i dont want to give them the hit did he actual use the word "jews" or are (((They))) putting words in his mouth after he calls out Isreal
Elijah Morgan
Until the Bolshevik Revolution, Russia was a good friend to the USA since our birth. Now that communism has died there, we can still be friends, albeit like Goku and Vegeta or Kenshin and Sano.
they are powerful not by nature they are powerful through infiltration and corruption of our institutions. this is about a 100 year old problem and is only brought to light en masse due to the internets ability to get people too communicate. they worked in the shadows for a very long time and just the act of shedding light on the issue shrinks back the power. we need to retake our institutions for our and a national interest. no more being a golem.
Jacob Morgan
He actually said it.
Benjamin Mitchell
The tiniest candle lights the darkest room.
Truth is truth and cannot be stopped when spoken.
They are trying to take away our ability to speak.
Speak now while you can and before it's too late to do so.
Landon Hernandez
in america the ability to speak is enshrined and that leads a movement of hope.
Aiden Robinson
Speak now using the internet. Speak later using cannon shots and mortar fire.