I'm a Paki

I'm a Paki


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Why are you in Britain?

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Hello brother, what do you think of sheik imran hossein

I was born here.

how come you guys aren't indian ? you're basically just a lower caste of pajeet

Why haven't you left Britain?

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prove it otherwise youre just farming for (you)'s

Sorry, m8, never heard of him.

Can you please go bomb some sjw lefty rally, as it might waken a few of them up to your disgusting race

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How many Anglo blood have you spilled yet? And where do I donate to your cause?

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thats a maghrebi nigger hat dumbass. pakies wear a topi

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Gross, kill yourself already

The subcontinent is a clusterfuck of ethnicities. It's a very complicated tapestry that I honestly can't be bothered getting in to depth about.

That's is a topi, bhai. You're thinking of a fez.

anyone seen that new advert on the telly where steve merchant names the s o y a b o y?

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Why would I?

Why do Pakis smell of curry legit 100% of the time?

I guess you were in that Facebook lefty thread then

alright, grand. now tell me: do you have an issue with european identity and european chauvinism?

if so, can you explain why islamic chauvinism would be justified in the same breath?

show us something only a paki would have

other than a british flag

We don't. You're just being silly.

Do you like browsing Jow Forums?

Why would anyone want to AYA?

AKA native anglo

are you going to marry your cousin?

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I used to deliver Ikea furniture.
I would go to maybe one of two street shitter houses a day.
No word of a lie it doesn’t matter what time of day you got to their house, they would be cooking something that fucking reeks.

Yeah cause you’re so used to it. Start showering more, cause I guarantee your mates are just being nice and not mentioning it. You all fucking reek

what is your preferred method of acquiring your 72 virgins?

a) drive truck through crowd of people
b) suicide bomb during changing of the guard
c) beheading infidels in front of parliament

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>do you have an issue with european identity

>and european chauvinism?
No. You have a right to be proud of your identity. Although, looking at European history, you can't seem to go two minutes without slaughtering each other like farm animals in the name of nationalism, so I can understand why many white Europeans shy away from it.

It can be intensely depressing, but I appreciate the raw, unfiltered honesty.

are pakis afraid of toilet witches like hindus are, or are you just gross?

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You just did :)

No. That's a Mirpuri thing.

I'll admit some South Asian fobs do smell, but the ones born and raised here have the same cleaning practices as everyone else. Feel free to disagree.

Please, no CIA niggers in my thread.

1. How many women have you groomed and raped?
2. How many more are you planning on grooming and raping?
3. What's your favourite hobby besides building bombs and terrorism in general?
4. When are you going back?
5. Why do you hate the West and it's peoples?
6. What do you think of Israel?
7. What do you think of more immigration to the West?

then you're a faggot LARPer because this is Jow Forums and i want to here some poo-tribe lore

Do you live in Bradford or Slough

>1. How many women have you groomed and raped?

>2. How many more are you planning on grooming and raping?
Also zero.

>3. What's your favourite hobby besides building bombs and terrorism in general?
Videogames and watching anime.

>4. When are you going back?
Voluntarily? Never.

>5. Why do you hate the West and it's peoples?
I don't.

>6. What do you think of Israel?
Generally indifferent.

>7. What do you think of more immigration to the West?


>Voluntarily? Never.
Hmmm... why? Gibs?

8. What do you think of the grooming and raping at the hands of your fellow countrymen? Be honest.

Remember that no one here is spared. People will tell you to kys because you're a nigger, a mudslim, a christcuck, a fedora fag, an amerimutt, an eurofag, a fucking leaf, a manlet, a degenerate, a fat fuck, a weak ass, if your IQ is lower than X, etc... this is a chaos of hate but in this anonymous chaos, it seems to me that it promote a kind of equality

>8. What do you think of the grooming and raping at the hands of your fellow countrymen? Be honest.
They're disgusting scum and should all be executed. I hate being associated with them, but I'm also powerless to do anything about it, so I tend to just ignore it and not let if affect me.


>but I'm also powerless to do anything about it, so I tend to just ignore it and not let if affect me.
Brit LARPing as a paki confirmed
