If african niggers were the first humans why are they so dumb? Checkmate black "people"

If african niggers were the first humans why are they so dumb? Checkmate black "people"

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lol *pls insert disc two*

The white version is merely more refined ... same shit tho.

I bet your pic related isn't behind on her bills, isn't wondering when and what she's going to eat next, has a husband who doesn't come home from work many nights or is in jail or strung out on heroin, she probably doesn't rely in public money or services to feed and clothe herself and her kid, her hut isn't mortgaged to the hilt with delinquent notices in the mailbox ... it just goes on and on, doesn't it?

The difference you want so urgently to make is merely a thin veneer of refinement. Go to Kensington, PhilaPa and see how the whites live there. Their jungle is just as real as your pic related, with all the above and more thrown on top. Heh.

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those are asians in your picture, you fucking retard. the model is just trying to get paid so she can make rent. the nigger in the OP is doing it cuz she thinks it's a cool thing to do or some stupid shit. good god. the stupidity.

even the model is probably not even white. hard to tell with her face covered. prob a gookchick too though.

> (OP)
>The white version is merely more refined ... same shit tho.
Ok but this is not the full extent of a white person's mental capacity. This nig is literally at her peak, mentally.

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>asians in your picture
BFD - there are plenty with whites - go find one you like - it doesn't change my premise.
>nigger doing it cuz she thinks it's a cool thing
WTF do you know about why? I bet she dresses that way for a whole lot more cultural/traditional reasons than vapid couture, like skinny white girl doing it for rent.

rich climate and environment required very little work on their part to survive in, which resulted in lack of intelligence or necessity to evolve in the negro

whereas other races had to innovate advances in agriculture and livestock in order to survive harsh winters and environments with less natural resources

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Is this the main boss in RE5?

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