She got what she deserved.
Don't be an entitled know it all bitch to cop's in the future, and then you won't get punched and arrested.
She got what she deserved
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I hate bait threads.
Not gonna click your stupid link to get your jewtube hits.
of cause, there was never any doubt
>9 minutes
Give me a QRD and timestamp the action.
why did you add an apostrophe to pluralize the noun cop?
Yep, retarded jewess
She sounds drunk or retarded
You have to watch the whole thing to get perspective on the situation.
Bitch I thought you wanted to be equal...
>bitch is underage
Lmao she is gonna look like shit when she's older
>hitting a woman
>done by cops
so conflicted
Why are we not allowed to hit women again?
She did nothing wrong you bootlicker.
Found the roastie
At least when I was young, and stupid, I would drink with my friends in the privacy of one of their homes. The idiot got what she deserved.
Thot patrolled
Found the slave
>you fucking dirt ball
>you fucking white piece of trash
Yet nobody will say anything, The other way around and it would be a racist hate crime and her life would be ruined.
Found the virgin
Nigger lover.
Hahaha! Woah user I never thought of this!
Did anyone count the number of white knight cucks that attacked the cops while that shit was going on? I swear to fucking God, this country needs fascism. People are degenerate, stupid, and psychotic. They have no respect for anything, not even themselves. Some people need to have respect beaten into them, or they're just insane.
so you cant drink alcohol in the beach then? lmao
Heh. Wildwood. Wildwood is where black and Puerto Rican thugs from NYC and Philadelphia go to spread their filth and chaos on a beach. Everything bad that happens to people in Wildwood is well deserved. And expected.
>resisting arrest
>"20" years olds already With a 2 years old daughter
>calls policeman "white piece of shit"
>I'm a woman you cant hit me!
She is a sexist, racist, brown supremacist.
The cop was a cunt. She was no threat to anyone and the way he acted was wholly disproportionate. I hope he loses his fucking job.
Her name is Emily Weinman.
I think she is one of yours.
Entitled shitskin got what she deserved. What state was this in?
He shouldn't be allowed to be a cop anymore. Anybody who can't restrain a 100 lb woman without punching her in the face is a weak little bitch.
Kick a cop, get karate chopped!
There was no reason to arrest her. Perfectly peaceful scene until cocksucking cops turn up
It's a holdover from a time when women weren't just shitty men.
she was breaking the law you retard
YES!!! whoop that THOT!!
Well my statement still stand true she is a sexist racist brown supremacist
>there was no reason to arrest her
>its perfectly fine to arrest tommy robinson
She was drinking on the beach dude. That shit is banned in most Jersey shore towns because if it wasn't, then the entire beach would be filled with drunk thugs and their chaotic roasties and families would be driven from the town - you know, the people that actually spend money in these places.
And it's already like that, you've got countless idiots like this roast beef who sneak alcohol onto the beach and drink it when they think nobody's looking. It'd be a thousand times worse if they just let it happen.
>According to court documents, she was arrested back in Sept. 2016 and charged with burglary, simple assault, criminal mischief, criminal trespass and recklessly endangering another person. Just over a year later in Nov. 2017, she pleaded guilty to misdemeanor simple assault and misdemeanor “recklessly endangering another person.” Her sentence was four years probation and she had to pay just under $10,000 for court costs and restitution.
She is a real piece of work. Will spend most of her life in and out of various prisons and will have plenty of future fist fights with the police.
>Anybody who can't restrain a 100 lb woman without punching her in the face is a weak little bitch.
I think you don't understand most things cops are not allowed to do.
I'm not that strong but I would have subdued her by bending her arm or taking her by the neck, but it's a move they are not allowed to do.
But they are allowed to hit if necessary, which was the case.
I'm possessed by deeeemons
She was definitely being a stupid annoying cunt, but I do think the punches were completely unnecessary. Although at the end of the day I don't think they really hurt her much.
>blow into this
No thanks
>where's your aunt
I don't answer questions
Bretty simple
i've already seen this episode of jersey shore.
>mfw life imitates art
wtf i love cops now
Holy flaming bags of shit. Get the fuck off this board you reddit homosex!
I get that and for once im on the side of the cops, but arnt you guys allowed to drink on the beach?
I love how the cops immediately jump on the guy defending himself lol
Is she really jewish?
Not on that beach.
>Goes on a right wing authoritarian board
>Complains about police acting authoritarian
>Everyone disagrees
>Y-you’re dumb
>it's illegal to say shit to cops
why the fuck do civilizians come up and try to interfere
what the fuck
Does she look jewish?
private beaches like in front of hotels usually.
Some public beaches, but they have designated areas and no glass etc. but underage drinkers and niggers is why we can't have nice things
Leeel when he's fucking her up the subtitles say
>I'm a woman you're not allowed to hit me like that!
There it is folks
>I love how the cops immediately jump on the guy defending himself lol
They didn't see the entire thing, he was holding her on a choke hold when they arrived, it was proper reaction.
