Turn them in boys

>“But why we do need eight-inch or ten-inch kitchen knives with points? Butchers and fishmongers do, but how often, if at all, does a domestic chef use the point of an eight-inch or ten-inch knife? Rarely, if at all.”

Britbongs gone.

Attached: ukknives.jpg (1024x1196, 90K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Erm, every time I slice a sandwich in half so the bread doesn't get fucking torn.

The UK goverment is probs going to send trolls onto Jow Forums to defend it

>be criminal
>file it sharp again

Are bongs really this stupid? What happened to you guys?

>knife control

Attached: 1647339_1.jpg (630x630, 54K)

Push it into the ocean

Attached: VP6SdrZuL71_Ab-Ql-s_OyI8OlG9hu5M-13-Ck2gEx0.jpg (481x337, 33K)

Well user, the solution is to simply ban knife sharpening tools too.

Oh God this is going to cause a massive increase in the number of slittings isn't it? I find those to be more icky desu.

The British government really is this stupid, with the public not far behind. Their only response to any problem is ban it or throw money at it.

British normies sincerely believe that knives are deadly weapons.

So if you accidentally break a knife and you end up with a point, do you get arrested?

bin that point

I use the points to stabby stabby my steak.

>Buy vice from hardware store
>Put rounded knife tip into vice
>Snap the blade


But you can stab with a pencil or a tent stake, too. What now?

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Come on brits

That’s too much common sense. Don’t hurt their brains now.

Gulags when?

Why not just ban stabbing people?

I'm a butcher. I use the tip of the knife to fillet certain cuts of meat. I do this at least once a week.

They're going to ban hard surfaces? I'd bet they try.

This can't be real

Wouldn't a flat point chefs knife slice weird? When I make a large cutting motion I glide the knife along the edge, from the point down.

WE can get you a loisense for that

>Itsss da gunzz
No, its the niggers shooting eachother in chicago.
>OI, its de knoives
No, its the mudslimes who run through the streets and stab people.

Britain is too far gone. Let's hope the US doesnt cuck out like the londonistans.

Except it's not niggers shooting up schools, it's Jews and whites doing that. Fucking retard.

I like the rounded-point utility blade. It is safer for less self-inflicted stabby-stabby. Also it's a lot safer to use when it's razor-sharp, which is what we're taught with most sharp blades. It's still fine for slashy-slashy.

Eventually all the poor Brits will all have pink plastic safety scissors. Maybe one day someone will decide to lock up the bad guys for bad behavior instead of the good guys for just existing.

Attached: IMG_1579.jpg (200x200, 11K)

Classic bureaucrats legislating on things that affect others because they think they know what's best.

Remember the concept of an independent judiciary?

Has your government figured out metal nail files located on mini nail clippers are a fantastic weapon yet?

Retard. Majority of gun crime is from blacks.

>British things

Your knife is actually a spoon

I carry a knife around with me to cut up fruit and it pisses me the fuck off every time someone I know sees it and goes "WOAH HEY YOU KNOW THAT'S ILLEGAL RIGHT"

Attached: 1526520674966.jpg (750x858, 146K)

>Islamic Republic of Britanya
>year AH 1455 (2034 CE)
>be a masta, bin that pasta

Attached: 2018-05-31 13.35.32.png (1131x789, 785K)

At the end of the day ban whatever you want.
People have been killing each other since before fire was harnessed.
There is no reason to think they are going to stop finding creative ways to do so.

it's loicence, get it right mutts

Did I say shooting up schools? Braindead cretin. You're probably some amerimutt half black abomination. Why would you care about school shootings nigger? Blacks dont go to school, it aint cool nigga.

Any knife? Not just of a particular size?

Don't go to the joint,
File that point

Thank you, UK for being the bottom of the slippery slope that is easily referenced.

Does the UK have an actual history of frequent stabbings or something? Why are they so retarded about this?

You know, the whole Ripper thing.
Could have been avoided if he just binned that knife.
Never again!
Now help me lift this fat from the sewer.

And as a result, the throat slitting from behind epidemic will take off.

Or hack and slash.

I'm suprised that stuff that can be used to garotte people like dental fl-- ... string isn't illegal yet.

