Why are you reading the Jewish Bible? That’s for Jews. We have a White Bible.
(Why aren’t we using their own tricks against them?)
>Robby looked up at the angel; >Who was White with Blonde hair and Blue eyes; >The angel, whose name was Marty, said unto him; >Thou art of the Superior Tribe of Man; >For thine skin is White and Pure, and not diseased; - The Book of the 12 Frogs
Who is God? >Robby asked the angel Marty about the Creator; >Marty answered unto him; >Thou art made in His White Supreme image, and He is the Engineer; >Robby asked about the other races; >Marty answered; >The non-Whites are not human, but talking apes; >Do not join with them, and keepeth thine selves segregated; - The Book of Charlie, Chapter 4
On Women >Robby, being concerned about the degenerate nature of women, asked Marty; >What is the nature of women? >Marty answered unto him; >Women are to be owned and controlled by men; >Women were created to serve men, as a servant; >If a women denies a man, beat her unconscious if need be, until she behaves well; - Book of the Kitchens
On Homosexuality and Transgenderism >Robby, having a transgender liberal arts professor, asked of the nature of homosexuality; >Marty answered; >These beasts are possessed by the demon of mental illness; >Suffer them unto a facility for extermination, for they are the downfall of societies; >Let not any man who lies with another, ever hold any office of importance; - Henry’s Psalms
On Jews >Robby asked Marty about the Jew, and the JQ >Marty answered; >They are the children of Swine; >Chimera created by the evil overlord George Soros; >The Prophet Adolf Hitler has written all that you need to know; >Read Mein Kempf - Revelations of Carl
You’re missing the point. We could easily create our own religion, where Whites are the Chosen Ones, meant to stay segregated... ...and the Constitution would protect our beliefs under freedom of religion.
Someone invent a church like that, and if anyone fucks with it, the FBI has to protect our Whites only church, by federal law.
William Bennett
lmao dont scientologiest talk about space aryans? Your religion will need to have some credibility. If its built off lies and sadism It'll only spiritually exhaust hopeful whites even more.
Thomas Stewart
No, religion doesn’t need to have “credibility”, retard. You just need 3 or more people, and a well established written belief system, and you can register your religion with the federal government, plus receive tax exempt status. I hate when uninformed niggers like you post. Lurk more.
Luke Ross
>No, religion doesn’t need to have “credibility”, retard. You're blind looking for answers, you sound lost.
Julian Thompson
wow this is pretty fucking cringy
Andrew Martinez
You sound like a faggot. I’m not looking for anything, other than to question why Jews or Arabs or niggers can claim to be chosen by god as special, but when Whites do it its racist. We could easily use the Jew tricks and make a religious ethnic Tate based on a white god that demands we segregate from non-white races.
I bet you’re a disgusting homosexual nigger Jew.
Matthew Flores
>wow this is pretty fucking cringy t. Shlomo Sheklestein
Ethan Scott
OK but most religion is built off self-inprovment starting with the self. If you're trying to establish order by attacking outward the soul will still be corrupt. You see, we live in a capitalist society that benefits from racial hierarchies already, the only problem with this is the fact that if you were to get rid of all the "underclass" capitalism will still need to operate under its established pretenses. You see where this is going? Look into how your government and economy shapes the mind of the people first before looking to setup some false religion. Dont rally under a lie.