CPD - Here's to You Mr. Robertson

ROBERT is the hero Chiraq needs but doesn't deserve; His nemesis is MALE BLACK, a notorious thief, murderer, and general rapscallion. By night they battle for the fate of the city.


>>CPD Dispatch Stream:

>>Same feed with ambient music:

>>For Ambiance:

Zone-6 (isolated scanner of worst area)

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>>Get Behind the Vest donation drive:
>Chicago cops aren't even issued fucking armor by their shithole city.

>>The Chicago Police Department Memorial Fund (ALSO GET SOME SWEET SWEET MERCH):

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>>Shootings ScoreboardS:

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>>Chicago Racial Demographics:

>>Chiraq Gangland Map:

>>Police Codes:

>>Chicago Police Dept. Directives:

>>Related twitter

PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/pD418Eky

Attached: roberts stomping grounds.jpg (640x360, 13K)

>kids throwing rocks at buses
>5 shots fired

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What was the color of the car driving recklessly?

>who let the dogs out plays
>2 shots fired
Didn't catch it.

I love you /cpd/......I have the scanner, coffee, pol, and a video game. Gettin pretty /comfy/

>Hit and run in black mercury mariner

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>boyfriend hit here, she is standing in the street with a bra, red shorts and a wig (?)

a midweek cpd thread? welp, time to get cozy

>some bitch threatening to stab someone

summer is here.

> black male, black clothing. walking fast, sweating
> repeat, we got a hot nigga in motion

this thread is comfy
glad to see a friendly face
this bump is for Robert, my hero

> naked male in the middle of the street.

>bomb book needed at the feild

You're a beast OP, we'll secure an existence for your bloodline. Just keep fighting the Good fight -- God Bless.

>male beating a female with [something]

don't mess with mommy

(keys) checked, Robert

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>fiance threatened her with a knife

>social worker is requesting police help to take two kids from the home because they need to be hospitalized. The grandmother is giving her an issue saying they are fine (?)

This kinda shit just makes me sad.

>son having trouble breathing
>smoke coming out of the electrical box

Been a long day anons. Now I can finally unwind and get comfy with the count. Feelsgoodman

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>she said he was drinking, he said he's a lawyer

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>male white speaking racial slurs
>teens throwing rocks at apartment windows
>intoxicated male black being aggressive with customers at the McDonalds

>Bravo Mike sitting in the garbage can
Gonna be a good night

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>nigga in a garbage can
We Sesame Street now

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>18 y/o cousin punched him in the face

Bump. Check yo keys foo

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Haha saved

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>male black refusing to leave the ER, known mental issues

>male white with no shirt on is chasing a woman in a blue dress

Shirtless Male whites chasing female

If you fags want to support /ourguy/ Art Jones for congress you can:

8ch dot net/ajfc/catalog.html

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>group of intoxicated males fighting in the alley
>theres a guy inside the restaurant sleeping, refusing to sleep
real madman hours

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>If you fags want to support /ourguy/ Art Jones for congress you can:
>8ch dot net/ajfc/catalog.html
More info too

8ch dot net/pol/res/11614117.html

>in a car on a side street, theyre engaging in adult activities

fucking cockblocker
i wish Robert would go to the caller's house and kick them in the ass

I hope it's not Latrell Spreewell bottoming out his BBC in Roberts wife

live streamer Ice poseidon is going to east st louis right now, is that as bad as chiraq and what are the odds something will happen?

Its far worse. Chicago is 40% nigger, East St. Louis is 98% nigger. Have a link to his stream? He is going to die if he gets out of his car.

1105 Paul is Roberts retarded little brother who nobody is supposed to know about

>a lot of over-modulation

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just search ice poseidon on youtube. he was going to go into a video gaming (like video poker) place but chickened out

Imma let my horses ride on you biatch!

>son is high on unknown drugs, has possibly been drinking

>injured pregnant female

F tom woods. Here's to him hopefully not being an asshole.

