Is the US military the best in the world?
Is the US military the best in the world?
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This face is the future of America...
They are the jew world order enforcement entity and the number one threat to humanity along with israel.
That's America's present
He can hear your butt cheeks chafing from a mile out, lube them. it'll make it less painful when he gets ahold of you as well
To sum up the answer to your question, yes
It's much larger than it needs to be and wastes money. God forbid some of the billions be used to help people with assistance rather used to kill people and support defense contractors.
>have to call niggers sir
hahahahahah no
No I think China's is. They are a nation of bug people, like a disposable clone army. You kill one and they can send 3 more
The parts of it not filled with niggers are.
I can't believe someone went through the effort of photoshoping the same face into every guy.