Thinks he's part of the master race

>thinks he's part of the master race
>can't even get a girl to want him
Pic related, typical self proclaimed master race member like you.

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>and that's a good thing

Lulz, coming from a mudslime, I'll take that as a compliment

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Why is neo nazi in quotes? He's not actually one and your papers want you to think Muslims are awesome?

Why is there so many stormfag sperglord wannabee white terrorists in the UK these days?

Its almost on a parity with muslims, the future looks bleak af.

Tbh if you don't have kids by 30 you may as well just self dentonite a court house

More fake news

Why are you reading the Jewish Bible?
That’s for Jews.
We have a White Bible.

(Why aren’t we using their own tricks against them?)

>Robby looked up at the angel;
>Who was White with Blonde hair and Blue eyes;
>The angel, whose name was Marty, said unto him;
>Thou art of the Superior Tribe of Man;
>For thine skin is White and Pure, and not diseased;
- The Book of the 12 Frogs

Who is God?
>Robby asked the angel Marty about the Creator;
>Marty answered unto him;
>Thou art made in His White Supreme image, and He is the Engineer;
>Robby asked about the other races;
>Marty answered;
>The non-Whites are not human, but talking apes;
>Do not join with them, and keepeth thine selves segregated;
- The Book of Charlie, Chapter 4

On Women
>Robby, being concerned about the degenerate nature of women, asked Marty;
>What is the nature of women?
>Marty answered unto him;
>Women are to be owned and controlled by men;
>Women were created to serve men, as a servant;
>If a women denies a man, beat her unconscious if need be, until she behaves well;
- Book of the Kitchens

On Homosexuality and Transgenderism
>Robby, having a transgender liberal arts professor, asked of the nature of homosexuality;
>Marty answered;
>These beasts are possessed by the demon of mental illness;
>Suffer them unto a facility for extermination, for they are the downfall of societies;
>Let not any man who lies with another, ever hold any office of importance;
- Henry’s Psalms

On Jews
>Robby asked Marty about the Jew, and the JQ
>Marty answered;
>They are the children of Swine;
>Chimera created by the evil overlord George Soros;
>The Prophet Adolf Hitler has written all that you need to know;
>Read Mein Kempf
- Revelations of Carl

fuck, I have much more weapons than that & I'm NS. Am I a terrorist?

I've seen uglier with girlfriends. What makes you presume he's a virgin?

>people want to get rid of muzzies
>Complains about it.

Absolute state of angloniggers.

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Fat loser

where can we donate to his legal defense?

>cuck or shitskin
>realises he’s inferior makes this thread to feel better about himself
Pretty pathetic

Based. Scotland forever.

Never understood how someone gets caught "plotting". Seriously, just think of that shit in your head, and then go do it. Where are you writing this stuff down that's getting you caught??

Probably has no idea what a National Socialist really is.

>thinks he's part of the master race
no YOU think that he thinks that.
The only people on the planet whose religion preaches 'the superiority of their race' is judaism you poor stupid blind goyim slave.

It's nice to see Scotland finally getting its share of the enrichment after all those years voting for Labour while they flooded England with Pakis. Did they think that the plague wouldn't eventually find its way up there?

Underrated post

>just self dentonite a court house

This tickles my funny bone

My girl loves me.

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He was going to bomb them with his jewellry!

What next - a mass butter knifing?

Why would you put knives and a brass knuckle into a bomb instead of just screws, nails and the like?

>Why is neo nazi in quotes?
Because "neo nazi" doesn't actually mean anything these days. It's just a blanket term for someone the media wants to portray in a bad light.

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Because he's grown up with comic books and video games and doesn't know how to be a man...

why is it they only ever catch the msm definition of 'white male' beforehand

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The people who actually want to carry out such an attack aren't the smartest in the first place, might've typed one too many sentence in the social media or his worried friends might have contacted the authorities. And if you don't take precautions and go willy-nilly searching for manuals online of course you're going to get tagged and watched more closely

OP is a muslim
