Attached: uncledonny.jpg (710x473, 83K)
PSA: Dangerous 71 Year Old Senile Pedophile Manchild Is Loitering In Presidential Estate
Isaac Miller
Luke Bailey
it's ok Bill doesn't live there anymore
Brayden Ortiz
I thought Obama left already.
Is he still going to places pretending again?
Parker Gonzalez
stay mad faggots
Gabriel Watson
Cannot be him, he's always on the Lolita Express with his Epstine buddy.
Samuel Kelly
CNN go home
Ethan Hall
Not that one silly goose! Daddy Donald is who we have to worry about now!
Ryan Phillips
Why did you post your family portrait?
Michael Ortiz
David Hogg won the meme war. Pol utterly BTFO. Good one Op
Samuel Wood
*must be 18 to post on this site