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The media caste is indolent and lazy, and spend their money on frivolities.

They refuse to listen

>free and fair press

Lol, this cunt actually believe this, can she

>Report fake news and sensational headlines constantly to the point where even little children are able to recognize your bullshit

Oh, the humanity! Make it stop!

Ironic, because her story sounds like absolute bullshit

You can bet the farm that she totally indocrinates her own fukken kid.


Oy vey

This was the greatest part of summer 2016...going to Trump rally and when he started in on the press, the entire crowd turns and boos and they looked like frightened children I their safe zone.
I saw one guy yell "lugenpresse" and a basedboy twidget reporter almost shit himself.
Great memories.

>the nationalist movement is international
>Jow Forums is more diverse than every liberal firm
>everyone really just want to be with our own

and it's beautiful

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Based Ghandi

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I'd like to partake in some Hors d'oeuvre and fine wine with you, sir.

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That kids a future Chad. He'll be shoving kids like this thots son into lockers and breaking his glasses and shit. Day of the locker is ever approaching. The weak should fear the strong.

I'm sure this happened


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>day of the locker

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Isn't he a private citizen documenting reality as it happens? Is he not the definition of free press?
>things kids totally said

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Caesar was good .

It is always the children who know best.

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>he will never have the experience of being bullied to suicide by us for petty thought crimes
horrible !!!!


Julie (((Hirschfeld))) Davis

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God bless that boy.

Who has the compilation of the twitter posts from libtards about how their carefully groomed and brainwashed kids spew their talking points? You know the ones; "she's 8!".

I'd like someone to post it so I can bask in the hypocrisy of the left pearl clutching about raising your kids to believe what you do.

Learn to fucking read faggot.

>A child who will grow up believing x and x is the enemy, a bad thing, to be mocked & hated

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Children are merely political weapons to the left.

>not getting the point

Dear journalists,

We don't need you. You paid a bunch of money for schooling on how to write a book report.
I learned that in 3rd grade, for free.

Please fuck off.

They would have to be 2 IQ points above vegetation to not know they're lying. They have to be pretty stupid to think people are believing their shit at this point.

Oveyim goyim, You better never question the information we give you

free and "fair" press, right... she honestly believes that she does fair reporting, delusional bitch

Because when someone calls you out on your shit, they were clearly criticizing you for other reasons.

What do you call this tactic? Deflecting?

libtards turn their kids into trannies, yet trump supporters teaching kids about fakenews msm is depressing for her?

these people do zero self reflection, so full of it

>fair and free press

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Didn't she go on to deliberately under report the number of people there?

If it was free and fair no one would be talking shit about it.

>Someone made fun of me
>Tyranny is almost here
How about you grow a backbone?