Being right wing in New Zealand

>be an Auckland University student
>doing chemical engineering
>have to take a random arts paper for my degree
>chose history because want to escape SJW bullshit
>mfw when I have to write a 1500 word essay on the benefits of feminism to western civilisation

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It's hard, but we're not alone

Just tell the truth that it wasn’t good because now both members of the family work and we still earn less than when only men worked

It destroyed the idea of family

Say in the introduction that you are happy if women work but one parent needs to focus on the much more important job of raising children
So the can’t label you sexist

Kek. What kind of education forces what your arugment you must make.
It should be 1500 words why or why not.

That's how it was back in high school for me at least.

feminism correlates with decline in birth, marriage, and rise in divorce and stds

feminism results in reduction in population

feminism is great for the extinction of humans and destruction of society. since singularity is almost here, feminism must be accelerated

Feminism ruined history. I want to learn about the Greeks, Romans, Napoleon and WW2 not about some ape giving a speech and making me write feminist bullshit.

Answer the question. Tell them the benefits of feminism.

Chief amongst the benefits of feminism are an increase in consumerism and workforce participation. This decreases wages, increases spending and greatly benefits large corporate shareholders.

Forced inclusion policies in the police force are of great benefit to society's criminals.

Feminism also correlates strongly with a vast increase in the welfare state. This is an excellent way of funnelling massive amounts of money from taxpayers to society's public sector workers and those fine folk who just don't feel like working god bless them.

Write "There are none." 500 times.

Straight up disagree.
You will shock them but intrigue them at the same time. And if you are good with your words then you could even redpill some people.

Ill post some ammo for the essay.

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feminism leads to single motherhood

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feminism increases sexual immorality

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Using historical data, JD Unwin surveyed the cultures of dozens of civilizations and nations. Being an academic liberal, Unwin was shocked when he found that the rise, expansion and collapse of civilizations all followed the same pattern of rising
feminism and fluid sexuality always led to oblivion.

Always. No exceptions.

He published his findings in the 1930s. Strange how nobody talks about his work.

This one is a long read but very worth it

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This is a Greek play on women in leading roles and positions

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another redpill

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Auckland University? More like, Cuckland University, am I right?

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Draw parallels to the feminization and subsequent collapse of Rome and the feminization and collapse of the modern west.

Sarcastically argue this is a good thing as it

1. Sates the bloodlust of non-western nations who will get to kill all whites onve they are a hated minority in their own countries and

2. Provides further referential evidence for future empires to hopefully break the cycle next time.

We don't even have to do that in Sweden.

best idea in thread.

start with the history of feminism and the proponents who pushed it forward

Modern western feminism was a creation of Rockefeller who was a eugenicist and directed leading feminists such as Sanger

Address Rockefeller's Jaffe Memo on population control

today these eugenicists/genociders mastered feminism, identity politics, global warming, social engineering, economic collapse, and population replacement

media bias for women

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You're doing carlos wrong

this roach made a good analogy

Attached: this roach can stay.jpg (1600x610, 284K)

Support feminism and make it look like you have an IQ of 80 and you’ll make it through

Taking over the social sciences is how the left positioned themselves to be the gatekeepers of upper middle class. It's like that everywhere now. I doubt you can find one university that has a humanities department where the majority of the professors in that department are either right or centrist.

Allowing this to develop has been our greatest mistake.

the only hope is to gtfo and move to rural US to become a redneck

Write about how feminism freed women from their husband's kitchens so they could go to places like culinary school and learn to cook better.

Question for Kiwifags
What is the photography industry like there?
I'd never live in your country due to the socialist insanity, housing crisis, and maori's but I wouldn't mind visiting for business

An-hero your grade and write a 100 page treatise refuting feminism. Post marked up paper to obtain legend status

I recommend you hide your power level and write a paper that you know your professor will agree with. Consider it opposition prep.

The entire purpose of the assignment is to identify students who hold opinions contrary to leftist ideology so they know which students to focus their attention on, which students to "correct". Just get through the class with your head down so they can't block your career aspiration.

Come down south and work for Fonterra after you graduate. Most people here are at least against PC culture, if not outright right wing.

How the fuck did you get that as an assignment? I get that history as a discipline is cucked these days, but typically you at least get options for what you want to write about, right? Right?

This is actually really smart. Do your research, write a fully redpilled Jow Forums-approved essay, but just argue that all the clearly bad effects of feminism are actually good (e.g. low birthrates, identity politics, breakup of family, feminization of men). That way you ostensibly support it, but will make anyone who reads it (other than an insane Marxist SJW professor) think twice.

Otherwise you could just cuck and write what the prof wants you to write, just to get a good grade. I'd probably do that if I were in your shoes.

Photography business is shit because we have iphones and so don't need to be scammed by "photographers".

Write the BS waste of text paper on the detriments of feminism

>Don't need to be scammed
>We have iPhones
Clearly you understand nothing about photography

Just regurgitate the shit they give you and get that easy A.

Find other ways to troll them. Like having a wifi hotspot name "Can't Stump the Trump." Change it every couple days with right wing messages. Its a simple message everyone sees when they log on, really good material to work with.

This. Don't an hero your career over women

Just get through it, man. I remember the post screencap about the guy who was studying international business at uni and got FUCKED bigtime because he spoke about how Israel and Jews rig war-related laws against Palestinians.

You're going to have to bite the bullet and run to victory.

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When I thought this country could not get any worse after giving women the right to vote.

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Glubb Fate of Empires is a good, short read that says more or less the same thing


OP you are paying them for it too. What is it $500-$1k per subject these days? Lmao.

My first year of college was all bullshit like that but once I got my basics out of the way I didn’t hear that bullshit again. You’ve just got to do it and get it over with, don’t be a sperg and try to redpill your teacher

>It destoyed western civilization
1500x times

>1500 times

Can you even do math? It's 4 words, the essay is 1500 words. That would be 375 times faggot

Write about how men are no longer beasts of burden for the family how feminism has ironically ended the matriarchy.

just tell em what they want to hear, cite some nice statistics and studies and make sure not to reveal power level. those classes can be easy A’s

He’s American, what else do you expect?

Op knows that he will get a F unless he writes about the "oppressive patriarchy" and how it pays womyn 70% of what a man gets.

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>Be New Zealander
>Everyone always talks about the 'whitewashed' version of history we learn
>Maoris are always portrayed as degenerate savages while white people are the civilized folk
>Go to school
>Literally learn nothing but bad things about White people and good things about Maori
>Some pretty benign mistranslations from the treaty are clear evidence of white trickery done intentionally by evil whites to steal from Maori
>Ask about Morioris
>Teacher gets super self righteous and says they chose to move to the Chatham Islands then died out
>For all you foreigners who don't know, Morioris were a sub-culture of Maori who decided against the rampant thieving and violence which was central to all Maori culture at the time
>They got chased off the mainland to a shithole island in the middle of the ocean where they lived in peace, then once Maoris found out about them after white people came the Maoris went there, killed and ate most of them and enslaved the few survivors
>Can't talk about that because it's racist
>We have the most brownwashed, anti-white history lessons in all the fucking world
>Still have to hear about """""whitewashed""""" version of history taught in schools

Fuck this piece of shit country.

write about camille paglia