You're all retarded lmao

It turns out ultrasounds are causing birth defects as well as mental retardation, and activating dormant diseases that could've stayed that way until the end of a lifetime.

so gg to all of you whose mothers had ultrasounds while they were pregnant with you hahahahahah

Attached: ultrasound.jpg (513x386, 83K)

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Just got back from a symposium. They're not sure how to break the news to the public just yet. Big Pharma is already on board, lawyers are being put on retainers as we speak.

Whew, thank god my mom didn't trust that shit.

Attached: screenshot_3945.jpg (442x284, 211K)

>the device - which costs up to $200,000

You can literally buy an ultrasound machine with several transducers and a DVD burner to record imaging sessions for around $1,000 online, thanks to cheap Chinese electronics.


>lol@putting some chinese shit you built for a $1000 to your unborn child

How else are you gonna know if it’s mutant in time to “help” the wife down the stairs?

>You can literally buy an ultrasound machine with several transducers and a DVD burner to record imaging sessions for around $1,000 online, thanks to cheap Chinese electronics.

Are you suggesting we intentionally make some pregnant minorities have retarded children?

Wtf an ultrasound machine just flew over my house

There's blood tests for that, chief. All kinds of tests. Literal DNA tests.