Name your countries biggest problem in one sentence.
Ill start: the fucking cuck catholic church, pro haitian, pro criminal, corrupt as fuck, priest literally smash a child abuse victims skull in with a hammer and absolutely nothing is done...
Name your countries biggest problem in one sentence.
Ill start: the fucking cuck catholic church, pro haitian, pro criminal, corrupt as fuck, priest literally smash a child abuse victims skull in with a hammer and absolutely nothing is done...
The Zionist occupied government, the central banking system, and HJR 192.
70% of males under 35 childless
The alt right incels and toxic masculinity.
Its pretty boring
Bump dont let the jews slide this
My flag speak for itself I'm afraid.
Right wing parties are non existent, you can either vote for an authoritarian socialist government or a liberal socialist government.
Improper resources use and selling off our resources for next to nothing and / or selling oil to ppl then buy it back at 1.25x the price
Its full of niggers
Don't even need a sentence. Fuck those guys.
And the negros villeros (our rednecks)
Rednecks would be country people, you know, with farms and shit?
Villeros are our niggers.
Ok. But niggers can jump high, eat watermelon and dance. Those are less than that
in my country there is problem
The show is run by post-nationalist hacks with weak and almost equally corrupt opposition, basically all of whom suck off Chinese "investors" for a quick buck and spread our assholes for anyone in the world with a pulse to fuck
They no longer believe in God, their country, or themselves.
Do you have enough time?
> niggers
> illegals
> h1b1 visa workers
> sjw liberals
> crazy conservative evangelicals
> Obama
> polítical families- Bush/ Kennedy/ Clinton/ McCain families
> gun control and no gun controls
> police officers but we have niggers so we kinda need them
> going to war in savage countries for ((their)) own gains
> health care can put you into debt for years
> education is incredibly shitty
> *** all middle class jobs are sent aboard becuase ((they)) don’t want to pay. so only shitty low paying jobs left But then illegals are flooded and take those shitty jobs for even less pay. And now we import poos fot high paying jobs (they’re not even qualified for!) becuase “no Americans not qualified”***
A once great country is literally butchered and raped by those in powers for their own benefit it’s so incredibly sad.
every and all political side are either dumbfuck retarded (greens, one nation, clive palmer party) or they uncontgrollably shill to the corporations, giving them full control over what our country does just to fill their own pockets.
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