Why don't girls take gamers like us seriously?

why don't girls take gamers like us seriously?

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Gang weeders.....RISE

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Okay, now this is epic.

Why should they. ?

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we live in a s o c i e t y

No one plays video games anymore faglord

Post more of these!

I got a game for you its called suck it. You use my dick to play.

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This is pol.


Go to b or Reddit.

Additionally why does this faggoty image keep popping up?

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No, the butthurt gamer vs Chad jock ones. Not this stupid shit.

Also, Gang Weed and Butthurt Gamer are virtually interchangeable.

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Like this

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which one r u?

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The jock

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this is deep

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> hahaha wouldn't it be funny if you were talking to a girl and she tripped and bumped her butt so you told her you would kiss it for her and she agree and then she lol like she farts or something but it gets in your mouth hahaha i just think it would be funny but also that would be gross lol but kind of fun to think about lol

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So, like. Do people make this specifically for cringe, or is that shit for serious?

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