Since when was pedophilia something to be respected?

Recently I was digging through Twitter like a normie and I uncovered a landfill of cancer and concentrated autism.
Pic related.

How is this even allowed?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>if I admit it then people will accept me
Gas em

Well, "anti-contact" pedos aren't so bad desu. What more can you ask of them?

It must be incredibly difficult to live with this affliction whilst knowing full well the desires within are wrong and need contant harnessing. These brave people should be commended for being so open

To commit suicide.


You can't really expect this without offering some help.

To shut their fucking mouths because the only reason anyone would ever admit to it is to slowly "progress" to it being tolerated.

>How is this even allowed?
they're not right wing so they get a pass


on everything

stop using twitter

Help them commit suicide


The only award they want for this admission is legal permission to sexually exploit children.

Give them a trophy today if you want to. But you will wake up to child rape tomorrow.

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I don't even know if people are seriously defending these obvious retards. The "RobertWest5" guy has a blog. I advise you all to go and look at it. It is truely disgusting

Well, time to ruin lives.

Oh oh , I know britain, why dont you focus in staffing your police force with them?


No cunt, you're a pedo

Well, we could legally report them to the authorities on the suspicion of possesing illegal porn.
I mean, that's how we could realistically, legally and morally approach the situation without fearing any negative consequences.

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Yeah, let's commend them because they aren't raping kids. Let's normalize pedophilia.


>Respecting pedophiles
Cannot understand this

They do the opposite of earn respect

Ok so just keep being anti-contact or kill yourself then

If there's something worth complimenting about SJW-tumblrinas it's that at least for now they are absolutely against "pedosexuals" and "minor attracted persons". They are not publicly accepted and appreciated anywhere. I'm still worried that it might change, all it needs is time and propaganda and liberal mankind has time and again proven that it has absolutely no standards.

To run into the middle of a busy highway, step off a high cliff, or sit in their parked car while it runs in a closed garage for a bit.

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Complete removal of genitals and house arrest.

If her age is on the clock then she's ready for the cock.

I don't blame them for their desires but I do hold them accountable for not accepting the obvious that they have a mental illness that is contributing to this abnormal sexual desire, and should at the very least seek out professional help. Though they are certainly not as bad as the offenders, attempting to normalize it as just another sexual preference is pretty disgusting too.

mark down names faces and addresses for dotr. paedos get the stake.

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As a "non-offending" pedo I can confirm that anybody who talks about it is looking to act on their desires. I don't even post in most anti-pedo threads because I'm ashamed of my own fucked-up mind. Anybody who isn't ashamed of admitting they're a pedo is someone who will probably molest a child if they have the opportunity.
I've seen what these people talk about. They cloak their perversion by pretending it's about helping the child with his shitty family situation or whatever, but what's helpful about teaching a kid to suck cock?
They're all degenerates and as far as I'm concerned they should all be castrated so they have no sexual desire. I'd happily submit to this just to rid myself of this abnormality.
Yes, abused as a child. Yes, raised by a single mother. I'm anti-degeneracy and far-right because I want to save others from my fate.

You mean liars?

Good post that shouldn't be ignored.

The Americans must do it though because all pedos are American and the FBI won't listen to us Europoors

>>at least for now
That's the key. It's just for now.
Until it's normalized enough.
Motherfuckers should die. That's it.
I don't have many simplistic opinions but this is basically the gist of my opinion
Pedophile = death sentence.

>mfw when cute 16 gives me her number
>im 22

What should I do?

This right here. This is how it started with gays and trannies. "What we do in the privacy of our own homes is our business, it's not like we're teaching it to your kids in schools"
Cut to trannies and gays literally holding acceptance rallies at elementary schools.
Cut to 2030 pedos literally holding acceptance rallies at elementary schools.
Good job liberals!

Just go with the flow, but when the polis comes to your door just say "inshallah broder jag heta mohammod"

wow, so you're a character right out of george orwell's book? nice job.


Shall we meme it?

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Ait but 16 is legal, aslong as I dont save no nudes cops got nothing on me

Still I will rename myself Mohammed just incase

Normalize them and celebrate their use of miniature love dolls! What could go wrong!

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has to be fake activist sock puppets - anyone who is proud enough to be public with this illness is bold enough to take action on their desires.

OP IS SWEDISH. also fuck pedos

1 up that and convert to islam, the police literally can't touch you.

They are trying to normalize it, media has been trying to help them normalize it already.

This is a slippery slope. They should be shunned completely

>and should at the very least seek out professional help
I don't think there are many options for that out there. And as seen in this thread, letting other people know is risky when there are so many who would forcefully want to assist you in suicide.
Given that, I'm not really surprised why they don't come out. It's like coming out as gay in Saudi Arabia.
The real question should be: should they be treated or exterminated.
And if you go with the latter don't be surprised if they try to hide like jews from hitler.

