Dear Nazis

Grow the fuck up!! The holocaust happened and should have never happened. Jews don't control the world. More likely the royal family or Vatican rules this world. But even they don't. Stop whining like you are 14 year old girls. Stop laughing about how blacks and abos have lower IQ while alt right retards like you have lower IQ scores compared to the left. But oh that is Jewish news huh. Why isn't Abos and blacks have lower IQ scores "Jewish news"? Grow the fuck up. Get a life. Thank you for wasting my life. Also, the ones that keep telling me to do the math and how math disproves the holocaust, first think. Most of you believe in the holodmor that killed 10 million people in 1 year while the holocaust killed 6 million Jews in 12 years. You are retarded. And stop with that 6 billion meme. Should I make a 10 trillion meme about the Holodomor? It is just bullshit. Grow up. Hitler was an evil man who had sex with boys secretly. I don't know why you admire a man who admire the attractiveness of "Aryan" men. He also had relations with his niece. So keep trying to suck this guy's dick. This is more annoying that those young earth creationists or those reptilian believing conspiracy theorist. Also are you just jealous that Jews have higher IQ than Europeans? Don't give me that "oh that is Jewish news". That is what African Americans say when you tell them that European Americans have a higher IQ than them. They start screaming white propaganda and start talking about how they went through slavery, even though only there ancestors went through slavery. So stop being a hypocritical retard and grow up. Also most of your arguments disprove things like the Holodomor which all of you retards would accept. And the Armenian genocide could be a hoax made by the Catholic church to frame Muslims. I probably should deny every Christian genocide.

Attached: follow your.jpg (240x210, 8K)

Other urls found in this thread:, ADOLF_0003.pdf

i give this a 3/10
its too long and obviously bait
you should of condensed it lol better luck next time
*snap* yeah this is going in my cringe compilation

>Just fucking read it

When Nazis can't refute my argument they call it bait or just call me a Jew.


Attached: Nope.webm (1920x1080, 396K)

Both are true

The Holocaust didn't happen but it really should have.

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Holocaust did happen but is extremely exaggerated.

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