If I remember correctly it's anything 3 inches or over is illegal. That's probably changed now though, but I really don't give a fuck because I'm not gonna stop

You have a good attorney?

Why are you reading the Jewish Bible?
That’s for Jews.
We have a White Bible.

(Why aren’t we using their own tricks against them?)

>Robby looked up at the angel;
>Who was White with Blonde hair and Blue eyes;
>The angel, whose name was Marty, said unto him;
>Thou art of the Superior Tribe of Man;
>For thine skin is White and Pure, and not diseased;
- The Book of the 12 Frogs

Who is God?
>Robby asked the angel Marty about the Creator;
>Marty answered unto him;
>Thou art made in His White Supreme image, and He is the Engineer;
>Robby asked about the other races;
>Marty answered;
>The non-Whites are not human, but talking apes;
>Do not join with them, and keepeth thine selves segregated;
- The Book of Charlie, Chapter 4

On Women
>Robby, being concerned about the degenerate nature of women, asked Marty;
>What is the nature of women?
>Marty answered unto him;
>Women are to be owned and controlled by men;
>Women were created to serve men, as a servant;
>If a women denies a man, beat her unconscious if need be, until she behaves well;
- Book of the Kitchens

On Homosexuality and Transgenderism
>Robby, having a transgender liberal arts professor, asked of the nature of homosexuality;
>Marty answered;
>These beasts are possessed by the demon of mental illness;
>Suffer them unto a facility for extermination, for they are the downfall of societies;
>Let not any man who lies with another, ever hold any office of importance;
- Henry’s Psalms

On Jews
>Robby asked Marty about the Jew, and the JQ
>Marty answered;
>They are the children of Swine;
>Chimera created by the evil overlord George Soros;
>The Prophet Adolf Hitler has written all that you need to know;
>Read Mein Kempf
- Revelations of Carl

>be me
>want to cook a meal
>forgot to renew my cookery license
>take ingredients to a licensed kitchen
>chef proceeds to cut igredients while being supervised by no more than three police officers
>proceed on my way home
>stabbed to death by criminals

What a weird mindset. Yesterday there was a guy open carrying a pistol in the checkout line of the mini Mart I was buying some shit at. Nobody said anything at all or even looked at the guy for more than a second. And yet you guys go to pieces over a pocket knife.

your fake Bible is softer than the real thing. The real Bible calls for poofters to be killed (not barred from certain jobs) and that Jews have Satan for father.

Yeah but I don't live in London or any such similar shithole nor do I look like a yob so I doubt the police would arrest me or even really care.

I looked it up and you are allowed to carry a blade over 3" if you have a "good reason", but I'm not entirely sure what that counts as. I imagine somewhat down to an arresting officer or judge's discretion.

kill yourcelf at onse

i thought they were all in the bin by now, what the fuck.

Do multi-tools like leathermen not exist in Bongland? I carry mine every day and I don't know how I live without it.

How about literally every day. If you don't own and know how to use a good chef's knife you have no idea what you're doing in the kitchen.

>God save our precious feels
>emotions over reals
>help this country
>Ahmed drives over us
>"Steve" rapes and murders us
>our government imprisons us
>just for tweeting things

Attached: uk-flag-of-jihad1.jpg (627x385, 70K)

It's an old Roman rule.

Free men are allowed to have weapons.
Slaves are not.

Because allowing the slaves to arm themselves is obviously stupid.

It's quite depressing. Most brits have a complete "bend the knee" attitude toward certain types of government regulation. No sense of independence of thought or action from it. One particular anecdote, I was attempting to discuss the legality of weed one time and the automatic response of one person was something along the lines of "I'm sure the people that make the laws on it know better than you", and wouldn't think about it beyond that... (I'm actually for it being illegal anyway for reference)

>oi ya wanka, ya got a pointy loicense fo dat?

I remember asking my dad what he would do if the government suddenly made alcohol illegal just to see what he'd do. (Obey it, disobey it.)

"But they won't..."

No the blade stays sharp, they mean rounding the point of the blade off as most people dont usually cut meats ect with the point!

I might round my blades off later to stay compliant with the law.

