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Other urls found in this thread:

>forgot to take off my meme flag

>Was I a shitty president?
>No, it was the voters who were wrong.

What’s with this big foot style photo

what the fuck happened with posting archive links in op posts

Protip: Obama was wrong. The law and constitution is on the conservative side. The day of the noose is coming.

The nigger can’t even pick the right memeflag for the post


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kek, of course he was wrong. I remember when his advisor in 2012 straight up said the democratic party didn't care about the working white class vote anymore. They honestly thought they had the demographic battle already won, and that working class whites were so stupid they wouldn't notice the pace at which everything was changing. I thought it was stupid at the time, and 4 years later when the niggers didn't have king nigger to turn out for
What an egregious error. That's why they don't really intimidate me, and shouldn't you either. They aren't actually that smart .. years of diversity hires and inbreeding diseases of their masters have taken a toll. Keep fighting.


Lol obama always does such a lanky faggot walk

Lauren southern is a fat nigger fucking kike slut

>What if we were wrong
WOW, just wow, THAT is NOT what SHE needs to hear RIGHT NOW!

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I don't go to e-celeb threads and I occasionally have this posted at me
was there some autistic finn supporting southern?

Gas yourself

did he jump?

>pay attention to meeeeeeee

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danke schön

Sadly no.

>Sadly no.
But he's still running for office AFAIK.

>about to commit suicide
>better post this on social media
wow, he's really nailed the part of being a woman, kudos

Obama needs to be killed. That nigger was the worst president we have ever seen

probably second most famous scandi on this site right after archivebro

oy vey

you meant to say nordic there mate

>much Russia
Jesus Christ can these people not write a single article without bringing up Russia?

These people cannot accept reality. I've read some shit in my day but this is some glorious bullshit.

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They have to cast blame on someone. They would never dare take responsibility for their own terrible candidate losing the election. Everyone else is to blame!!! It was stolen from them!!! They are the victim!!!

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that entire story is classic narrative building and propaganda. They made sure to make Obama seem superior and "ahead of his time", they included that he knew nothing about the FBI probe (how?), and what Obama's legacy should be (a bunch of foreign policy failures). Finally it concludes that the guy is going to do everything possible to bring down Trump from the shadows.

Literally fucking shook

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>big foot style photo
Bigfoot confirmed

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She cute

Ben "we got the media to print whatever we told them to print with zero fact checking" Rhodes

I'd hit it

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so glad my vote to repudiate this feckless POS made him get the sad feels.

it probably 'shook' him because of all the dirt and the utter destruction of his bullshit socialist war on americans would be coming to an end. go fuck yourself, i dont care one bit what this guy thinks or feels, we're glad to be rid of this anti-american piece of shit.

Soccer is so fucking gay sometimes omg

God, what a bunch of bullshit.

>I set up the economy for him

Obviously by "set up", you mean "presided over the slowest economic recovery in history due to my retarded policies".

Just a show of hands in this thread.

Who hasn't roleplayed as a lefty on Jow Forums?

Because you're too much of a faggot to post an archive I'll do it for you.

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>you'll never get to fuck Obama's hot CIA mom

I miss Norbro

Ben-yamin Jew Roads

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At least we get to watch future Obama programming on Netflix. That's gonna be so great.

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LOL. Trump literally trolled the entire liberal world. lmao

I told this to a retard once and he said it's misleading because it was also the biggest recession since the great depression.
I then showed him that the rate of economic recovery has been independent of the recovery's severity.
He just plugged his ears.
Obama can get away with saying his perpetual nonsense because he's king nigger and nobody think's it's possible for him to be wrong about something.
On top of Obama's shit policies he also reluctantly had to keep the GW tax breaks because they were helping, after he promised to get rid of them.
People who don't criticize Obammy are living on a different planet.


>Jesus Christ can these people not write a single article without bringing up Russia?
No, they cannot. In fact, they have to keep on doubling down on the same line, just so they can hold on to what little sanity they may have left, and even that is slipping fast...
Descent into madness!

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He's not shook you moron. He doesn't understand, he'll never understand, but that doesn't mean he's shook. He's a demagogue. They don't realize their error of their ways.

