Do they?
Well Jow Forums?
Not in my experience
can confirm, they do love the raep
rough sex yes
>shared bathroom
Fuck off with your shill thread and head back to Twitter with the other shitters
the amount of time it would take to wet toilet paper and arrange that, someone would walk in.
I bet she did it herself.
>This is disgusting. What is wrong with people.
Sounds like kink shaming to me. Shut your mouth, bigot.
Yup. Womens number one fantasy is being overpowered and having zero control. They have evolved to want men who rape as they were the ones with a high status in the tribal enviroment who could take women as they pleased. Nothing turns a women off more than a man asking for permission, their evolutionary instincts kick in and their vag drys up.
This is just another example of women projecting their true desires in the hopes of being raped.
A woman made that.
>2012 unisex bathrooms now, urinals are patriarchy
>2018 unisex bathrooms are rape dungeons pls segregate
>2020 there are now 100 genders each bathroom is defacto unisex
>2022 we need cameras in bathrooms to prevent rapes
$20 says she did it herself five seconds before she took the picture.
100% true
no guy would make a heart and keep it so tidy
hey rabbi, whatcha doin?
kind of like how feminists want totaliterian patryarchy called islam
Acually that doesnt happen to normal women just your western minded white whores who just love taking huge cock
stop it Ahmed!
Oh cool, my old uni.
Female writing
Yup. Give a women power and she will immediately begin working to undermine her tribe and replace it with more dominant outsiders in the hope she is conquered. In a womens mind you have failed the shit-test by giving her a position above a baby maker.
no guy did that
Wat'ya doing, Rabbi?
Well, they love muslim "migrants" so it must be true.
All women have evolved to want the same type of man, the one that give them the biggest evolutional advantage, I.E a chad rapist.
He doesn't do it because he hates girls but for the ample monetary compensation and luxury apartment he gets from the Swedish government for a few months after every rape.
It had to be a chick. It's chick handwriting. Plus dudes would have left a shit.
>meme flag
Kys faggot
>uni girls heart rape
a girls did this a guy would have just drawn a penis and be done with it
I can't imagine any guy taking the time to make the perfect toilet paper heart without pissing all over it
You have got to be fucking kidding me, read this shit lmao
Lol Sven
This. Aussie with the bants.
oy vey..
It's a woman's handwriting. 99% chance of it being her, and 1% being another girl. Checking CCTV footage of who entered the toilet, and how long they were in there will reveal who did it.
They usually come around eventually.
Every single fucking time