Is the UK goverment sending troll onto Jow Forums to defend things it does

with what looks like schilling in a few other threads it looks like that could be the case.

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Other urls found in this thread:

No, now move along. Nothing to see here.

Wouldn't put it past them.
I know for a fact that Macron is paying shills to post everywhere on the internet, both French and international websites : news articles, forums, etc.
They write about how great he is, how much of a game changer his politics are, how he'll bring prosperity...
This is fucking sad.

Lets stop before the thought police come
If this is true the UK may be using the Russian troll label as one for anyone that disagrees with them.

There are a whole bunch of soros backed organisations, all with vast financial assets from their overlord, doing it for them - the politicians are already in support of staying in the eu despite what they may say in public and they have no problem communicating between the 'party whips' and the soros-NGO's to propogandise social media.
It's a war for these people and every asset is being brought to bear.

it's true

we already have their doxx. and we know who they get their drugs from.

Attached: the best scoop.png (1204x325, 206K)

Yes, those threads in /britpol/ are.
All those tripfags are government agents derailing all and any political discussion.

>government agents
Sharia blue/JIDF

/britpol/ is a skinner box of agents and shills

Jow Forums is irrelevant and has little to no impact on the outside world. The government would not waste tax money on such an endeavour, we have more important things to do.

Are you saying the kikes are not shilling 24/7

Didn't nu/pol/ defend that midget cunt for being le based fuhrer for calling himself the son of jupiter while at the same time shitting on journos, which caused the media kvetching?

They swarm all over the Daily Mail comment threads

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Dude, are you sure it is shills? I have a guy in my uni-class that repeats those exact words you wrote...
I was like, Marine le Pen would be better... and he was like, no...

UK goverment troll detected

It's be pretty funny if they were because the closest thing to defense of the UK government have just been people saying how muchnthey love having no freedom.

source nigger

>Russian troll label as one for anyone that disagrees with them.

There is no source but with all the shill replies in threads on Jow Forums this could well be true

>government would not waste tax money
You might have had a good argument till you said this.

every major government has some shills here and on other social media, also many conglomerates and international orgs

Show your flag

I would be so much better at their job than them it's maddening.

There are no paid shills on Jow Forums because we don't matter to anyone important in the slightest. It would be a waste of money anyway, because people here will endlessly argue positions they don't agree with purely for (You)'s. What's the fucking point of hiring someone to shill when people here will do it for free under the guise of irony?

There are definitely bots that upload bait threads whenever something big happens

hello jidf

That is a fair point but if you look at what Jow Forums can do when people come together such as locating the flag with no clues. This may be why they could pay people to shill


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Dude there here always.

Trying stop freedom speech and the truth comeing out

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The UK government and the EU made too many mistakes and now is the time to pay for them.

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They're called shitposters. You probably think there are magic bots on /v/ that steal Steam keys; the reality is there's just some asshole with Steam open who can copy and paste the key in less than two seconds. I get why you want Jow Forums to be important, but we aren't.





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I always assumed this, cause most 'leafs' are fucking cancer on this board.

The UK is perfectly within it's rights to do this.
I thought you far right Nazis cared about free speech.

fake and gay

Attached: fake.jpg (470x330, 40K)

The point I was making was if it is doing it, they are being hypocritical when they call out countries like Russia

It's possible that this genderqueer individual is infact a metrocop from their cybercrime division.

>because we don't matter to anyone important in the slightest.
This apart from during happenings and high-profile events.

10, maybe even 8 years ago I would have agreed with you, but these days? We don't achieve anything

nothing like that happens he-

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>kitchen knives are too sharp!

none the biggest troll of all time can't defend this.

hey guys barron trump is actually behind all the cuck threads on /gif/
I have no proof and if you refute this you are a shill btw

Attached: Donald+Trump+Barron+Trump+President+Trump+3GDhp7L7KoNl.jpg (600x400, 49K)