Sometimes, I'm paralyzed by the thought that when I die, literally everything ceases to exist. No sight, no sound, no thought, nothing for all of eternity.
>inb4 become religious
I'm desperately trying to believe but its so goddamn hard.
Sometimes, I'm paralyzed by the thought that when I die, literally everything ceases to exist. No sight, no sound, no thought, nothing for all of eternity.
>inb4 become religious
I'm desperately trying to believe but its so goddamn hard.
>watch movie with parents
>suddenly mixed race sex scene happens
>awkward so I decide to do something funny
>yell out "Drumpf is finished! It's over!"
>dad chuckles and gives me a slap on my thigh then we make out
kys to get a sneak peak then revive yourself
Go to a church and really understand what that stuff is all about. Don’t listen for what you disagree with, listen for what applies to your situation. Have an open mind and true faith will come over time after acceptance
probably large doses of psilocybin mushrooms...
maybe 1-50 meditations on the subject while under the influences...
the funny part is..
gift of god is eternal life.
>just hit 25
>realized im 1/3 done with life
>1/3 is a significant amount of something
>after im done, everything i’ve ever known or cared about will cease to exist for me
>just nothingness forever, never to hear music or eat a burger or see cute girls again
>every second i live is a second closer to me and everything that makes me disappearing forever
Had my first ever unironic existential crisis.
How can you be afraid of nothingness? It just doesn't make any sense. You don't think your consciousness somehow survives to EXPERIENCE the nothingness, do you? I understand being fucking afraid of spending eternity in hell but apparently you don't believe in this, so what's the matter?
>you will never know what it's like to be this cell phone
>you will never know what it's like to be this ballpoint pen
Im a paramedic. Ive seen many people die. They way i look at it, if i die i wont know im dead.
Haha trips. We all die faggot, get it together. Seriously I can’t find one person who won’t die
Understand that death is inevitable
Also unironically accept Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour
you know what I find comforting?
the thought that I won't have to do THIS any more.
Also, you have no choice so there's no point in wasting time thinking about things you can't change.
I’m not dead yet,so
same here. I nearly died in a car crash last year and I've been freaking out ever since.
The fact that I will never perceive anything ever again after I die is the thing that terrifies me
>gift of god is eternal life.
*Terms and conditions apply
The only way to overcome a fear is to confront it head on.
Put you faith in God and stop living like a coward.
what was it like before you were born? same shit
Haha trips again, idk man. Just think about what you can do while you’re alive I guess.
It's mind over matter, user. People only die because they convince themselves it's inevitable. You just have to rise above.
You wont ever be able to suffer again! Buddhists meditate their whole life trying to achieve this!
i just hate that i won't get to keep following the political situation after i die, i want to see what the world is gonna be like in 500 years. oh well
you probably won't even know it happened..
especially if it is non-existence..
and if something cool happens..
like re-entering some oceanic energy light bath grid...
then so be it.
it's comfy either way..
relieving. really..
t. Schopenhauer
have an operation. get narcosed. wake up. repeat. up the level. die. return. anyone remember that movie where young doctors kill themselves and bring each other back, first for seconds, then minutes? i think that film was not so far off, you lose fear of pretty much everything.
it's a dangerous ride, so no one does it. at least not normal people...
Join ISIS.
Exactly, ill either know or I wont.
I am fairly certain that I can not be killed.
Easier said than done when you've been raised as an atheist. I've been going to church every sunday since my accident but I just can't bring myself to literally believe that a god or heaven exists just yet
You are a slave to the Jew.
Go drink a bottle of antifreeze and post results.
The big mystery will be revealed.
You should study some religion. Respect your elders
Also mushrooms mescaline dmt lsd
>believe in magic to cope
>lolll stop actin like a pussy xD
The older you get, the more you wear out. The more often you get sick, and the worse being sick feels. You'll start to develop aches for no reason, and there's no treatment for them. You just hurt now. Eventually things will get so bad that non-living will seem preferable.
Enjoy youth, kiddos :^)
>literally everything ceases to exist. No sight, no sound, no thought
that basically happens everytime you go to sleep, just look at it like a well deserved rest
All you can do is leave something forever on Earth.
A family you will always be an ancestor of.
Maybe a great work of art to pass down through this family, your name always visible to curious children who will ask, "who was user, mummy?"
