Laughter of history

Pic-related: that's the conference organized by Chinese government to which Polish government sent its delegation consisted of ministers, including chief of PM's office.

Daily reminder that Poles were the only nation in soviet block that helped Murricans to disintegrate it from inside, and - as you can see today - we did only so our top politicians were taking part in conferences praising Karl Marx. And it happens only because the USrael drowns in debts because of useless Middle East wars waged for Israel and because it followed communist principles by being flooded with subhumans from "shithole countries" that radically decrease quality of the American society and make it dumber.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Karl Marx hated only Jews, but he liked Poles desu. I still can't understand why we demolished his statues.

From what I heard, it was a short-lived period in Poland. Lech Valensa ended up to get absolutely BTFO, while the Post-Communist faction regained all power.
The communist principle is zero immigration, fool. Being flooded with immigrants all the while destroying family and society is a Neoliberal Capitalist principle.

>From what I heard, it was a short-lived period in Poland. Lech Valensa ended up to get absolutely BTFO, while the Post-Communist faction regained all power.

Well, partially yes. That's because 90s were the hardest time in history of indpendent Poland: unemployment reached 30% and poverty was huge, just like in 90s Russia, that's why people began to vote for communists again. But today nobody misses communism anymore because standard of life is OK. Maybe except of very old people who associate communism with their youth.

From what I understand, Polish government plans to basically be everyone's Shill, sort of, hostile insider/saboteur (American mostly) against the EU, while also being hostile to Russia. It's not very smart if you ask me, and it ended up with Poland losing its independence in the past several times.

Oh well, total political incompetence of Polish people is a proud tradition that is observed throughout all of its history.

Poland pleases the strongest. In 1939 we were allied with the weakling UK that didn't even have a land army or any power projection in our region, and with France hidden behind Maginot Line, that's why we ended so badly. No offense, but Russia is very weak in comparison with China and with the USA. Nobody wants to have any relations with you, even your satellite states such as Ukraine, Belarus or Pizdastans keep distance from you.

A state has to maintain pragmatic long term politics, and its most important consideration is its' neighbours. A state that antagonizes All of its neighbours is committing a grave mistake.

1930s Poland has managed to piss off everyone, including France and Britain (remember Polish role in Munich agreement, and generally safeguarding Nazi Germany from early coalition), with its' absolutely uninsightful selfishness and opportunism.

>remember Polish role in Munich agreement

Poland didn't sign the Munich Agreement. France and Britain did, mongo.

> A state has to maintain pragmatic long term politics, and its most important consideration is its' neighbours. A state that antagonizes All of its neighbours is committing a grave mistake.

We "antagonize" our neighbours such as Russia only with our existence. Get real, dude.

fuck polacks, kurwa

Russia licks Chinese ass too. But as opposite to Poland, Russia does it out of fear, not because of revenues. Shortly after this visit, the Chinese pledged to build the biggest factory of batteries to cars in Europe, here in Oława, Poland.

You obstruct the vital Gas pipeline for Russia and Germany with all you have, despite reaping no benefit for yourself in doing so. A pretty funny way of "existing" if you ask me.
>Poland didn't sign the Munich Agreement.
Poland was on Nazi Germany side in this, and heavily impacted dissaray on Anti-Nazi side.

>On 22 May, Juliusz Łukasiewicz, the Polish ambassador to France, told the French Foreign Minister Georges Bonnet that if France moved against Germany in defense of Czechoslovakia: "We shall not move." Łukasiewicz also told Bonnet that Poland would oppose any attempt by Soviet forces to defend Czechoslovakia from Germany. Daladier told Jakob Surits, the Soviet ambassador to France: "Not only can we not count on Polish support but we have no faith that Poland will not strike us in the back."

>You obstruct the vital Gas pipeline for Russia and Germany

Not we. The USA does. Talk to Americans instead of crying here like a bitch into my sleeve.

>Poland was on Nazi Germany side in this

That's a Russian propaganda. Poland was forced to regain Zaolzie, because otherwise this region would become a part of Third Reich and Poles living there could be in danger. We didn't sign Munich Agreement. The British cockroach and the French baguette did, and when they did it, the Czechoslovakia stopped existing and became a part of the Reich, so you can say that we took part of the Reichs territory. Besides Czechs illegally conquered this part of Polish territory in 1920 when we were busy fighting bolsheviks, so it was a historical justice too.

>the Soviet ambassador to France: "Not only can we not count on Polish support but we have no faith that Poland will not strike us in the back."

