Does anyone feel that Russia tricked them into voting for Trump?

I literally have not heard a single Trump voter I know regret their vote, let alone blame the Russians for their vote.

Attached: FullSizeRender.jpg (640x606, 156K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Pic related is a facebook ad that Russia supposedly took out, according to the Intelligence Community.

Attached: fb.jpg (787x443, 194K)

Pic is going in my cringe collection
Not really, unless being well informed about Clinton is the same as being tricked

Hillary and the rigged Democratic party nomination tricked me into voting Trump.

I heard Russia wrote this speech for Trump.

Attached: 1502545945353.jpg (958x1400, 461K)

Yep, this is literally what the intelligence community (in all their "wisdom" and "expertise") believes "stole" the election for Trump. These are the "memes" Clapper is talking about when he says Russia ran a comprehensive propaganda campaign to rig the 2016 election.

Let THAT sink in.

This literally looks like any other generic boomer meme

Trump convinced me to vote Trump

Attached: 1470442040074.jpg (396x385, 33K)

it is possible to influence people using false information

whether it resulted in skewed election results -- who knows

the real issue is: did trump allow such events to unfold, in which case, he permitted the assistance of a foreign adversary to his own country

>buying the facebook meme hook and sink
It is more about pay to play with Chinese/Russian money influencing US policy or lack there of. It is illegal for most current US officials but Trump shit where they ate so they'll string him high when they're all guilty of this shit