Or leave them a business, something to put their name to, which your work will love on through.
Build a home, carve a tree, have a fancy grave. Anything permanent or that will live on after you. This is why I intend on starting a family. Not only for myself, but for all my ancestors relying on me to continue their heritage.
a dude i knew in high school unironically did this and got arrested by the FBI
So crazy that no one believes in ghosts.
>just hit 25
>realized im 1/3 done with life
The only part of your life where people will truly care about you too. The older you get the less people will love you. The women become roasties incapable of love. And the men will never see you as a great friend compared to their friends from childhood (of which I have none).
The older you get the less loved you will be.
Use capsaicin cream if you have osteoarthritis (sore joints) and lose weight if youre fat, boomer.
Some fag would come and save his life and ruin everything.
You just accept it, because it's going to happen to you regardless.
Why fear it? Do you fear the time before your birth? It was just nothingness, right? An endless void of non-existence. It will literally be just like going to sleep, except it will probably be preceeded by lots of pain and anguish. But then eternal slumber. Nothing but peace.
Give it another 5 years of this living hell and I bet you'll welcome the sweet embrace of death.
I live in a demonic sick world run by demonic sick people. If it's my time to go I'm ready. I won't miss any of this bullshit.
>cute girls
The 1/3 of your life where you have the highest chance of having cute girls is over. From 25 to 50 they'll slowly start seeing you as a creep.
Not much anyone can do past 1 hour. Shit shuts liver and kidneys down
>believe in atheism to cope
>lol what a moron
>Implying you don't go back to the Pleroma when you die
Fucking kek
do 'ego death' then be 'born again', that helps
read some NDE books, life after life etc, read some bios of great masters like maharshi, rinzai or meher baba
death and sleep are not so different i think. you are in hibernation, but that is likely not the end of it. because if you are dead and think you are in hibernation, you can't really be dead can you. there might be a way to pass that treshold on your own. no drugs. no bs. they are hiding the secrets to do that. sooner or later, people will get a new teacher. then it is over for the rulers. their biggest fear of course.
Are you seriously recruiting for ISIS on the internet?
Trying to slide something?
Nothing is permament. Everything you listed will be gone sooner or later. And I don't mean in a thousand years, it could be much, much more soon.
>not politics
I hope you do experience all those things you whiny little faggot.
>Sometimes, I'm paralyzed by the thought that when I die, literally everything ceases to exist. No sight, no sound, no thought, nothing for all of eternity.
>inb4 become religious
>I'm desperately trying to believe but its so goddamn hard.
A pussy who believes in nothing. Checks out.
so that's when you get a dog or two
its related to impermanence. it is the nature of everything in the universe to exist for a while (which contains various phases and patterns) and then to expire and change. permanence is an illusion. ashes to ashes, dust to dust.
read some bhuddist philosophy and read the book of ecclisiastes.
it is your nature to live, and then to die.
go look at the stars. life is incredible.
The brain cuts off after death, during sleep it's highly active.
thats a pretty good movie
to be honest death sounds like a nice alternative to living in this shithole
>The fact that I will never perceive anything ever again after I die is the thing that terrifies me
But you won't even perceive that lack of perception.
It's scary to think about, sure, but the actual event itself will just feel like going into a deep, dreamless sleep and not waking up.
>i observe no magic
>there is no evidence of magic
>thus magic probably does not exist
Same as
>I observe no purple elephants
>there is no evidence of purple elephants
>thus purple elephants probably don’t exist
Why is this so hard for you to follow? It’s impossible to ‘prove’ but google Occam’s Razor.
Not if you get sent somewhere much worse.
Get a genetics career and start looking into telomeres, cell cycle arrest, stem cell organ repair, etc. Completely doable in our lifetimes if retards would stop getting soft science degrees and study what actually matters.
Who wants to be my virgin before I go?
It's just a milestone of life OP. What you have to do now is figure out what you really want out of it.
like the gulags ?
This. Eventually you just get to the point where you're like 'Well if I die at least I won't have to work or pay bills'.
Google Mendeleev
exactly. so that's the first lie. because it doesn't. at least not instantly. it's a slow poke. and during that process, what makes you you, gets transfered. well. in theory. in practice however, no one knows. all they tell us, is lies. they know shit. nothing. nada.
i stopped listening to them long ago. never looked back, never regret it. they are cancer.
