national socialist discord, small server with a foolproof vetting process, serious discussion with occasional casual talk, no atheists
>inb4 honeypot
thats a mutt and bong only problem
National socialist discord, small server with a foolproof vetting process...
>national socialism
>no atheists
/esg/ thread in the catalog
give it a bump
We live in an era of the ultimate conflict with Christianity. It is part of the mission of the SS to give the German people in the next half century the non-Christian ideological foundations on which to lead and shape their lives. This task does not consist solely in overcoming an ideological opponent but must be accompanied at every step by a positive impetus: in this case that means the reconstruction of the German heritage in the widest and most comprehensive sense.
Beinrich Bimmler
where did I imply that the server was christian only or that himmler was a christian???
Even Hitler told him to cut his neo-pagan LARP cult shit out
Yeah totally won't get shut down or anything...
When are you stupid skinhead niggers gonna learn to use XMPP.
you haven't answered my question, and why do you atheists constantly get butthurt over things that dont suit you, i just said no atheists and you went all autism mode, hitler rebuked himmler because he was using up too much funds for the ahnenerbe, he didnt care about religion, nsdap was de facto secular, but self entitled assholes like you prove that I made a good choice by not allowing atheists
Why are you reading the Jewish Bible?
That’s for Jews.
We have a White Bible.
(Why aren’t we using their own tricks against them?)
>Robby looked up at the angel;
>Who was White with Blonde hair and Blue eyes;
>The angel, whose name was Marty, said unto him;
>Thou art of the Superior Tribe of Man;
>For thine skin is White and Pure, and not diseased;
- The Book of the 12 Frogs
Who is God?
>Robby asked the angel Marty about the Creator;
>Marty answered unto him;
>Thou art made in His White Supreme image, and He is the Engineer;
>Robby asked about the other races;
>Marty answered;
>The non-Whites are not human, but talking apes;
>Do not join with them, and keepeth thine selves segregated;
- The Book of Charlie, Chapter 4
On Women
>Robby, being concerned about the degenerate nature of women, asked Marty;
>What is the nature of women?
>Marty answered unto him;
>Women are to be owned and controlled by men;
>Women were created to serve men, as a servant;
>If a women denies a man, beat her unconscious if need be, until she behaves well;
- Book of the Kitchens
On Homosexuality and Transgenderism
>Robby, having a transgender liberal arts professor, asked of the nature of homosexuality;
>Marty answered;
>These beasts are possessed by the demon of mental illness;
>Suffer them unto a facility for extermination, for they are the downfall of societies;
>Let not any man who lies with another, ever hold any office of importance;
- Henry’s Psalms
On Jews
>Robby asked Marty about the Jew, and the JQ
>Marty answered;
>They are the children of Swine;
>Chimera created by the evil overlord George Soros;
>The Prophet Adolf Hitler has written all that you need to know;
>Read Mein Kempf
- Revelations of Carl
>no atheists
fuck off
>no atheists
German pagan mysticism or good goy Christianity?
not if it stays small, its been up for half a year, either way we have backups, stupid shill bend over for ahmed
its a secular server, but basedboy "enlightened" fedora tippers can gladly fuck off
Its just kinda funny how you need a super mystical and esoteric religious background instead of just normal nationalism. You need like some super occult mystic shit. Its more of laughing at you than anything. Like how brain dead do you need to be to think that blind faith and esoteric spooky rituals are at all productive or rational
reminder that Discord is 100% cucked SJW company and they ban any right-wing or even remotely nationalist servers, several discords got banned just for advertising on pol
I suggest you use telegram
Jesus is God. Praise Jesus :)
Jesus is a Jew. Praise the Jews and long live Israel and Donald Trump and his beautiful Jewish granchildren.
why do you imply things out of nothing??? i never said we were pagans or anything actually, i just wont allow atheists because most have zero self reflection capabilities and are arrogant assholes like you
Discord is working w/antifa to dox you retards. It’s a honeypot
i know, we will probably move there in the future