This, next they will sticks and stones

But then battery acid is available to muzzies at a discount with no ID.
How come they dont restrict that, nigel?

>gets stabbed to death in the face with a screwdriver

Attached: screw you.jpg (258x300, 7K)

That's too much effort.

People have been killing each other since the dawn of time with rocks, sticks, and their bare hands. You can’t legislate a murder free society because violence is part of human nature. The point of the Bong regime’s effort is not to stop knife murders, it is to extend CONTROL of the population. If Bongs never resist this silly shit it is a self perpetuating cycle that will continue regardless of who is in power. Act like sheep and you’ll be treated like sheep.

Don't appear in the dock, bin that rock!

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We're talking about Bongs here.

Don't stick your head in the sand - amputate that hand.
Don't get pissed - drop that fist.
Stop crime at the root - lose that foot.
Turn over a new leaf - bin those teeth

They're going to ban files next.
>Don't be vile, bin that file!

Only loiscensed mechanics can legally possess screwdrivers.

Show some style, drop that shard of tile

You are a faggot for even thinking about doing that, you homo. Your country is worse than Canada.

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How the shit did you weak fucks ever conquer the globe?

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Down with whetstones!

Chef at Wendy's here. I use one of these bad boys every day to get my burger patties perfectly square. Get triggered, bongfags.

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Who the hell puts a fucking chef's knife in their pocket to shiv someone? A pairing knife will reach organs, let alone an utility knife.

Their ancestors did the conquering. Maybe too much cousin fucking destroyed the gene pool and now the island is full of Bonglets.

they conquered it by sheer force of moral superiority

I'm laughing cause in Canada you can buy knives with insanely long, sharp blades and the only time a cop will care is if he finds it on you during an arrest.

The problem in Britain isn't a knife problem, it's a PEOPLE problem.

Damascus steel... OOOO the edge!

Slittings? Straight up butcher cleavings, more like.

Jesus Bongs how does it feel to have a fucking leaf laugh at you? A fucking leaf!

Oi, no point no problem.

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Eyyy... Buddey... I can get you in touch with a... piano repairman, if you need it.

>t. Met Police


underrated post

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I cut myself on safety scissors as a kid. Dangerous weapon.

>chopsticks - can be used for stabbing someone in the eye or jammed up someone's nose
>safety scissors - can be used to slit someone's throat
>spork - can be used to stab someone in the eye
>metal straw - can be sharped to a point and stab someone
>whatever that wooden thing is - well, I'm sure it could be used nefariously

Better ban everything just to be safe.

Hmm, those chop sticks look a bit too pointy.

I am deeply ashamed that at one time your country controlled mine. You are competing with the Swedes for pathetic c u c k faggotry as a society.

WTF happened to YOU!

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I rememeber when the UK used to ban visual depictions of nunchucks in media.

Just wait till people start getting stabbed with kebab sticks

Is that before or after they've been ground up?

>WTF happened to YOU!
Jewry happened

the bin to end all bins

Attached: binthatbin.jpg (361x427, 48K)

>turn in all guns to stop shootings
all of a sudden stabbings go up
>turn in all knives to stop stabbings
>uh oh, now we have to turn in hammers because people getting smacked in the head went up
>uh oh, now we have to force people to wear boxing gloves because sucker punching went up
>uh oh, now we have to take people's shoes because kickings went up
>uh oh, now we have to force people to wear bike helmets because head buttings went up
>uh oh, now mouth guards because biting went up

>I might round my blades off later to stay compliant with the law

Attached: 1429676220078.jpg (250x239, 18K)

That bin's got sharp edges, mate.
I can't imagine something that isn't high vis is licensed, just what are the plod doing there, if they hadn't used the diversity paint on their cars already that bin would be gayly coloured and noticeable, some child could injure themselves on that and have to go to hospital instead of someone's flat, won't the police think of the children for once?

>how often, if at all, does a domestic chef use the point of an eight-inch or ten-inch knife? Rarely, if at all.”
often. if you have a piece of meat that you are cleaning up, deskinning or taking of the silverskin then you need to pierce it to get the knife under. same with filleting a fish, you have to pierce it.
knifes aren't the problem, it is the n