Why don't you just give up? The white race won't exist in a few generations. You have lost and it's too late to fight. America has been taken and Europe soon.

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I don't understand why you brainlets think the white race was ever the majority when Africans breed like rabbits and so do chinks. You have been outnumbered for decades.

blacks in the us get so many abortions that their percentage stays the same

The sub Saharan population has been historically small relative to other continents like Asia and even Europe. The population explosion comes from the trillions of dollars of white money for healthcare/food/infrastructure etc., after white people became massive faggots.

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Denial? Why ask pol for any opinion when they are a reason to the probem.


More black children were aborted than were born last year, so...

This is a retarded thread. These projections are literally never even nearly accurate.


Not low enough. I swear to god, humanity is such tribal trash.

That's when we pass the event horizon

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Maybe all of the holy white crusaders should stop visiting this site and start impregnating more white women.

But no, all of you high IQ Aryans choose to sit at home and shit post on Jow Forums

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You realize the white race is not shrinking right? You realize that only our % of the total population is shrinking right? So if the white population grows 1% and the non white grows 10% the white total % of the country decreases while the actual white population increases.

There has never been more white people alive and born every year than any time in human history.

Nigger- we haven't begun to fight. God is with us. And, assuming you're a Jew (I only said nigger for effect), I can guarantee you God is not with you. You're going to burn in hell for all eternity you little faggot.

fuck off you little faggot

Dumb fuck we are the majority in our countries. In terms of global population we're around 8%.


eat shit you Muslim faggot

shut the fuck up

Can do both

Because this is a made up date for the us and trying to scale any nation in Europe for it Muslim population besides for like 4 or 5 countries is dumb

Why should we give up just because because some faggot says so?

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the world will end when were not around to keep the mudpeople and degenerates in line
but still, we'll probably get fed up eventually and tyrone will have to go back to at least TRYING to act civilized

> Population, 2045
> Whites - 49.8%

More like 2020 & 48%

You happy about that?

If white people become A minority in the us, there is going to be racial violence, and the country will not be run correctly. It'll be a very unsafe situation for all of the us.
The gov has to know this