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>someone trying to break into the caller's house on Prairie

>6 male blacks drinking and partying outside
>2 male blacks fighting, one has a boxcutter

>2 black males, one with a box cutter fighting at a fried chicken joint

>shirtless intoxicated male hispanic has a weapon and is walking on Blackhawk

>elderly male bleeding heavily from the head, he is uncooperative

>chaos cults in Chicago are reaching critical mass

what is happening on the stream, why are they bitching about jews and stuff

I have no idea whats even happening, lame they wont even get out of the car

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>car alarm going off for last 5hours all day
This. This is why people like me are not allowed to own an RPG. I would 10,000% have destroyed the car by now.

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>4 shots fired on South Onnery
or however you spell it

>we're done with the ghetto shit
what a pussy

wait they found some bloods

>male hispanic pulled a knife on staff in the ER
Oh fuck that's gotta be a fun shift. God damn I don't know how the nurses do it. I hope kek protects the cute nurses from the crazy wetback.

>boyfriend is intoxicated and jumped on her, and now her eye is bleeding on Racine

the gas station negro is telling them to go back to st louis proper

i thought thats what they said!
Jesus man im friends with some ER nurses. They get all kinds of shit but ive never heard of them getting knives/guns pulled on them. The worst we get on the orthopedic floor is dementia patients flailing around, pulling out ivs and making it hard to get their blood sugar
>screaming in the alley

>8 shots fired at 2100 Ashland

he seemed like a friendly guy

>going to rob them

I just charged a case where they had an ER patient pepper spray two doctors in the face at point blank range. OUCH

>car struck several vehicles
>male bleeding from the head

if they went through with it thats what would have happened?

yes. niggers arent going to sell pounds of weed to californian basedboys. they're just going to pull out a gun and rob them.

>someone parked on a fire hydrant
>transformer on fire


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>pedestrian struck by a jeep

hopefully the local they are with concealed carries

>someone jumping on a police officer in uniform even though no one is on gps

I dont think a concealed carry license will help you if you record yourself engaging the commission of a federal felony. And if he tried to denied (or even omitted) they were attempting to buy drugs, it would be obstruction of justice for the denial or misprison of a felon for the omission, both felonies.

Doubt it. in that city? Lol

This never sounds like a bad plan. Really, what can go wrong?


i think they called a disregard on that one
>Vietnamese lady is just shit out of luck

>man fell asleep at the wheel of a car, crashed it in to a store (?) and they can't wake him up.

Dead from medical cause, H, or DUI. take your pick.

>make fell asleep at the wheel, crashed and they cant wake him up at Laughlin and 18th

Good morning, Robert. How's the coonery tonight?

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I assume you'd still be able to legally defend yourself though?

I thought St louis had ccw

>2 shots fired

ah ah ah

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pretty sure they just said a woman's eye was cut but shes refusing EMS to stay home with the kids

East St.Louis is in Illinois, so they do have CCL but it's a pain in the ass to get and out of state permits arent reciprocated. At least, this is my understanding.

Learn something new every day. I checked a map, I never realized how close St Louis was to Illinois. Weird how a major city belongs to 2 states, that would make laws quite confusing

>intoxicated white males at the playground
>(dolphin sounds)

monkey noises?

that must of been roseanne hacking the stream

>god damn dolphin sound
Winter the dolphin needs to get it's ass back down south or it's going to have another run in with a tuna net if you know what I mean.

>drive by shooting

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>At least, this is my understanding.
Only one or two states are recognized here, it has something to do with the mental health background checks we do that most other states dont.

The cops are going to question what a bunch of white guys are doing in a 98% nigger city and how they ended up getting robbed. One question they'll ask is were you trying to buy drugs. Since it is a felony, illinois's felony murder rule applies, which states you are guilty of murder if anyone dies (regardless of it is your fault or not) during the commission of a felony.