Is Donald Trump doing a good job as POTUS?? I'm a redditor and can't think for myself

Is Donald Trump doing a good job as POTUS?? I'm a redditor and can't think for myself.

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He is the Final Guardian of Zion. Jow Forums was jewed

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Meh; he has done some questionable things such as putting tariffs in place.

This, except the opposite

Yes Donald Trump is the greatest! Make sure to visit /ptg/ so you can understand the depth of his 4dchess.


Picture related, the israelis made this to honor the Donald and his peace bringing policies!

Attached: WhatsApp-Image-2018-02-27-at-16.jpg (833x680, 580K)

>sucks kike dick
I guess hes doing okay

AWOOO amirite pedes?

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First year highlights:
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act
Repealed Individual Mandate
Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)
Justice Neil Gorsuch
Set Record for First-Year Judicial Appointments to Federal Appellate Courts
Historic Reduction in Illegal Immigration
Crushing ISIS Caliphate
Resurgence of U.S. Economy — the American Spirit
Stock Market Records, Wealth Creation
Deregulation: Rolling Back the Militant Administrative State
Reviving the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act (VA Reforms)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Reforms
81 Signed Legislative Accomplishments

More information to delve deeper into the meaning of those bullets:
He submitted an agenda before starting his first 4 year term. He's 64% complete with what he promised to do already according to the Heritage Foundation:

He's a hand grenade being thrown into the NWO. Soros and his EU pals are losing their minds. Nork de-nukes possible, Mattis is feeding ISIS shit sandwiches left and right, the democrats are leaderless and broke. The DNC is in shambles. Normies are waking up to the propaganda machine. He's fucking fantastic, as far as presidents go. No one will agree, because muh jews or whatever, but I dunno what else anyone can expect. He's knocking shit out of the park daily. I feel like I definitely got my monies worth out of this vote.

Attached: trump_card_pepe.jpg (1800x2700, 457K)

No, but he's doing a good job as the leader of America. He can't shift policy, but he's shifting the national dialogue in a useful and interesting direction.