Millennials of Jow Forums, tell me why you still live at home with your parents

Millennials of Jow Forums, tell me why you still live at home with your parents.

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I save huge amounts of money and my parents actually want me to stay as long as possible so i can save for a mortgage or make an investment for my future. I am a southern euro and I have many southern euro friends that also do this because their parents encourage the same thing to build wealth within the family instead of working only to have 3/4ths of your income go to rent, food, insurance and emergencies. So far I've saved about 50 grand but it's kinda useless to have it sit in the bank so I am thinking about investing maybe half of it and reserving the other half to start some kind of business and see how I go with that.


Because all my money is in crypto and crypto is down right now so I'm gonna work and save money living with mom till crypto bounces back. Then I'm gonna move out of Commiefornia into the Pacific Northwest and get some land to raise 7 white children on.

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My family requires my income contribution

Pretty good. I have no money though I spend it on decadence. But so far I can say I’ve lived a princely lifestyle. I smoke, I drink, I fuck, I make money and spend it like it’s nothing. Not a good habit for the future but I’m probably going to be a millionaire or I’m immortal anyway.

>Rising housing prices
>Stagnated Wages
>Continued price hike of education
Not like I have a fucking choice. Only options is become a debt slave or save and hope to god I can afford living independently.

because it's easy, why should i bust my ass more than i have to

What cryptos are you playing with?

When I was growing up it was college or faggots need to stop sucking on your mothers titty and go out there and fucking live on your own and GROW UP!!