Trump is such a fucking snowflake

Trump is such a fucking snowflake

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OP is right, only the left can dictate equality!

He’s always crying that someone is bullying him. While bullying others. He’s a very special little snowflake.

At least McCain can take it as well as dish

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And rightly so. That is entirely how he was elected. Are you new?

>Complains about double standards
>What a fucking snowflake.

Whatever, why not call out the journalists on their double standards?
Are they angels who can do no wrong?

Politicians are supposed to deflect to a
Higher standard

But this guy has his base to placate

As if he even gives a

>muh strawman
>meme flag
>Islamic level of green text
Back to Facebook you little niglet cunt

>He’s always crying that someone is bullying him. While bullying others. He’s a very special little snowflake.
It's like he knows all your tricks!

>taking a picture of CNBC of a tweet
Do people (not boomers) still unironically get their news from teevee?

Do you unironically get yours from Jow Forums and infowars?

Jow Forums is the best source for news. period. i wouldn't have known shit about the italian crisis, tommy robinson's arrest or the brazilian trucker strike. good luck seeing any of that shit on the fucking television.

Try the Times

if i wanted to give evil kikes money i'd pay taxes.

>can't into sarcasm
have you been diagnosed?

Go die, heeb.

Did you just admit to tax fraud or are you some sort of bum?

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How do you know I work for Heeb?

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Let's have fun. You commie faggots disgust me.

i don't know how it works. technically i have no money at all and just live on loans. if i didn't, my accountant says i'd be ruined.

Is he "jewing" you?

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>pointing out blatant hypocrisy means you're a snowflake
>snowflake means delicate
I want you niggers to die

because there isn't a double standard and you're just coping?

I saw each of those on TV in America....

he didn't point out any blatant hypocrisy and you're just coping

God I love Twitter diplomacy

>Jow Forums is the best source for news. period.
Even if this is what you believe you shouldn't tell anyone.

>At least McCain

neocon subhuman kill yourself for even mentioning this nigger's name


is it really diplomacy when it's your own countrymen? it's more like babysitting via public shaming

woah... so this,,,, is the power of autism

try not reading CIA nigger propaganda. @ me when you're browsing the hill or medium, right wing liberal retard

swedes only hate straw men because they can't be bulls for their wives

>zomg i don't know what to say
>i'll call user an autist
>ad hominem
>what is an argument

it is when you are fighting globalists

How is it not hypocritical that the media can harass and hound anyone but no one else can? Why can't Trump harass them when they did it to him since day one?


At least with incel they had a term to run with there that wasn't just "no you're [what you called me]"

He's not being harassed. He's the president, he's going to get reported on and most of what has been reported has been objectively true despite misinformation campaigns that he and his cabal engineer knowing that his weak minded followers will eat up anything he says without an ounce of skepticism

You are the nigger I want to die

I'm white actually

tell me more about those koi fish you boomer subhuman

I have no idea what that means

it means it's time to roll your mobility scooter back to r/politics, retard

ok guy, get some help. this kind of obsession isnt good for you

>I'm white actually
Thats where you're wrong user. You are a nigger in mind and soul

>implying anything I said was wrong
>what is an argument

Congrats to all those frothing in rage over the tweet - you got played again. This guy has made sure the world has kept talking about him for 3 years straight.

no I'm not

Lol one of the most pathetuc shilling operation yet

Trump is strong af go back to calling him a sexist you retards

Also sage

Watch infowars desu

Lol stop posting

Left-tards keep talking about this "higher standard". Maybe they could provide a good example to the rest of us....

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Did someone say "crying".....??

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this was the best example you could come up with? cope more pls. the media is correct the majority of the time in reporting trump's idiotic moments and blunders to the rest of the world, along with the scandals his administration tries to cover up. They're just doing their job, there's no bias or unfair reporting.

You all are mad because it's true. Cognitive dissonance.

He's not being harassed......LoL......dingleberry.

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He's not being harassed........hurr durr......dingleberry.

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"....most of what is reported is objectively true...." has anyone changed your diaper lately??

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>this is an argument
everything I've said here is objectively true

>the media is correct the majority of the time
How would you even know? Youre just a boomer that watches the news on television. If youre too lazy to go on twitter and take a screenshot from there I bet you've never even listened to one of his speeches let alone looked into anything past the surface.

Have you really been this stupid all of your life?? LoLoLoL.....

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I've followed Trump from Day 1, I liked him for a while before I realized what a bullshit artist and a total pussy beta he is. And I'm a millennial.

You come from the land of Liberal make-believe. And Trump calls you out on your stupidity every day, to our resounding cheers.....LOL.....

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It's almost like different stories merit different headlines. Do you not understand the news or do you just not read it? Just because you're anonymous doesn't mean it's ok to be willfully ignorant.

