Please watch and share the vid

Attached: 1526689155621s.jpg (125x124, 3K)

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this is important issue but video is cancer incarnate

i know its not the best video but its the only one i could find

Where should I move if this passes

nobody actually cares. Its disgusting. I hate europe and all the normies living here.


The internet cannot be destroyed. It's here until the end.


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Why are so many American-based and owned websites updating over European laws? They shouldn't budge; Europeans would riot if they suddenly got cut-off from large swaths of the Internet.

we will fuck them up good. it will only accelerate people to get their asses on the streets and gas them.
fucking dumbasses only sling that rope even faster around their neck. typical jews, they want to be gassed.

I think getting euro fags pissed at their governments would actually be a good thing desu if they're not getting up in arms about rapefugees they'll sure as shit get up in arms about the inernets

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Exactly. Just turn off Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all the other normie bullshit to EU countries for a few weeks.

1984 calls

I wonder user. When European sheeplets realize that the EU is going full 1984, are they going to
>revolt violently
>protest peacefully (how?)
>whine about it in private circles
>do nothing about it and continue to watch interracial cuck porn

Attached: EU-in-one-image.gif (638x359, 630K)

Here's how it works

1. Reject the EU through elections. That won't work
2. Protest, and when that fails
3. Revolt, That's when we have the opportunity to exert force by continuously escalading the situation.

If 3 fails, then demoralize and ntinuously escalading the situation through a mix of demoralization and hope "for liberation".

1. Reject the EU through elections. That won't work
2. Protest, and when that fails
3. Revolt, That's when we have the opportunity to exert force by continuously escalading the situation.

This man (and his speeches) have become my latest inspiration & optimism for the future of Europe.

Attached: 1527514086059.jpg (800x820, 102K)

They will try to remove our freedom of speech, they will try to replace and kill us by denying us basic jobs and services.
But they can't extinguish our spirit!

Keep an eye on this shit.

>Revolt, That's when we have the opportunity to exert force
Weak. Europeans are weak fucking faggots.
>Merkel's Energy catastrophy did not trigger them
>Europe's financial crisis did not wake them up
>Soros' mass immigration did not get them to protest
But censorphip à la Orwell will?
I have my doubts.

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Doubt it all you want. History is not static.

They won’t do anything, they’ll just point at how UK is worse off and accept the EU as better than the alternatives

Oy, you gotta lisence for that link

Over the years, I learned to hide my power levels. But when I listen to what my friends, family and co-workers are occupied with 95% of the time, I really get the feeling that they don't give a shit. Football, restaurants, entertainment, kids, profanities... Bread and circusses in other words.
As for the remaining 5% of discussions, they're only expressing their super cucked opinions about multiculturalism, "green" energy, and so on. Tommy Robinson? If they knew about his fate (most of them don't) they'd probably say, "well done, put that nazi behind bars".

People simply WANT to be oppressed.

Fuck them. Use a non european VPN server.

bump this is important

On the other hand the wrath from normal people will be legendary if this gets through.

No it won't. If people hadn't already been conditioned into obedience in Europe, action would have been taken at several points in recent history. The best rxample of a thing that should have caught the wrath of the public would have been the Panama papers, or the fallout from the 2008 financial crash when the kike bankers got off the hook, and even given fucking bonuses.
It's a bitter black pill, sure, but people of the modern era are far removed from the volatile mobs of men that would have set in motion the french revolution, the american civil war, etc, as we've been beaten into submission. The only thing that catches the interest in outrage from the public these days are superficial harpy issues like metoo, and whatever else the whores, niggers or kikes of the west are angry about.

Too many people, myself included, value good, peace and respect of the law enough to not act on our anger, to act civilized. Too scared to make the first move. Look at Italy, where that guy was called a hero for shooting at some niggers. None follow suit, as we aren't for the most part, sub human apes unable to control ourselves. That's why the only real riots you see anymore are from chimpouts.

Libertarianism declawed the European lions. We're all fucking domesticated cats.