Shalom y'all! Let's come up with plans to make Israel a beautiful multicultural state full of niggers. Diversity is the future.
they need to do this to help with relations with the area.
if theres more non jews in israel maybe hamas wouldn`t throw as many rockets into there.
Openborders for Isreal sounds like a great idea.
I mean diversity is our strength.
Except israel jews are based chads that were trying to save europe from this nightmare.
diversity is a global strength. Israel needs to join the world and open borders to all.
You idiot. We should be trying to popularise israel’s brand of ethnic-nationalism.
Most Israelis are right-wing and patriotic and don’t care about Europe so long as we don’t conflict with their interests and are willing to support white nations who align with their interests (like how Israel supported South Africa during the 90s).
There are some Israelis who hate Europeans and want to drag them down no matter what but they are few in number.
We shouldn’t make an enemy out of them.
They represent a much greater opportunity for white countries to adopt a successful and tested form of ethnic nationalism.
sup JIDF l0l
Fuck off shill. Never praise anything about Israel. That's the gayest shit you can do.
Spotted the kike
Open Borders For Israel is the only way Israel will be able to rid itself of its toxic Jewish supremacy.
They have been doing this forever.
In one of their main cities in Poland during WWII they didn't let in ANY blacks. Had a weird Jewish name Auschwitz or something.
Wait, I think I saw that dude in Minnesota.
Wonder where the Jews are sending the refugees.
The literal 10,000s of Israelis who celebrate openly on FB anytime there is a terror attack in Europe, with their comments liked 100s, if not 1000s of times in a few cases by their fellow Israelis, suggests its more than a "few".
Dozens of Israeli groups work to bring in 3rd worlders into Europe. They correctly view us as their main obstacle to total world domination, and blame Europeans as a collective for the pogoms and in particular the "holocaust".
Israel is the opposite of the model we should strive for. Nobody is suggesting we drive a million blacks into a enclosed space and torture them for decades as the Jews have done with the Gazans, nor that we should be commiting worldwide terror and destabilising our neighbours. We just want to be left in peace to work. The Jew wants the opposite.
Yeah, nah.
They started it in the first place until the EU started to improve its relationships with iran, china and russia while opposing the US.
The jew did what a jew does and now he is scared, that's about it
The anglo got screwed by the jew, found a scapegoat in the enemy given to him by the jew and ends up hating this enemy while supporting the jew
What a surprise!
wtf I love Jews now!
Maybe we can send over all our favorite Blacks as tribute.
It would be kind of ironic if the virus (((they))) spread ended them, thus ending the spread
world war Z was a MOVIE mr netanyahu.
You dont really need a wall.
To europe and Australia. So tell me why i should be ok with them sending us a tidalwave of human filth?
Wait they are sending their sisters ? WTF. I'm outraged now. Canada is my new best friend. Friendship with Isreal is over.