Only an idiot with no foresight would think hes a "pussy beta" hes not personally offended by anything people say hes feigning it so you see that the media has an obvious bias when handing specific people.
What came out recently about the illegals in cages is a good example the media ran with it and said that it was all Trumps fault even though it actually happened under Obama. Did they blame Obama afterwards and run a hit piece on him? Of course not.


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another trump tard grasping at straws. Go educate yourself on "whataboutism."

And yeah Trump is easily the weakest president in decades. He complains like a little bitch on Twitter and other countries don't respect him because they know he has no clue what he's doing. America's standing has dwindled because he's a weak kneed coward.

He’s literally the president. Plus that’s not exactly a nationally syndicated voice. For example Fox has falsely insinuated that the Clintons are literally murderers. mud slinging sells. The problem is that she crossed a line with the racism. Disney wants to sell to everyone. Given the controversy over it’s racist old cartoons they couldn’t afford to allow an employee to continue to rant about darkies online.

I like how each time I make a logical response to a trump tard they run away and another comes along to be processed. You guys are a dime a dozen. I'll be here all night.

>another trump tard grasping at straws
How is that grasping at straws? That was the laziest deflection Ive seen in awhile. Honestly with how youve been talking I'm sure you only offhand heard of the illegals in cages story and dont have the means to respond to it.

>I understand burden of proof mom

you made the claim genius, prove your shit. I didn't claim anything.

Grasping at straws refers to your weak defense of Trump's failed presidency with one story about mistreating illegals that started under Obama. Whataboutism at it's finest.


And you have no evidence either, snowflake. I get it, puberty is hard.

You just got Jebaited by the President of the United States.

Think about that.

Suck my dick

what? trump is a tough hombre
just look at his military record

A wild snowflake appears

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I spit out my covfefe. thanks user.


He’s the head of the military

Thats not what I said at all. Were talking about bias in the media. The media made a hit piece on Trump showing a picture of illegals in cages. In reality the picture was under Obama. After people realized it they simply stopped talking about it.
You have some piss poor reading comprehension.

....In a democracy that prides itself on civilian control of it's military since 1776. He himself hasn't done fuckall

I think I hear the wet pat of a snowflake

>you have piss poor reading comprehension
and yet you failed to respond to a single one of my logical arguments while failing to make a cohesive one of your own. You haven't proven anything and until you do I see no reason to respond to baseless claims.

And because you fail to see the whataboutism you espouse I win that point as well. Willful ignorance is no way to live, and hero worship is a mental disorder.

Thats the exact kind of nothing response I expect from a pseudo intellectual such as yourself.
>You haven't proven anything and until you do I see no reason to respond to baseless claims.
You have been attempting to respond to me for quite some time now and all you've done is give me a ridiculous runaround. Honestly you should have just stopped replying and given yourself more "points" at the end of the day you still get your smug undeserved satisfaction.

>I know how to argument mom

I won't engage you until you present a substantive argument instead of ad hominems, logical fallacies, and unsubstantiated claims.

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that like every other trump tard here, you're just coping with the harsh reality.

Back of the line with you, next trump tard up to be processed.

>I won't engage you until you present a substantive argument instead of ad hominems, logical fallacies, and unsubstantiated claims.
How odd that you say that when you tried to misconstrue my words and make a strawman out of them up here.
Honestly how can you act so smug when someone tries to have an argument with you then you just completely shut down and feign superiority to them?

>I won't engage you until you present a substantive argument instead of ad hominems, logical fallacies, and unsubstantiated claims.
>ad hominem
>proceeds to use the term "Trump tard"
No points for you this round, hypocrite :)

not hypocrisy, and calling someone a hypocrite is not an argument anyway.

I'm getting tired of these easy responses. Don't make another ignorant statement.

Is snowflake a term you made up? Or something your Jewish handlers told you to say. You can take that dick out of your mouth at any time now.

>Hypocrisy: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
Again, you lost this round, sweetie :)

Literally not an argument. At best it’s s whataboutism.

You’re both retards.

>"It's not hypocrisy"
>get schooled
Keep digging, this is hilarious

In one instance the president proposed offering vetted information to an ally. In the other he risked the lives of foreign spies by leaking information without running it past the experts and doing it rather publicly. So other countries are now less likely to share information with us.

He acted impulsively. How do you not get the difference?

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Never in my life could I imagine someone being POTUS while simaltaneously spending 2 years complaining about how
ych of a victim he is

He's fucking president

Man the fuck up. People are dying pounding sand in the middle east for israel

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No he's just a whiny baby.

Too bad you can’t seem to take Trumps dick out of yours. Or our collective asshole for that matter.