Soviets talking about "stabbing in the back", and a year later singing Ribbentrop-Molotov pact. Entertaining.


Marx was also a supporter of Polish independence, and he didn't like Russians and Anglos either, because he perceived them as capitalist allies.

I really see no single reason for which we should be anti-Marx.

>singing Ribbentrop-Molotov pact. Entertaining.
it was better than give Poland at whole to nazis

nothing wrong with Ribbentrop-Molotov

Better from whose perspective? Surely not from perspective of 1,2 mln of Poles who were deported to Siberia and/or executed on the way by NKVD squads.

>nothing wrong with Ribbentrop-Molotov

Yes, we know that even today Russian and German spheres of influence go down the Vistula river, so nothing really changed since 1939.

I was waiting for the punch line... Wanda really did kill comedy

A polish delegation walks in a communist Chinese party....

>deported to Siberia
deported doesn't mean died

> What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.…. Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities…. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange…. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.

That's not a quote from Adolf Hitler, but from Karl Marx.

Even few days ago our rightwingers made a fun of leftards by supplying them with quotes of Marx about Jews:

>deported doesn't mean died

Good joke. Jew-operated Gulags were even worse than nazi death camps.

well obviously, because he wanted to destroy capitalist nations so was playing all kind of opressed groups (proletariat, minorities etc) against them. Its the same with america and nogs/mexicans etc. Im not saying Germs were right in opressing Polaks, but seeing Marx the jew as some philantrope lover of Poles is simply wrong. He was willing to use Polaks to push his own agenda

>but seeing Marx the jew as some philantrope lover of Poles is simply wrong. He was willing to use Polaks to push his own agenda

And how is it different with American policy towards Poland or Napoleon's policy towards Poland? Everybody does it. That's geopolitics.

gulags were normal prisons, stop whining

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also rate these amazing views, nature

Your whole historical policy is based on whitewashing of Jewish and Russian crimes against humanity. That's why Netanyahu is taking part in Red Army parades in Moscow, because Jewish and Russian interests in rewriting history and oppressing Central-Eastern Europe are compatibile. Talking to a Russian about history is pointless. You guys were refusing to admit that Katyn massacre was made by soviets for 5 decades.
death rate wasn't that high

Death rate in Gulag was much higher than in nazi German death camp. But history was rewritten after 1945 because the winner always creates history. Jews and Russians killed incomparably more people than German nazis in reality.

>death rate
The Nazi concentration camps were far worse, I'd venture to guess. The Nazi camps actively tried to work people to death (literally), whereas the Gulag, while being a forced labor camp, did not abide by NEARLY as gruesome a mentality.

And if we're talking about Nazi extermination camps, then obviously the extermination camps are far more deadly since their expressed purpose was to kill.

in the Soviet system you had much larger chance of survival.

Gulag's purpose was to kill as well. Generally speaking German nazi camps were modeled on Jewish-Russian death camps and even nazis themselves openly admitted it.

"Gas chambers" were built in 1947 by "Polish" (read: Jewish) communists. I don't claim that they didn't exist at all, but i would find it rather a weird coincidence that all death camps with gas chambers were liberated by soviets, and not even a single one by Americans/Brits.

Hey pal, you know how the truth operates? Even if it is layered by tons of lies put on it like bricks for decades, the construction is going to crush eventually and the truth goes out to the light. In new geopolitical circumstances of new sources of wealth and power growing around the world, and new trends in population growth, the soviet fairy tale about "holocaust" established in 1945 for political reasons won't last too long. Do you really think that 1 billion of muslims or billions of Asians care about fucking soviet-jewish fairy tales? They have their own holocaust: for example holocaust of Palestinians made by Russian khazars in Middle East on the stolen land, or holocaust made by the Japanese on Chinese, and so on and so forth.

In circumstances of Western Europe, USA and Russia losing their power and contribution in the global GDP, the so called "Holocaust" is going to be debunked just like any other historical bullshit. The truth goes out on the surface usually after 100-200 years according to previous historical experiences.

Pro tip: read "Gulag Archipelago", or try "Kolyma Tales". Found at

Zionist Jews who hijacked Russian shithole forbidden these books lately. Reading them is illegal there now.

No one ever ponders the relative efficency of "extermination camps" vice just dropping them on the spot, like at Vinnitsa. WHY spend time (most precious resource) on corralling, transporting and warehousing them? It does not make sense.

