Name a more embarrassing country
PRO TIP: You can't
Name a more embarrassing country
PRO TIP: You can't
OP life
As far as embarrassment goes America is maybe in the top 30.
Big if true
>Obama meets with celebrites
Man, he's so cool. He's the coolest Prezzy we've ever had. Swag in the White House.
>Trump meets with a celebrity
National embarrassment
you would know
Get back to work Hans. You have to sustain Turkish and Syrian youth.
I think you're missing the part where this is a woman who's only famous for sucking black dick.
Don't you disrepect our national sport
Take a look at your flag.
You'll just get the Americans pointing and laughing.
Yeah, I do know. Stop posting your mutt face.
your cunt bruv
Oi! You got a loicence to be embarrassed, m8?
Jews are just angry that Trump supporters are more attractive.
Any other white guys genuinely wish they were black? I hate it.
Picrelated is a latvian ubermensch, just not as dense as you two homos trying to get a room.
Which is prob why he called her to talk about prison reform.
Yours OP. Brits are the laughing stock of the world
based dr. doom country poster
it's nice seeing photos of presidents together
>tfw oral office
tfw Trump tells everyone Tupac and Biggie smalls were killed by Jews. Then at the same time Kanye and Kim tell their stories about Jews throwing Yeezy in a mental hospital and Jews in Paris robbing Kim.
There’s an app for that
Your flag does not match the picture, what's going on ???
> ubermensch
Thanks I guess, roachbro
First post best post
UK is kind of top of the list now. You have a shit skin in your royal palace , so progressive having a nigger princess goy!
To be fair America had a half-nigger half-jew president for 8 years.
Why does he look like that? Is that what Latvians look like? Or does he have a birth defect?
I can name one
Great Briton.
>suck a black cock to get famous
>somehow be influential enough to meet with the president and talk about prison reform
Exactly what makes her competent to even have an influential opinion on this? Isn't she only known as a b-list porn star?
>OP flag
user, really....
This is the goy portal from which the anti-christ emerged.