I don't know what your beaches are like, but the Jersey shore is not the place you want people drinking on the beach. It's filled with teenagers and twenty-somethings who are just there to party. If you think a beach filled with drunk horny young men and drama-fueled roasties is a tenable situation, well, it's not in Wildwood. Some of the towns, like Ocean City, ban alcohol from the city limits altogether, because they don't want to invite the chaos that these people bring.
Cops deserve fun too.
ooohj you have a permit to drink on the beach??
fucked up burger BS
Unjust laws demand civil disobedience. Keep sucking cock cuckboy. Never complain. Follow every law they impose on you. Some of us dont need laws to know how to behave, we govern ourselves regardless of 'laws'
>She was definitely being a stupid annoying cunt, but I do think the punches were completely unnecessary
Necessary in order to subdue her, she was resisting arrest, he had to apply sufficient force in order to proceed to the arrest.
It's standard procedure.
i'd stick my dick in her pussy if you know what i mean...
Not that beach, no. You also can not consume alcohol under whatever the state law is.. and all states have legislated 21 to be the minimum age. She's 20.
Be honest Jow Forums
Would you?
oh man that was a beautiful example of some uppity bitch finally getting what she always knew she deserved.
Punch her?
You can say whatever the fuck you want to police.. what you can't do, however, is resist arrest. You also can't kick the police, as she did. Are those things that are tolerated in your 3rd world shithole?
one of my favorite beaches. not only can 21 and over drink, you can drive on it
One thing I can't figure out is why they have a tent on the beach? I haven't been to the beach in awhile (unfortunately), but I don't remember people bring camping tents... anyone familiar with this custom?
bootlickers and incels can say she deserved it, but for the most part, these useless cops could be doing way more useful shit than arresting and beating the fuck out of someone because they had a cooler full of booze on a beach
God I love my country so much
COurse I would. I'd just wear a thick condom
Ahh get fucked, he gave a few little taps to set her straight, not like he wound up and put her teeth in.
She acted like a cunt and got treated like a cunt.
Being civil costs nothing and everything goes better for everyone involved. I fucking hate police. I especially hate English police. If they came to talk to me or tell me to stop doing something I behave myself, act civil and comply. Quickest way to get them to fuck off. If I feel I've been aggrieved I go through appropriate channels.
I don't fucking chimp out like a nigger in front of my infant child, screaming and kicking and hurling epithets at them like they're just going to stand up and go 'oh shit, sorry, didn't realise you didn't want to be arrested, okay we'll leave you to it'.
She's getting arrested. End of story. It's up to her how it goes down. She didn't make a point. She didn't fight the system. All she did was make a total fucking cunt out of herself for everyone to see.
What kind of mutt normie retard cop says "yo, you're about to get dropped" lmao
The cellphone webm was better. This actually makes the incident look worse. You can see in the cellphone vid that the punches weren't even real punches. The bodycam video punches are just a blur. Combined with the bitch yelling about the invulnerability that her vagina is supposed to impart and it starts to look a little bad for the cop. That said, anyone who claims that their pussy makes them immune to being punched deserves to be punched at least once in their lifetime so I side with the cop.
>These law enforcement officers surely have something better to do than enforce the law
is he fluent in THOT
But he's right you beta white knight
Basic gestalt?
If I was trying to arrest that dumb cunt after putting up with her shit for several minutes, then she screamed and struggled about me "choking" her when I obviously wasn't, I'd probably be tempted to punch her as well.
At the same time, I have a fair bit of first hand experience of cops in my own country that just love an excuse to jump straight to beating the shit out of people (unless they're brown, of course), so probably fuck both of these people.
Fucking Pigs I hate them
this is VERY common, this is what happens when women grow up pampered and entitled to everything and know no limits
>I'm an attorney and you have no idea how many hot women are generally surprised that their absurdly illegal actions exceeded what their looks could get them out of.
>10/10 white skinny blonde girl weighs maybe 95 lbs
>never arrested before
>i get assigned the case and read the report of her arrest
>girl maced a cop and tried run away from 2 cops escorting her out of a bar she had been asked to leave and wouldn't
>she ate shit and broke her ankle, like 15 feet away.
>girl was unable to comprehend that she had committed a life altering felony.
>"but i didn't mean it"
>"it's not my fault" ect
>plead it down from a felony, b-but she got 90 days and long probation, with an ankle monitor so no drinking.
"Resisting arrest" is a buzzword cops use to kick your shit with impunity
Piece of trash. Thinks she can be disrespectful and vile and there are no consequences because she's a woman.
listen, asshole, you can drink on plenty of beaches that say not to, she was a cunt from the gate, and cunts dont get a pass anymore, we're fucking tired of it. so you can fuck off. she got what she deserved and i hope they charge her with everything they can.
bad for the cop? what the hell did you watch? this lil snowflake looks like an entitled bitch. she breaks 3 or 4 laws and the cops actually went easy on her. she has no case whatsoever.
fkn leaf.
"Resisting arrest" is a jewish invention cops learned when they get trained by mossad in Israel
land of freedom
that would apply to the ministry of love that black bagged Tommy but not to this bitch