To date, has anyone ever done a radiological analysis of the mortar, concrete etc of the so-called death camps? Post 1945, there would be traces of isotopes from nuclear testing that would not have been there when camps would have to have been built, say 1943-44 at the latest (if the Germans built them).

>To date, has anyone ever done a radiological analysis of the mortar, concrete etc of the so-called death camps?

Iranians asked Polish government to give their scientists access to these sites, but our Jewish minister of foreign affairs Meller refused of course.

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Examining "death camps" in Poland now is close to impossible for few reasons: 1) we are militarily occupied by jew-controlled USA, 2) Germans and Russians position themselves as "guards of memory about the Holocaust" to whitewash their crimes against people in Central-Eastern Europe and blame Poles for the crimes they committed themselves. Defaming Poland weakens us which gives them bigger chance to dominate us _on the moral ground_ again like in 1939-1945 and 1945-1989.

>The communist principle is zero immigration

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If Hitler didn't attack Soviet Union in 1941, millions of Poles would be deported to Siberia and killed there, while their houses would be taken by Jews and Russians. It would be a complete replacement of the population.


Some Jews ("opaskowcy") formed militias and helped the NKVD compile lists of Poles to be sent to Siberia.[23] Meir Grajewski (later Ronen), a native of Jedwabne, identified five Jewish “louts” who "lorded over" the town, denouncing Poles and, sometimes, fellow Jews.[24] Armed with guns, Jewish militiamen also played a large part in NKVD-organized arrests and deportations of ethnic Poles.[25][26] Several witness testimonies say that during round-ups, armed Jewish militiamen seized Poles and guarded those being readied for deportation to Siberia.[27] A total of 22,353 Poles (entire families) were deported from the vicinity.[28][29][30] Red Army troops requisitioned food and other goods, depriving the local populace of resources.[8] The Soviet secret police (NKVD) accompanying the Red Army routinely arrested and deported Polish citizens and spread terror throughout the region.[6][31] Waves of arrests, expulsions, and prison executions continued until 20–21 June 1941, the very eve of the German Operation Barbarossa invasion of the Soviet Union.[8]

one thing i dont get is this:why are russia in syria fighting against israel since israel is against assad and russia is for them.

again, lazar kaganovich was jewish, and one of the main headleader so they are responsible, even IF they arent primarely majority for ARGUMENTS sake, they are still PARTLY responsible for genocide.

and yes so was gentile russians, both must be held accountable and pay reperations AND honour the victims that they killed.

thats why im asking the question on why netanyau really visited the memorial red army since russia and israel is at war since they fight on different sides.

>why are russia in syria fighting against israel

It is not, though. Russia gives green light to Israel in doing what Israel wants in the region.

> why netanyau really visited the memorial red army since russia and israel is at war since they fight on different sides

That's because Russia and Israel have compatibile interests in the Middle East and Central-Eastern Europe. It was already explained earlier.

>muh crimes against humanity
>on pol

kill yourself pussy ass cuck
Russians did it because they could
You didnt because youre an inferiour country

They few instances where you little rats had the chance you showed brutality overshadowing all else
>murdering of german civs pre ww2
>concetration camps for russian soldiers in ww where you just fencded them slowly starving them to death
>invasion of Russia at the Times of Troubles when Russia was under Anarchy and brutal plundering and murder

go kill yourself polakshit
you love your little victim status and muh russha butthurt but in reality youre the scum here faggot

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i dont get it, what is russia doing there? they dont support assad but wants to remove him like israel wants?

Lech Valensa IS part the Post-Communist faction.
Not liking Soviets does not free him NotSociallist

Russia is an ally of Jews and enemy of Poland and whole nations in Central-Eastern Europe. Just like Germany, by the way.

Unfortunately we weren't annihilating them when we could, and it is a reason of all our current problems.

killing ISIS

>You didnt because youre an inferiour country

Killing other nations and stealing their things doesn't make you superior, russian sub-animal. You only spread poverty, chaos, death and jewish rules around the world which prevents humanity from growth. China is superior to you for example because they are productive, while you russian subhumans are too dumb to even build a country where people don't eat from trashbins.

shut up faggot

>i dont get it, what is russia doing there? they dont support assad but wants to remove him like israel wants?

You don't understand many things, maybe because you are stupid? Russia is there to protect Israel and backstab Iran.

looks good

Even Russian gulag looks better than third world shithole called "France" in a state of civil war, full of 70 IQ niggers, with failing massively indebted economy.