You may as well assume that this is your only life, since it makes it less likely that you will pussy out and an hero. The only exception to this is dying in the process of saving a loved one, or something you know in the very core of your being to be true.
I also fear death OP. I like living. I guess I would want to die eventually, but not for a long time- I would like to live healthy for 1,000 or 10,000 years perhaps.
I think one source of comfort is that, unlike other fears, death is certain. So many other fears are rooted in fear of the unknown, of what might be. But you can be certain you will die one day. It has happened to everyone before you. You know it’s coming. So your goal, acceptance of death, is already clear before you, and you have exactly a lifetime to reach it. It’s really a straightforward fear to have, relatively speaking.
I unironically wish for this
ok dude, the thing that calms me down when I worry about death is the fact that every single living thing that ever existed.... died. I'm fine with dying if everything else dies. It can't be bad if it's prescribed to everyone.
Something like that.
It's all nonsense though..i guess
Go find me a purple elephant.
>No sight, no sound, no thought, nothing for all of eternity.
actually this is the core refrain of the 'Heart Sutra' which purports to describe the direct experience of enlightenment as clearly as possible, and so has been venerated for 2000 years. i.e. beyond the realm of the senses is the realm of nirvana, where there is no time, so eternity is not 'a long time' eternity is timelessness, this is The Power of Now
By going through such physical pain for years that you want death but then you recover and have no fear of death after having wanted to die before.
Another way is DMT/Salvia
Or just almost getting killed a lot of times, it takes the scare factor away each time it happens.
I personally love the thought of death tho, if I ever have worries I just remember that I will be dead someday so no need to stress
You should be happy we die eventually. Why would you want to live forever in this hell hole called earth?
death is not difficult. it's the dying that's messy.
take the green pill
there are a lot of people saying that shrooms, for example, helped them deal with the inevitability of death (terminal patients and so on)
The only comfort is knowing every living thing meets its end. You and I will join them one day to rest.
All you can do is genuinely pray with all your heart for God Jesus Christ to make you believe and erase your pain.
Seek Him by taking action. Go to a church (not a cucked one, please), have concil with a the Pastor. Read the Bible and meditate in it.
Keep trying for the rest of your years.
If nothings happens, it means you were not chosen.
if hell exists then i am already in it
Oh no user you want to do the opposite. I have a little graph that I fill in each week to remind me how much time I have left, its really good for lighting a fire under your arse to have some kids and do something with your life.
Aesthetic Numerals you have their friend. My man, you are afraid of the wrong things. To be blotted out of existence would be freedom. To stand in an un-saved and repentant state before a Just and Holy God, now that is something to fear.
lol very comforting
Oh yep. The possibilities are endless
>Doesn't understand the soul
Dude you die everytime you fall asleep, unless you lucid dream. Death is the same thing, unless you know how to pass through the eye of uncertainty. But passing through that eye requires prior ego death practice experiences in your life, like with lcd shrooms or ayuwasca.
Not sure what happens when you pass through the eye, its either nirvana or another life. If you cant pass through the void its literally like being asleep for eternity.
try to live to the 2050's, if the world isn't a nuclear hellscape or a communist dystopia you should get some immortality juice
Live. Really live. Face death. Live inches from it for prolonged period for time. You're living in fear of it when what you should be afraid of is having lived a life never knowing what its like to really be alive, and that's not living at all. Don't believe me, that's fine. Try it. Find a way. Then tell me I'm full of shit. I promise you, everything you do after you have will be a joke by comparison. Nothing will fill that void in you like your time spent with death breathing down your neck because best kept secret going is that struggle, really life and death struggle, it's best part of being alive and, ironically, what everyone is trying so hard to avoid all the time.
Fuck is so scary about dying? Literally only thing that puts me off of death is how much I like life and want to keep living enjoyably.
Literally nothing scary about nothing. Its like how it was before you were born. Boom easy to understand.
a quick way is alway preferred. the poor sods who willing torture themselves with chemotherapy... shudder. an injection and stopping the heart is quick and painless. best have some tech at hand or at least a gun. quick and easy way out.
Pls stop
Stop caring about living.
the terrifying part is devolving back to primitive molecular state and slowly becoming an insect
>eat a burger
Goddamn you Americans are pathetic and shallow.
Just be here long enough and the fear shall pass and longing for the sweet release will come