I love how they frame their propaganda in these sorts of narrative signpost pieces.
>But days later, Mr. Obama seemed less sanguine. “I don’t know,” he told aides. “Maybe this is what people want. I’ve got the economy set up well for him. No facts. No consequences. They can just have a cartoon.”
Yeah, great setup. He had just completed the doubling of the national debt, from $10 trillion to just a tick under $20 trillion, the stock market had been stuck at about 17k for a year, home ownership as a percentage of population was at an all time low, wages were declining, meaningful (non-service) jobs were disappearing (and he had already publicly reminded the world in a speech that no "magic wand" would bring them back). But, sure, King Nigger had single-handedly set up the economy for Trump. Sure.

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We know you plebbit upboat addicted faggots larp for (You)s, it's not something to be proud of

Me too. With a crowbar

not even once
god is my witness

If it was any other candidate i belive hillary would have won that election simply because the white house would have been able to push the narrative they wanted. The Republican candidate would have played by the same playbook. It was because Trump was a wildcard that Dems could not pin him down and still cant

What a great fucking election this was.

Haha cry more obammy

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user, did you just assume their gender?

decent rack.

even the comment layouts are almost identical to the one yesterday...weird..


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>maybe I was 10-20 years too early
Holy fuck what a narcissist.

the only thing that shakes on oblowme are his hands as he lights the crack pipe, and his legs as "Big Mike" penetrates his balloon knot with his man pole.

I read this CIA shit a lot, but can find no proof.
What possible use would a coal burning lib-tard be other than to ensnare some nogs and get knocked up?

those aren't tears.

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Exactly. Jeb or someone else would have constantly been apologizing about dumb shit in hopes that the media would be nice to them. Trump fought back and singled out the media as the main problem. Fuck, I loved that.

>we destroyed the world
>... again.
>why werent the foolish simple people ready for our global revolution?
>they werent ready for our vision
>next time, for sure

Fuck that nigger. The JewYT and the rest of the kikes need to fuck off and quit giving that globalist niggerfaggot air time. He couldn't even throw a fucking baseball 60 1/2 ft

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Have you watched the new HBO documentary with him in it?
A random girl is Laos tells Ben that Trump will probably win and he just dismissed her (June of 16). He thinks he's so fucking smart, when literal who's off the street in a backwater had a better pulse on politics than him.

Why did he wear a White Sox jacket when throwing out the first pitch for a different team?

He still doesn't get it... He just thinks he was '10-20 years too early'

Yes, Barry, just wait 20 years and surely everyone will be aligned with your vision.

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think this is the closest I came to a lefty flag, cause I liked the parallel design to swastika

you are one of the good ones

>Why did he wear a White Sox jacket
Probably because he's a Chicongo nigger

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Peter Baker....every fucking time... he's a Jew

fucking delusional

The first three paragraphs of this piece of shit article makes it unbelievable this nigger faggot was President of the United States.

Fuck Obama, fuck this nigger.

>t. former two time Obama voter who won't ever vote Democrat again.

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This from a man who wroth a 150000 word memoir about diccovering and embracing his own tribal identity

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This fucking nigger ran on the idea of a post-racial society suckering young retarded liberals in with this idea and then instigated a goddamn cold race war in this country while bringing in these cocksucking communists who have destroyed our media and are trying to destroy our culture and country.

This cocksucking from the left of this fucking fraud is unbelievable.

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>what if we were wrong?
>what if people are just too fucking retarded for our 200 IQ decisions
fucking hell


Why the fuck would I even jokingly do that?

>bringing in these cocksucking communists who have destroyed our media and are trying to destroy our culture and country.

The rest of your post is pretty spot on, but this is ridiculous. The media has been a pack of communist enemy agents for half a century. Obama didnt "bring in" anything there.

tldr his "what if we were wrong," is not actually thinking they were wrong, but just thinking he was too enlightened, high IQ, and "too early" to push his ideology. Then the rest are the article is claiming white people are too tribal and racist, and need to overcome themselves.

Do over the top parody/joke posts count if some nuckledragger dudnt get it and thought i was a real lefty?

>maybe we pushed to far

He unintentionaly talks in the terms of alinskey and marxists.

i did it on a communism general but only to post the gommunism copypasta

you da real mvp
ty user

>a whore trying to sell their book.


Its genuinely sad. One day 1 of his first term, all white people in the world were ready to leave racism behind. Seriously.
By the end of his last day of his second term, white people were trying to figure out ways to keep their society together.

I'll let you be the judge of who changed what.

>Black father leaving


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>if only the entire country could understand the humor of rick and morty

>that age old contempt for non elites
Its like I'm reading nigger hamilton
>backhanded """introspection"""
>no self awareness

>the media is against us
t. leftists
always cracks me up