, which then makes them angry.

I love to hunt.exe

Not really though. Some hunting is, but a lot of it is fat losers being shown where to kill something so they can pose and take a photo.

Leftists I know don't hate hunters. They hate trophy hunters but so do the "Rightists" I know.

I suppose, but why not just let nature run its course. Wolves gotta eat too.

Mah pic

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Maybe if you can't hunt. Everyone up here in New Hampshire is practically giving away venison when hunting season is over.

Moose sucks, It's like bear, very fatty and gristly. Deer is the way to go.

A lot of people who are opposed to hunting would also oppose cruel animal farming as well.

Cruelty is killing an animal for entertainment which is what most hunting is. If you can easily buy protein year round at your grocery store, there isn't any real reason you need to hunt for it.

>I know what you are saying but that is only situational.
Yes. Definitely.

>If i take the wolf out of the environment and feed him and domesticate him then it would be equally as cruel because i would have taken away his ability to provide for himself.

Ironically, watch your pronouns.

Unironically, wolves are not inherently capable of domestication. The only reason dogs exist as a form of domesticated wolf is that they are a small subset of wolves who were first naturally selected over a long period of time for low cortisone response as they were the wolves living off the scraps of nearby humans.

So no, I do not think the wolf would act as you think it would. The closest thing you have to your premise is a dog, and that becomes a complicated issue in domestication and a need for rigorous definitions into needs and wants.

>You speak as though it is the duty of humanity to become urbanized and domeaticated.

The opposite for the former, trust me. I could speak endlessly about my distaste for urban life Domestication on the other hand isn't so bad depending on your definition.

>I argue that it is not up to you to take away my ability to provide for myself.

I totally agree. I'm not out to tell anyone what to do. I'm still going to call faggot when I see people posting trophy shots though.

No, the Amerindo nigger is right, and you know it. Day of the Rake is coming.

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Personally, I believe in the power of the dollar vote, and I refuse to vote for bullshit animal farming and would gladly hunt for it out of source for food so as to not support that bullshit industry.

Plenty has to be cooked to perfection or its tough as old boots

You're a drain on humanity.

Leftists hate anybody that picks up a gun that isn't bolice or military

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Ok you are sidestepping my point about the wolf substitute it with any animal born in captivity being reintroduced to the wild, they would posses the insticts but lack the skills and survival would be more difficult.
>I'm still going to call faggot when I see people posting trophy shots though.
But why tho?
Why is it wrong for someone to be proud of being a good hunter?
Would you call a farmer a faggot for holding up a 14lb tomatoe?