Can confirm, OP from Laptop here

>that porygon one

jesus fucking christ arrest that degenerate

they say that but its bullshit. anyone who comes out of the closet as a fucking pedo touches kids no matter how hard the deny it. there is no social benefit to coming out as a kid diddler other than trying to normalize it eventually

Talk to her platonically from time to time and don't say anything sexual or romantic until she's 18.

aw shit

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>age range
but why

They are programming your children at an early age with sex education in elementary schools

The sixth grade curriculum includes lessons on gender identity, birth control, the stages of sex, STDs, HIV and pregnancy. Parents are calling the material “too much, too soon” and age-inappropriate while San Diego officials defend the curriculum by arguing that the Centers For Disease Control And Prevention supports the lesson plans, CBS News 8 reported.

“We’re going to ask them to suspend this new curriculum because it’s not a curriculum for the adolescent brain, it’s an adult curriculum,” mom Angela Beaver told CBS 8 News.

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Du menar mashallah

Shit fag all you gotto do is say a prayer so technically im already muslim

The eternal leaf

Forgot to add: unemployed.

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Well... I can fuck her silly legally so...

i am smart enough to recognize that there are probably people who are legitimately attracted to kids who don't act on it. I agree - i don't know what state of mind is needed for someone to come out publicly with that. For what is worth, sorry you're cursed with something shitty - are you even attracted to adults

follow your leader

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By your own admission and stated conditions, you are not trustworthy. Your affliction is not just mental. Repent and put your trust in Christ. Stay away from children for the rest of your life.

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you could be like right wing pedo batman, but instead of your parents being murdered they molested you and so you go around beating up pedos and throwing ninja stars into sex offenders.

Yeah, let me potentially waste my time and life to e-bully some pedofaggots that might even get off to the concept of getting the slight attention from internet strangers and risk blowing the whole thing up for msm to further push their pedo-normalizing agenda.
Holy shit, shut the fuck up, ameritard.

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Step 1. Make a list
Step 2. Get the gas

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wallah broder

OP posted like tard without quoting me. OP is swede

What the fuck is anti-contact if not "I am fucking afraid people will lynch me if I dare to touch so I pretend I do not want". What I want from them is to shut up about their perverted dreams and thank god we are living in enlightened times where intentions do not warrant punishment.

You deserve to die. The best you can do is round up like minded perverts like yourself, strap on a bomb and allah akbar. What is keeping you from killing yourself right now?

As I mentioned above, the fact that you admit that it is a problem and not just another sexual fetish is all one could ask, it's not your fault. Are there really no solutions for you? is there no form of therapy that could help?

Tel has tezy

Mental illness is like bugchasing, gotta have as many as you can!

>If you kill your enemies, they win
You don't fight the normalization of evil by being apathetic, Hans. Gas yourself.

lmao Jow Forums in a nutshell


Probably doesn't want to get doxxed

Unless you kill the genetic or psychological makeup that makes a pedophile, you won't get rid of that cancer, because even if you kill 10 of them now, in 100 years they will still be appearing.
They must believe that everything wrong that is happening to them is "divine" punishment.
If you get "physical" people involved, it will only strenghten their wishes and seek validation and support from other, which will most likely work in the current degenerate socio-political enviroment
psy-op all the way, faggot

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They're going all out aren't they?

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They will ask for more once the foundation is finished

>rightwind dickman goes around dressed in pink, beat pedos and throw cockerangs
>instead of robin in latex shorts he is accompanied by old nun

Just call it #littleattractions

Age of consent is in Britain 15. Come her for a weekend trip and fuck her here


If they're truly against child abuse and exploitation, what could they possibly gain by advertising this to the world?

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Feminism is a viral bio weapon

Femin Virus

It's 16 you fucking nonce

Same in sweden

Well the anti pedo thread doesent seam ti care so im going for it


Oh shit...

Are you on holiday mate?


Stop throwing money at child porn and fueling that industry

Im reporting you!

Hope for your sake your not a native brit

or was probably raised by pedophiles so doesnt even know his own birthday


16 you retard

>Unless you kill the genetic or psychological makeup that makes a pedophile, you won't get rid of that cancer, because even if you kill 10 of them now, in 100 years they will still be appearing.

I agree with you, broadly. Paedophillia is just a disease that is passed down from the abuser to the child. The child grows up to continue that cycle. The best case scenario for that child is it will become a faget. We live in an age where everything about everyone can be known with ease. People are even paying Amazong to put cameras and microphones in their homes.

You can stop paedophillia, it will just get bloody and require everyone to roll up their sleeves.

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I don't know how it's allowed but it will save time on DOTR.


Ffs I checked out one of the Twitter pages and accidentally liked one of the tweets, it won't show up on my feed will it, I immediately in liked it

Heinrich, warm up the ovens