I actually had to check three times if this was the real president of the USA or one of the parody accounts I follow.
I actually had to check three times if this was the real president of the USA or one of the parody accounts I follow
This is a hidden occultist message. Can anyone translate the intended meaning?
Yeah. I've deciphered the secret language. It says....MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.
Prison reform is a real problem though. It needs to be dealt with.
This will go down as the most pathetic presidency in the history of the country. It's not even debatable at this point. 100 years from kids will learn about the time rural retards elected a fucking clown .
Kim browses pol?!
What made Kanye leave Liberal La-la-land?
We need answers man.
Bet he fucked that silicone ass tho
Go watch the THROUGH THE WIRE music video and listen closely/watch closely at 2:20. The kikes tried to assassinate Kanye early in his career.
Posts like yours scared the fucking shit out of me. It shows me that as a country we are so divided. I think the populace is too apathetic to have a civil war but I do think we are going to see more of a breakdown in society in general. I don't know how to save you from yourself and likewise you feel the same way about me. This is big problem that no one is addressing.. I think it probably has to do with the economy and how "real" unemployment is so high and the youth have no way to get out of debt or afford a home. I digress.