If you could go back in time to prevent one person's birth, who would it be?
If you could go back in time to prevent one person's birth, who would it be?
abraham to prevent jews from existing
XD tier. I would travel back and put a bullet in the mother and father of Mayer Amschel Rothschild
probably the og Rothschild the mega kike from which all our woes truely begin
I mean jews in of themselves are scum but his ilk have been the most destructive
Probably this: Unless there's another known Jew with as much, or more, negative influence even further back.
even though southern hicks may hate him honest abe was an american proto fascist
Southern Hicks hate that the south Executed him, If Abe lived all the Blacks would be back in Africa
>hurr durr I'm so morally right
>wants to murder people
if fucking only
>If you could go back in time to prevent one person's birth, who would it be?
His father was a money changer and a fucking trader in silk. Fuck him. Also- he didn't want to kill a baby or prevent their birth like most modern moralists- but a corrupt adult and his cocksucker.
Horseshit, nobody believes that Abe "give them voting rights" Lincoln myth about forcibly shipping them all back to Africa. That is pure Lincoln apologetics.
This should have been the first post.
The primordial Jew bacterium.
The hobo in your image
The butterfly effect from this one would be spectacular.
Could you really predict what the present would end up like if Abraham never existed?
It could be better or it could be worse, there is no way of telling.
Lincoln would have made the reconstruction an actual reconstruction and not have it last for nearly 10 years, he was better to the south alive.
oh look a worthless hobo hates drumf better listen to the crackhead that can’t go a day without snorting a line
I would have prevented SATANS birth!
Allah, tbag, then fug aisha
Abraham obviously
Already done by mongols
Honestly, it would have to be Hitler.
stop jews from existing, stop europeans from colonising the world/ accepting any nonwhites.
i can't read
The irony: a fucking waste of space and energy says a successful businessman who managed to become US President shouldn't exist.
>believing the French Revolution was a bad thing
The French monarchy was filled with kikes? Your point?
communism took root in France at this point, the noble class was full of hot trash but at least there was some order. You may have noticed that its been a downward spiral for the once glorious nation ever since.
Not a soup rice
well let's talk about this
>What is Napoleon
You're legislators are playing kiddie games? Lmao.