Las Vegas shooting

So has anyone figured what really happened in the Las Vegas shooting and what department was behind it?

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Assassination attempt on Crown Prince Salaman that went bad.

Never will they had it pinned on Osama in an hour but a citizen of this country they pretend to have no idea.

False flag

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Quick run down? Was this the march for our lives thing?

It was clearly a lone gunman with a bump stock capable of firing 600 rounds per minute. The fact that the sound stops as the helicopter went behind the building is a cohencidence.

i have no idea what to think anymore. if the windows weren't broken where the fuck was the shooting coming from?

nice b8 m8


Multiple shooters confirmed

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it was a lone wolf with mental health issues

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>Attempt to assassinate Saudis
>Fuck it up
>Fire hundreds of rounds at civilians...just because?
Never understood this conspiracy theory

fbi nigger tried to sell guns to two muzzie cunts and got his skull blown to shit for his handlers being retarded faggots

muzzie cunts take guns and open fire on whitey in the concert

You forgot to cat post you glow in the dark CIA nigger

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>FBI-JTTF led by Andrew McCabe

One crazy white Republican gun-nut. Sadly the terrorists organization that radicalized him (the NRA) and got him access to this weapon is still at large.

the window wasn't broken though. i doubt any shots came out of MB except for the 308 in the other room

BIg nose if Jew

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i know this is bait but

It was the Mossad

also MBS was supposed to be the guy getting escorted out of the tropicana right?
the tropicana is one of the dingiest casinos in vegas, probably the last place a saudi prince would want to gamble in.

>Salaman was in the last casino you'd expect.
>Can't be true!
There should be an intelligence test for posting on Jow Forums
Yes, he was slumming it so he wouldn't be found, cuz assassins.

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Lol no sweetie.

Paddock is confirmed ISIS.

- Z

fuck off back to plebbit

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multiple shoots from some place

Put yourself in the assassins shoes. It's fucked up bit sense can be drawn from the absurdity.

To begin with, the Saudi deep state had been, at least at the time, a coalition of his rogue sons. They attempted to kill the king on behalf of (((Satanic))) interests because he was complying with every policy request Trump (their no.1 international enemy) was asking if him in order to do business. This threatens his conspirator son's power for reasons that are obvious & not worth stressing to explain this moment.

You failed, the plot failed, if you don't do anything or surrender the evidence to pull the whole beast down will be extracted from your to-be tortured mind.

Contingency plan: machine gun the crowd as an enormous smokescreen. Produce so much noise & chaos that, at the very least, you cover the actions of the botched operation, from the planning to the attempt itself.

Maybe what comes around goes around, as we later witnessed the head cobspirators die to the Saudi gov via sabotage, but at least your squad wassnt directly responsible for blowing open Moloch's temple gates.

what las vegas shooting?

Some people just arent capable of critical thought user.

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it was Oswald III

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Damn I completely forgot this even happened.

Only things we know for certain.
1 The FBI lied and is continuing to lie about what they know.

2Employees of the Mandalay Bay were kept in an empty movie theater until 2 am while SWAT searched for multiple shooters on the fourth floor.

3. Las Vegas Sheriff had already announced it was a lone gunman and the case was closed while officers were still actively trying to locate the other gunmen.

4 Footage has emerged of three men in black with rifles who were actually right in the middle of the concert grounds shooting at point blank range

John Brennan operation