Applying this logic it must be offensive to wave us, uk, German or France flags, since there is ton of blood on them.
Camden Anderson
>not making money >not getting yourself out of your current situation >arguing about it on Jow Forums >providing nothing to yourself or the people around you without capitalism you wouldnt have your nice computer and basement to sit around all day and argue about how shitty your country is. in any other country you'd be on the streets begging for food or working 16 hours a day just to have the government give you cheese
Leo Cruz
>an ideology vs a nation Stop being dense
Ryan Ramirez
Because the only thing Socialism has proven good for time and time again throughout history is creating such horrible living conditions that people take up armed revolution against it out of spite
Socialism is just the same kind of control as capitalism by the same kind of people, except with a hand around your throat instead of a hand on your leash
Brayden Edwards
>He thinks Belarus is capitalist We are Soviet Union-lite
Eli Stewart
All of those flags represent an ideology though. British flag represents unionism and imperialism. US flag represents liberalism. French flag represents liberalism.
Asher Anderson
Socialism works when it's homogenous. Otherwise it collapses.
Elijah Taylor
I would even allow you this mental gymnastic, but nation flags also represent MANY things, and most people who wave them are in support of the country, NOT some 'ideology' behind it. They put their own ideology in the flag.
The Nazi and Commie flags represent ONLY ideology now.
Nicholas Lopez
Don't be retarded Foreign groups and nations don't take up the Union Flag or Tricolore because they feel strongly about liberalism or imperialism
Caleb Cox
Nazi maybe but Communist flag is associated with other things than just Communist rule in the former USSR.
But they do. The reason the tricolour even became the standard flag design was to show that they had adopted liberalism. They just change the colours on it.
As for the union flag the UK flag is still a feature on the flags of many nations that were created through British imperialism. It still is a symbol of imperial ideology to this day.
Charles Long
>But they do But the Japanese empire didn't adopt the Union Flag and the USA didn't adopt la Tricolore you brainlet Yes there's a history with but they aren't specifically ubiquitous logos of an ideology Please just stop either being intellectually dishonest with either yourself or me, it's really tiring and you must feel at least slightly embarrassed saying things you don't believe
Leo Morris
Ah yes, Socialism creates the most unlivable shitholes, like Norway and Finland.
Because fascism actually does the "anti degeneracy" shit and it is not side affect of socialist isolationism and the purpose of it is just that. Not to create a united workers state like something Karl Marx would envision.
Nathan Collins
>Socialism creates the most unlivable shitholes, like Norway and Finland. Kek You're a memeflaggot and this post is so flawed I don't know where to begin It's probably bait
Brayden Perry
those countries would be utopia's in every sense of the word if not for the liberal democratic part / importing brown people
Name one country that has prospered under socialism. You cant. The Nordic countries aren't socialist and the socialist economic policies they have employed are stagnating their economies. China did not prosper until it adopted a mixed market implementing capitalist policies.
There is no system in the history of mankind that has lifted more people out of poverty and given them agency over their own economic outcome than capitalism.
Ryan Cooper
>That wants migrants to bring cheap labour? That's the globalists and corporatists, lad. Learn then difference.
Ryan Myers
>The Nordic countries aren't socialist >free university >free healthcare >pensions for everyone >highest percentage of workers belonging to a labour union and it isn't even close >Norway's government owns half the stock market
If you had more than a Jow Forums education you'd know that everything I said was 100% true. None of these countries saw success until implementing capitalistic economic policy. Just because you are too ignorant to understand the difference between economic policy and government structure doesn't negate anything I said.
People actually discussing economic policy and not taking race into consideration. You do realize that Norway is going to be better than China no matter what system right?
Owen Gutierrez
Norway was always a successful country pleb
Jonathan Price
If making everyone pay 50% income tax so you can redistribute the wealth and give everyone free shit isn't socialism, what is?
>hurf durf no country is socialist if I just change the definition of socialism on a whim
>You do realize that Norway is going to be better than China no matter what system right?
Yeah not in 50 or 60 years when Norway is 25% Muslim (not counting Africans) and China is the most powerful ethnically homogenous empire the world has ever seen.
Angel Russell
Soviet flag can represent soviet nation, tovarich. Yes, there is a lot of blood on this flag, no argue about that, but good things were done under it aswell. Think that soviet time was only gulag and repression is retarded
Michael Morris
> Yeah not in 50 or 60 years when Norway is 25% Muslim (not counting Africans) and China is the most powerful ethnically homogenous empire the world has ever seen I obviously made clear that success of a country was tied to the demographics
Kevin Kelly
>missing my point entirely and injecting a completely different argument I'm done, you're a brainlet who doesn't even have basic reading comprehension. Probably why you think socialism causes prosperity. It doesnt; it only inhibits prosperity.
Liam Collins
>"How do we get rid of da ebil j00s controlling everything?" >Well they control everything through capitalist owned means of production and the top 1% owning more money than the bottom 80%, whilst that 1% is made up by around 50% Jews and 50% everyone else, so clearly the best way to get rid of the Jews controlling everything would just be to destroy capitalism and take away the one thing that gives them their power >"REEE JEWISH PSYOP"
Jow Forums in a nutshell
Levi Phillips
>durp durp every country that doesn't have Juche self reliance no exports/imports is capitalist
Evan Wright
Socialism is shit Communism is shit Capitalism is shit
Now deal with it. All of them are imperfect because humans are imperfect.
Colton Reed
No you obviously didn't make anything clear. You said Norway is going to be better than China no matter what system. OBVIOUSLY under liberal democratic socialism the demographics are allowed to change. National Socialism is the only system that can stop the inevitable end of Norwegian way of life.
Benjamin Phillips
>but nation flags also represent MANY things nation flag represent only one thing - a spook known as """nation""".
Jaxon Robinson
>I make wild assumptions, put words in other people's mouths and argue against things they never claimed in the first place Are you a moron or schizophrenic?
Tyler Nelson
That's definitely what you're claiming, and since all your replies are just "dude fuck this ur just stupid im fuckin leaving lmao" I am forced to make your argument for you and try my best to argue against it.
Lucas Stewart
I implied that the system was going to be successful as long as Norway was Norwegian. I made it obviously clear...
Jaxson Wright
>All of them are imperfect but socialism is a step forward, while capitalism is decadence and degeneracy that holds humanity back. we need a guillotine for the jew.
>What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.…. Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities…. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange…. The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general.
Owen Jones
>Literally retconing history because Marx had some superficial criticism of Jews
Angel Price
you are a puppet of russia you only survive by russian gibs
Dylan Hall
ok ?but he was a jew
Caleb Morris
Amen. Capitalism must be destroyed, before it destroys us all.