Black people are sub-

>When an airline hit Delilah Cassidy (@Delilah_Cassidy) with new unexpected fees and her payment methods failed, Arizona Cardinals tight end Jermaine Gresham helped her out to keep her from missing her flight.

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Human, there I finished your sentence, that nigger just was to BLACK her.


He only did that because he wanted to black her. Seriously, niggers only think with their dicks.

>Black people. A cultural so fantastic that one of them doing literally anything that isn't violent and or subhuman is grounds for a national media attention.

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>NFL pro
>interested in some random land whale
kek you guys are salty faggots holy shit

>being so poor a unexpected fee will make your cards get declined

The absoulte state of roasties

Niggers are sub-human, not decent black people. Shame the ratio of niggers vs decent blacks is what it is.

BREAKING NEWS! Rich black bloke so disconnected from nigger culture that runs around a field for white people and everyones else amusement most of his days pays A LADIES AIRPLANE TICKET, the world is saved and free of cancer, Wakanda is real and HOLY FUCK ALL PEOPLE IN AFRICA ASCENDED TO SAINTS.

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>NFL pro
>interested in some random land whale

and yet.

>someone with millions of dollars gave me $50 to hurry the line up
>this is what counts as a good deed these days

imagine having such low expectations of black people that this is a big deal

damn, nice one Ola.

Man tackar så mycket, Jörgen.

Why are you reading the Jewish Bible?
That’s for Jews.
We have a White Bible.

(Why aren’t we using their own tricks against them?)

>Robby looked up at the angel;
>Who was White with Blonde hair and Blue eyes;
>The angel, whose name was Marty, said unto him;
>Thou art of the Superior Tribe of Man;
>For thine skin is White and Pure, and not diseased;
- The Book of the 12 Frogs

Who is God?
>Robby asked the angel Marty about the Creator;
>Marty answered unto him;
>Thou art made in His White Supreme image, and He is the Engineer;
>Robby asked about the other races;
>Marty answered;
>The non-Whites are not human, but talking apes;
>Do not join with them, and keepeth thine selves segregated;
- The Book of Charlie, Chapter 4

On Women
>Robby, being concerned about the degenerate nature of women, asked Marty;
>What is the nature of women?
>Marty answered unto him;
>Women are to be owned and controlled by men;
>Women were created to serve men, as a servant;
>If a women denies a man, beat her unconscious if need be, until she behaves well;
- Book of the Kitchens

On Homosexuality and Transgenderism
>Robby, having a transgender liberal arts professor, asked of the nature of homosexuality;
>Marty answered;
>These beasts are possessed by the demon of mental illness;
>Suffer them unto a facility for extermination, for they are the downfall of societies;
>Let not any man who lies with another, ever hold any office of importance;
- Henry’s Psalms

On Jews
>Robby asked Marty about the Jew, and the JQ
>Marty answered;
>They are the children of Swine;
>Chimera created by the evil overlord George Soros;
>The Prophet Adolf Hitler has written all that you need to know;
>Read Mein Kempf
- Revelations of Carl

>Delilah Cassidy
Why does that lady have a white people name but look like a Mexican.

That was sweet of him I like that

Must be hard to help someone out financially when you make $20 million a year


Yeah a guy as athletic, attractive, rich and that tall wants to black that.

Stupid redneck would say anything to make blacks look bad.

Niggers are bad, gold diggers are bad

This guy is obviously not a nigger.

>Cardinals TE
Surprised that he has any money at all considering the Cardinals are basically a pyramid scheme disguised as a professional football team.

>literally push your daughter to marry a nog

US blacks are 16-24% white in their genetics - this was his whiteness in action.

>tfw this is 100% exactly what white women who fuck black dudes look like
>tfw this is 100% exactly the type of busted white chicks black dude fawn over
>tfw you actually think women are interested in 7' tall dudes

kek you idiot

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