Your ass is hurt. Calm down, newfag

Why should i stop? Jew-ruled shitholes of Western Europe, Russia and the USA lost sense of reality some time ago. They still think that they are number one and can do everything.

wiki might not be reliable since it can edit, but if they bombed those targets thats AGAINST the syria government and assad is against israel, the reason it does that supply syrian government is to trick iran to do something so it can backstab iran and support israel?

if so they are playing the longgame, ukraine and Georgia invasion by russia when they helped those who attacked Georgia proves it. that said i dont know what they want iran to do Before it can attack it if that is the case.

Yeah, but you’re arguing with literal brain dead people. Some guy wrote about killing German civilians, ignorant Russians and a baguette.

This is a Tunisian hash smoking forum, calm down

>hurr durr my weakness is actually moral superiory

noone care faggot
you was assraped by us and russian this doesnt make them or us bad it just makes the superior because we could summon the geopolitical strenght to do so

youre just butthurt little bitch because you tried to assrape other so hard and would like to do so so much but instead you got your asshoel stretched

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Are you trying to communicate?

Poles need only freedom and their own hands to work to live happily and on decent standard. You Russian animals need to rob other nations and steal things because you are parasites. You are too subhuman to live from your work. You are too dumb and too lazy to create an added value, just like your Jewish masters and allies.

Poles don't have a dream to be parasite. We only want to work in peace and not being killed and robbed by such subhumans like you.

Russians are a nation of killers, whores, parasites, thieves and retards, thats why you have no chance in geopolitical games with China and even the failing West. You are walking dead, the only question is how many people you will manage to take to the grave with you yet.

>no arguments level : final

Attached: Polands+history.jpg (460x304, 37K)

Russians are good only as a source of natural resources, whores and internal organs, and that's what you will become as a Chinese puppet state.

>we stronk we do what we want
>Polan iferiour


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>verbal vomit: the post

also cute that everyone acknoledging historic reality and not sharing your butthurt must be a russian by your cretinistic polshit logic

stay mad faggot you were and always will be inferior to Russians this is an objective historic fact and i dont have to be russian to state this , even tough i certainly support Russia over POLandniggers as a German

one look at any world map of any period or knowlegge of global literature art and cultural contributions shows this. Not even talking about space travel

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>stay mad faggot you were and always will be inferior to Russians this is an objective historic fact and i dont have to be russian to state this

You are talking as if you optimistically assumed that such things like Russia and Germany will still exist in few decades in current shape. Good for you.

>being this assmad

pic related

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I'm not Polish either, but can clearly see that you're not German. Cry harder faggot.

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Times of glory of your nation are gone, russian sub-insect. Today Russia is the weakest in whole period of its imperial history, that's why it flexes muscles constantly, so we thought otherwise.


Hope further faggot

Id rather see how that EU cuckoldry and JEWsa bottiming will turn out for ya , especailly considering youre such a small and geoplitically weak country

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We don't lick the EU's ass, that's why this organisation is attacking our country and putting sanctions on us. Your jew-ruled third world shithole licks the EU's ass so they let you sell your natural resources to them which prevents your shithole without real economy to die from hunger.

yes you can clearly see on an malay artisan paddlemaking board you absolute faggot

Attached: AAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHA.jpg (940x752, 305K)

Yes, Sergei

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Move back to your russia, russian imbecile, instead of shilling for it remotely. You don't want to work for jewish oligarchs for 200 dollar / month?

cretin spotted

youd starve without us slavshit
I literally paid your meal today , thank me polshit welfare queen faggot

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... and stop cosplaying for a German, russian hartz-iv monkey in tracksuits.

>everyone disagreeing with me is a russian
the absolute state of polandniggers

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You actually are russian, though, and too ashamed to admit it, which is understandable.

back to work Wrostislav

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keep telling yourself that
I only keep to the tenets of Daddy Bismarck

newsflash: Every normal German would pick Russia over Poland anytime. We basically see you as subhumna toilet cleaners , car thieves and blue collar plebs that are angry and drunk all the time

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Every normal German was killed during war and brainwashed after war during denazification. These Germans who were crawling out of German vaginas after wave of Red Army rapes are hardly to be called "normal" just like those of them whose mentality was destroyed by multikulti propaganda. Effects are visible today, when they "welcome refugees"

This world doesn't belong to your jewish-russian global mafia anymore. Your "empires" are on the decline and you guys think that 40 mln of Poles will feed all kikes and russian subhumans like it was in years 1945-1990? No chance for that. XVII-XX centuries belonged to Russia, USA and Western Europe. XXI century will belong to asian nations.