Why does the media openly demonise white men?

Do they think they don’t notice it? Do they think it’ll actually help them achieve what they want to achieve? It seems so stupid, if you really wanted to destroy white men you’d just do what they’ve been doing for the last 50 years through continuous slow boiling. This is so sudden and vulgar that it’ll end up having the opposite effect. Are we fighting against complete retards?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Are we fighting against complete retards?
White people are naturally better.
So much better that we encourage retards to do better, but don't realize these tards aren't up to the same level as whites.
At this point they are just pushing and hoping we chimp out

You already did chimp out at Charlottesville and killed off what was left of your "movement" for good.

They're right, you know.


> Charlottesville was the movement
> Charlottesville killed THE movement


>inability to recognize white privilege
As a racist a can tell you that white privilege is real but biological

>pat little in second place in california
Try again you fucking commie anglo

The left sure is scared of racism. Racism is too powerful for them to control. So as long as the left is anti-racist I will be sure to be extra racist.

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One kid sperged out and we hold the magnifying glass to it, but we don't look too closely to see that he didn't actually kill anybody because that didn't fit the narrative.

If the entire right was too he punished for this I wish he would have committed and mowed over as many onions hippies as that dodge could catch..

Such a long list and only one point would be enough:
>HIS skin is white
there, left, this is how you meme

>Charlottesville chimp out
Of you think that was white people chimping out, you are in for a big surprise.

Sometimes I like to wonder if antifa, sjws, gamergate, etc., all the crazies responsible for the rise of the alt right or whatever you want to call it, are actually right wingers in disguise false flagging. But I think in truth they're just legitimate retards.

you're an ignorant fool who believes in lies

I'm not defending Spencer and his cohort of adoring morons but what happened in Charlottesville and what you believe happened at Charlottesville are different things
>stop being a faggot

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This. The aut right failed, hardly surprising since they're 100% losers and cringelords.

Take a guess.

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Antifa are cultural marxist cucks sucking jewish cock. Nothing more.

we should send niggers to live in these peoples' houses

if you don't believe in borders at a national level, why would you believe in borders at a personal level? LET THEM IN. You're not a fucking white supremacist are you?

Leftists tend to hate anything that has an image of being strong, good and successful. They hate America, they hate Western civilization, they hate white males, they hate rationality. The reasons that leftists give for hating the West, etc. clearly do not correspond with their real motives. They SAY they hate the West because it is warlike, imperialistic, sexist, ethnocentric and so forth, but where these same faults appear in socialist countries or in primitive cultures, the leftist finds excuses for them, or at best he GRUDGINGLY admits that they exist; whereas he ENTHUSIASTICALLY points out (and often greatly exaggerates) these faults where they appear in Western civilization. Thus it is clear that these faults are not the leftist’s real motive for hating America and the West. He hates America and the West because they are strong and successful.

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Yes, keep telling lower class white men that they are the illegitimate rulers of society. Nothing radicalizes them into right wingers faster.

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Our movement is STRONG buddy.



They forgot these tell-tale signs:

>has job
>has family
>is heterosexual
>has car
>eat meat
>drinks milk

Oh no I'm red green color blind :( I can never not be racist. Full 1488 it is.

none of you idiots actually listen to TGO or Jared taylor and call them jews and then lean towards a shitty outadted 1930s ideology exactly like the retarded left does with communism


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>Are we fighting against complete retards?
Are you calling yourself a retard kike?

I said in another thread that white nationalists shoot themselves in the foot because this movement attracts too many double-digits who blame everything on others. Just look through the comment section of that first video. Jared made an excellent speech about how to make WN more mainstream and those idiots keep going on about da JOOOZ.

People who watch JT, TGO and Varg's videos should know that the true Aryan Spirit is about being the best, not unloading on others.

>those idiots keep going on about da JOOOZ.
Are you honestly defending the jews?

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I don't care about jews. I care about my people. But low IQ, weak incel whites are not my people. If you want to blame others for your problems then please kindly do us all a favor and move to an atoll in the middle of the pacific with the rest of your kind so we are not tainted by your presence.

even if they are right, and all those signs are reliable indicators of "racism," the worst has already begun: indifference.

I've long since stopped caring about the "struggles" of the "marginalized" and will not help them. they're only value is to be exploited.


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Shit like this makes me think antifa is really a clever white supremacy cover.

fuck off Ahmed
If it wasn't for White liberal idiots the Jew media would have no power


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Keep burying your grave kikes


Damage control.

>Color blindness
>As in someone who is, or is attempting to, not consider race as a factor
>This person is racist

Not surprising when you live in a country that bans assault spoons, you see guys carrying torches as some sort of armed revolt.

false flag. I like it.

>white supremacy
what the fuck

Fine, I can grant them that extreme patriotism may correlate well with white supremacists in historically white countries, same with fetishizing European identity.
But supporting militarizing the police in a time when protestors destroy private property and gangs roam the streets armed to the teeth?
Following MLKj:s dream?
Not recognizing a made up term? If anything it is jewish, female or black privilege.
And being anti immigration, wtf?

That fucker holding the paper is a self hating racist towards whites.

Just be honest, you never really cared in the first place.

I know the feel user-senpai.... I know the feel.